path: root/misc/pylib/robofab/interface/all/
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/pylib/robofab/interface/all/')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/pylib/robofab/interface/all/ b/misc/pylib/robofab/interface/all/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..460b73f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/pylib/robofab/interface/all/
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ Dialogs for FontLab 5.1.
+ This might work in future versions of FontLab as well.
+ This is basically a butchered version of vanilla.dialogs.
+ No direct import of, or dependency on Vanilla
+ March 7 2012
+ It seems only the dialogs that deal with the file system
+ need to be replaced, the other dialogs still work.
+ As we're not entirely sure whether it is worth to maintain
+ these dialogs, let's fix the imports in
+ This is the phenolic aldehyde version of dialogs.
+from FL import *
+from Foundation import NSObject
+from AppKit import NSApplication, NSInformationalAlertStyle, objc, NSAlert, NSAlertFirstButtonReturn, NSAlertSecondButtonReturn, NSAlertThirdButtonReturn, NSSavePanel, NSOKButton, NSOpenPanel
+__all__ = [
+# "AskString",
+ "AskYesNoCancel",
+# "FindGlyph",
+ "GetFile",
+ "GetFolder",
+ "GetFileOrFolder",
+ "Message",
+# "OneList",
+ "PutFile",
+# "SearchList",
+# "SelectFont",
+# "SelectGlyph",
+# "TwoChecks",
+# "TwoFields",
+ "ProgressBar",
+class BaseMessageDialog(NSObject):
+ def initWithMessageText_informativeText_alertStyle_buttonTitlesValues_window_resultCallback_(self,
+ messageText="",
+ informativeText="",
+ alertStyle=NSInformationalAlertStyle,
+ buttonTitlesValues=None,
+ parentWindow=None,
+ resultCallback=None):
+ if buttonTitlesValues is None:
+ buttonTitlesValues = []
+ self = super(BaseMessageDialog, self).init()
+ self.retain()
+ self._resultCallback = resultCallback
+ self._buttonTitlesValues = buttonTitlesValues
+ #
+ alert = NSAlert.alloc().init()
+ alert.setMessageText_(messageText)
+ alert.setInformativeText_(informativeText)
+ alert.setAlertStyle_(alertStyle)
+ for buttonTitle, value in buttonTitlesValues:
+ alert.addButtonWithTitle_(buttonTitle)
+ self._value = None
+ code = alert.runModal()
+ self._translateValue(code)
+ return self
+ def _translateValue(self, code):
+ if code == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn:
+ value = 1
+ elif code == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn:
+ value = 2
+ elif code == NSAlertThirdButtonReturn:
+ value = 3
+ else:
+ value = code - NSAlertThirdButtonReturn + 3
+ self._value = self._buttonTitlesValues[value-1][1]
+ def windowWillClose_(self, notification):
+ self.autorelease()
+class BasePutGetPanel(NSObject):
+ def initWithWindow_resultCallback_(self, parentWindow=None, resultCallback=None):
+ self = super(BasePutGetPanel, self).init()
+ self.retain()
+ self._parentWindow = parentWindow
+ self._resultCallback = resultCallback
+ return self
+ def windowWillClose_(self, notification):
+ self.autorelease()
+class PutFilePanel(BasePutGetPanel):
+ def initWithWindow_resultCallback_(self, parentWindow=None, resultCallback=None):
+ self = super(PutFilePanel, self).initWithWindow_resultCallback_(parentWindow, resultCallback)
+ self.messageText = None
+ self.title = None
+ self.fileTypes = None
+ = None
+ self.fileName = None
+ self.canCreateDirectories = True
+ self.accessoryView = None
+ self._result = None
+ return self
+ def run(self):
+ panel = NSSavePanel.alloc().init()
+ if self.messageText:
+ panel.setMessage_(self.messageText)
+ if self.title:
+ panel.setTitle_(self.title)
+ if
+ panel.setDirectory_(
+ if self.fileTypes:
+ panel.setAllowedFileTypes_(self.fileTypes)
+ panel.setCanCreateDirectories_(self.canCreateDirectories)
+ panel.setCanSelectHiddenExtension_(True)
+ panel.setAccessoryView_(self.accessoryView)
+ if self._parentWindow is not None:
+ panel.beginSheetForDirectory_file_modalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_(
+, self.fileName, self._parentWindow, self, "savePanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:", 0)
+ else:
+ isOK = panel.runModalForDirectory_file_(, self.fileName)
+ if isOK == NSOKButton:
+ self._result = panel.filename()
