path: root/misc/pylib/robofab/objects/objectsRF.pyx
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/pylib/robofab/objects/objectsRF.pyx')
1 files changed, 1233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/pylib/robofab/objects/objectsRF.pyx b/misc/pylib/robofab/objects/objectsRF.pyx
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..50e1f13a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/pylib/robofab/objects/objectsRF.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,1233 @@
+"""UFO for GlifLib"""
+from robofab import RoboFabError, RoboFabWarning
+from robofab.objects.objectsBase import BaseFont, BaseKerning, BaseGroups, BaseInfo, BaseFeatures, BaseLib,\
+ BaseGlyph, BaseContour, BaseSegment, BasePoint, BaseBPoint, BaseAnchor, BaseGuide, BaseComponent, \
+ relativeBCPIn, relativeBCPOut, absoluteBCPIn, absoluteBCPOut, _box,\
+ _interpolate, _interpolatePt, roundPt, addPt,\
+ BasePostScriptFontHintValues, postScriptHintDataLibKey, BasePostScriptGlyphHintValues
+import os
+__all__ = [ "CurrentFont",
+ "CurrentGlyph", 'OpenFont',
+ 'RFont', 'RGlyph', 'RContour',
+ 'RPoint', 'RBPoint', 'RAnchor',
+ 'RComponent'
+ ]
+def CurrentFont():
+ return None
+def CurrentGlyph():
+ return None
+def OpenFont(path=None, note=None):
+ """Open a font from a path. If path is not given, present the user with a dialog."""
+ if not note:
+ note = 'select a .ufo directory'
+ if not path:
+ from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import GetFolder
+ path = GetFolder(note)
+ if path:
+ try:
+ return RFont(path)
+ except OSError:
+ from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import Message
+ Message("%s is not a valid .UFO font. But considering it's all XML, why don't you have a look inside with a simple text editor."%(path))
+ else:
+ return None
+def NewFont(familyName=None, styleName=None):
+ """Make a new font"""
+ new = RFont()
+ if familyName is not None:
+ = familyName
+ if styleName is not None:
+ = styleName
+ return new
+def AllFonts():
+ """AllFonts can't work in plain python usage. It's really up to some sort of application
+ to keep track of which fonts are open."""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class PostScriptFontHintValues(BasePostScriptFontHintValues):
+ """ Font level PostScript hints object for objectsRF usage.
+ If there are values in the lib, use those.
+ If there are no values in the lib, use defaults.
+ The psHints attribute for objectsRF.RFont is basically just the
+ data read from the Lib. When the object saves to UFO, the
+ hints are written back to the lib, which is then saved.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, aFont=None, data=None):
+ self.setParent(aFont)
+ BasePostScriptFontHintValues.__init__(self)
+ if aFont is not None:
+ # in version 1, this data was stored in the lib
+ # if it is still there, guess that it is correct
+ # move it to font info and remove it from the lib.
+ libData = aFont.lib.get(postScriptHintDataLibKey)
+ if libData is not None:
+ self.fromDict(libData)
+ del libData[postScriptHintDataLibKey]
+ if data is not None:
+ self.fromDict(data)
+def getPostScriptHintDataFromLib(aFont, fontLib):
+ hintData = fontLib.get(postScriptHintDataLibKey)
+ psh = PostScriptFontHintValues(aFont)
+ psh.fromDict(hintData)
+ return psh
+class PostScriptGlyphHintValues(BasePostScriptGlyphHintValues):
+ """ Glyph level PostScript hints object for objectsRF usage.
+ If there are values in the lib, use those.
+ If there are no values in the lib, be empty.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, aGlyph=None, data=None):
+ # read the data from the glyph.lib, it won't be anywhere else
+ BasePostScriptGlyphHintValues.__init__(self)
+ if aGlyph is not None:
+ self.setParent(aGlyph)
+ self._loadFromLib(aGlyph.lib)
+ if data is not None:
+ self.fromDict(data)
+class RFont(BaseFont):
+ """UFO font object which reads and writes glif, and keeps the data in memory in between.
+ Bahviour:
+ - comparable to Font
+ - comparable to GlyphSet so that it can be passed to Glif widgets
+ """
+ _title = "RoboFabFont"
+ def __init__(self, path=None):
+ BaseFont.__init__(self)
+ if path is not None:
+ self._path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path))
+ else:
+ self._path = None
+ self._object = {}
+ self._glyphSet = None
+ self._scheduledForDeletion = [] # this is a place for storing glyphs that need to be removed when the font is saved
+ self.kerning = RKerning()
+ self.kerning.setParent(self)
+ = RInfo()
+ self.features = RFeatures()
+ self.features.setParent(self)
+ self.groups = RGroups()
+ self.groups.setParent(self)
+ self.lib = RLib()
+ self.lib.setParent(self)
+ if path:
+ self._loadData(path)
+ else:
+ self.psHints = PostScriptFontHintValues(self)
+ self.psHints.setParent(self)
+ def __setitem__(self, glyphName, glyph):
+ """Set a glyph at key."""
+ self._object[glyphName] = glyph
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ """Compare this font with another, compare if they refer to the same file."""
+ if not hasattr(other, '_path'):
+ return -1
+ if self._object._path == other._object._path and self._object._path is not None:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return -1
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self._glyphSet is None:
+ return 0
+ return len(self._glyphSet)
+ def _loadData(self, path):
+ from robofab.ufoLib import UFOReader
+ reader = UFOReader(path)
+ fontLib = reader.readLib()
+ # info
+ reader.readInfo(
+ # kerning
+ self.kerning.update(reader.readKerning())
+ self.kerning.setChanged(False)
+ # groups
+ self.groups.update(reader.readGroups())
+ # features
+ if reader.formatVersion == 1:
+ # migrate features from the lib
+ features = []
+ classes = fontLib.get("org.robofab.opentype.classes")
+ if classes is not None:
+ del fontLib["org.robofab.opentype.classes"]
+ features.append(classes)
+ splitFeatures = fontLib.get("org.robofab.opentype.features")
+ if splitFeatures is not None:
+ order = fontLib.get("org.robofab.opentype.featureorder")
+ if order is None:
+ order = splitFeatures.keys()
+ order.sort()
+ else:
+ del fontLib["org.robofab.opentype.featureorder"]
+ del fontLib["org.robofab.opentype.features"]
+ for tag in order:
+ oneFeature = splitFeatures.get(tag)
+ if oneFeature is not None:
+ features.append(oneFeature)
+ features = "\n".join(features)
+ else:
+ features = reader.readFeatures()
+ self.features.text = features
+ # hint data
+ self.psHints = PostScriptFontHintValues(self)
+ if postScriptHintDataLibKey in fontLib:
+ del fontLib[postScriptHintDataLibKey]
+ # lib
+ self.lib.update(fontLib)
+ # glyphs
+ self._glyphSet = reader.getGlyphSet()
+ self._hasNotChanged(doGlyphs=False)
+ def _loadGlyph(self, glyphName):
+ """