+ def savePanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_(self, panel, returnCode, context):
+ panel.close()
+ if returnCode:
+ self._result = panel.filename()
+ if self._resultCallback is not None:
+ self._resultCallback(self._result)
+ savePanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_ = objc.selector(savePanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, signature="v@:@ii")
+class GetFileOrFolderPanel(BasePutGetPanel):
+ def initWithWindow_resultCallback_(self, parentWindow=None, resultCallback=None):
+ self = super(GetFileOrFolderPanel, self).initWithWindow_resultCallback_(parentWindow, resultCallback)
+ self.messageText = None
+ self.title = None
+ = None
+ self.fileName = None
+ self.fileTypes = None
+ self.allowsMultipleSelection = False
+ self.canChooseDirectories = True
+ self.canChooseFiles = True
+ self.resolvesAliases = True
+ self._result = None
+ return self
+ def run(self):
+ panel = NSOpenPanel.alloc().init()
+ if self.messageText:
+ panel.setMessage_(self.messageText)
+ if self.title:
+ panel.setTitle_(self.title)
+ if
+ panel.setDirectory_(
+ if self.fileTypes:
+ panel.setAllowedFileTypes_(self.fileTypes)
+ panel.setCanChooseDirectories_(self.canChooseDirectories)
+ panel.setCanChooseFiles_(self.canChooseFiles)
+ panel.setAllowsMultipleSelection_(self.allowsMultipleSelection)
+ panel.setResolvesAliases_(self.resolvesAliases)
+ if self._parentWindow is not None:
+ panel.beginSheetForDirectory_file_types_modalForWindow_modalDelegate_didEndSelector_contextInfo_(
+, self.fileName, self.fileTypes, self._parentWindow, self, "openPanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:", 0)
+ else:
+ isOK = panel.runModalForDirectory_file_types_(, self.fileName, self.fileTypes)
+ if isOK == NSOKButton:
+ self._result = panel.filenames()
+ def openPanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_(self, panel, returnCode, context):
+ panel.close()
+ if returnCode:
+ self._result = panel.filenames()
+ if self._resultCallback is not None:
+ self._resultCallback(self._result)
+ openPanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_ = objc.selector(openPanelDidEnd_returnCode_contextInfo_, signature="v@:@ii")
+def Message(message="", title='noLongerUsed', informativeText=""):
+ """Legacy robofab dialog compatible wrapper."""
+ #def _message(messageText="", informativeText="", alertStyle=NSInformationalAlertStyle, parentWindow=None, resultCallback=None):
+ resultCallback = None
+ alert = BaseMessageDialog.alloc().initWithMessageText_informativeText_alertStyle_buttonTitlesValues_window_resultCallback_(
+ messageText=message,
+ informativeText=informativeText,
+ alertStyle=NSInformationalAlertStyle,
+ buttonTitlesValues=[("OK", 1)],
+ parentWindow=None,
+ resultCallback=None)
+ if resultCallback is None:
+ return 1
+def AskYesNoCancel(message, title='noLongerUsed', default=None, informativeText=""):
+ """
+ AskYesNoCancel Dialog
+ message the string
+ title* a title of the window
+ (may not be supported everywhere)
+ default* index number of which button should be default
+ (i.e. respond to return)
+ informativeText* A string with secundary information
+ * may not be supported everywhere
+ """
+ parentWindow = None
+ alert = BaseMessageDialog.alloc().initWithMessageText_informativeText_alertStyle_buttonTitlesValues_window_resultCallback_(
+ messageText=message,
+ informativeText=informativeText,
+ alertStyle=NSInformationalAlertStyle,
+ buttonTitlesValues=[("Cancel", -1), ("Yes", 1), ("No", 0)],
+ parentWindow=None,
+ resultCallback=None)
+ return alert._value
+def _askYesNo(messageText="", informativeText="", alertStyle=NSInformationalAlertStyle, parentWindow=None, resultCallback=None):
+ parentWindow = None
+ alert = BaseMessageDialog.alloc().initWithMessageText_informativeText_alertStyle_buttonTitlesValues_window_resultCallback_(
+ messageText=messageText, informativeText=informativeText, alertStyle=alertStyle, buttonTitlesValues=[("Yes", 1), ("No", 0)], parentWindow=parentWindow, resultCallback=resultCallback)
+ if resultCallback is None:
+ return alert._value
+def GetFile(message=None, title=None, directory=None, fileName=None, allowsMultipleSelection=False, fileTypes=None):
+ """ Legacy robofab dialog compatible wrapper.
+ This will select UFO on OSX 10.7, FL5.1
+ """
+ parentWindow = None
+ resultCallback=None
+ basePanel = GetFileOrFolderPanel.alloc().initWithWindow_resultCallback_(parentWindow, resultCallback)
+ basePanel.messageText = message
+ basePanel.title = title
+ = directory
+ basePanel.fileName = fileName
+ basePanel.fileTypes = fileTypes
+ basePanel.allowsMultipleSelection = allowsMultipleSelection
+ basePanel.canChooseDirectories = False
+ basePanel.canChooseFiles = True
+ if basePanel._result is None:
+ return None
+ if not allowsMultipleSelection:
+ # compatibly return only one as we expect
+ return str(list(basePanel._result)[0])
+ else:
+ # return more if we explicitly expect
+ return [str(n) for n in list(basePanel._result)]
+def GetFolder(message=None, title=None, directory=None, allowsMultipleSelection=False):
+ parentWindow = None
+ resultCallback = None
+ basePanel = GetFileOrFolderPanel.alloc().initWithWindow_resultCallback_(parentWindow, resultCallback)
+ basePanel.messageText = message
+ basePanel.title = title
+ = directory
+ basePanel.allowsMultipleSelection = allowsMultipleSelection
+ basePanel.canChooseDirectories = True
+ basePanel.canChooseFiles = False
+ if basePanel._result is None:
+ return None
+ if not allowsMultipleSelection:
+ # compatibly return only one as we expect
+ return str(list(basePanel._result)[0])
+ else:
+ # return more if we explicitly expect
+ return [str(n) for n in list(basePanel._result)]
+def GetFileOrFolder(message=None, title=None, directory=None, fileName=None, allowsMultipleSelection=False, fileTypes=None, parentWindow=None, resultCallback=None):
+ parentWindow = None
+ basePanel = GetFileOrFolderPanel.alloc().initWithWindow_resultCallback_(parentWindow, resultCallback)
+ basePanel.messageText = message
+ basePanel.title = title
+ = directory
+ basePanel.fileName = fileName
+ basePanel.fileTypes = fileTypes
+ basePanel.allowsMultipleSelection = allowsMultipleSelection
+ basePanel.canChooseDirectories = True
+ basePanel.canChooseFiles = True
+ if basePanel._result is None:
+ return None
+ if not allowsMultipleSelection:
+ # compatibly return only one as we expect
+ return str(list(basePanel._result)[0])
+ else:
+ # return more if we explicitly expect
+ return [str(n) for n in list(basePanel._result)]
+def PutFile(message=None, title=None, directory=None, fileName=None, canCreateDirectories=True, fileTypes=None):
+ parentWindow = None
+ resultCallback=None
+ accessoryView=None
+ basePanel = PutFilePanel.alloc().initWithWindow_resultCallback_(parentWindow, resultCallback)
+ basePanel.messageText = message
+ basePanel.title = title
+ = directory
+ basePanel.fileName = fileName
+ basePanel.fileTypes = fileTypes
+ basePanel.canCreateDirectories = canCreateDirectories
+ basePanel.accessoryView = accessoryView
+ return str(basePanel._result)
+class ProgressBar(object):
+ def __init__(self, title="RoboFab...", ticks=0, label=""):
+ self._tickValue = 1
+ fl.BeginProgress(title, ticks)
+ def getCurrentTick(self):
+ return self._tickValue
+ def tick(self, tickValue=None):
+ if not tickValue:
+ tickValue = self._tickValue
+ fl.TickProgress(tickValue)
+ self._tickValue = tickValue + 1
+ def label(self, label):
+ pass
+ def close(self):
+ fl.EndProgress()
+# we seem to have problems importing from here.
+# so let's see what happens if we make the robofab compatible wrappers here as well.
+# start with all the defaults.
+#def AskString(message, value='', title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def FindGlyph(aFont, message="Search for a glyph:", title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def OneList(list, message="Select an item:", title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def PutFile(message=None, fileName=None):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def SearchList(list, message="Select an item:", title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def SelectFont(message="Select a font:", title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def SelectGlyph(font, message="Select a glyph:", title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def TwoChecks(title_1="One", title_2="Two", value1=1, value2=1, title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError
+#def TwoFields(title_1="One:", value_1="0", title_2="Two:", value_2="0", title='RoboFab'):
+# raise NotImplementedError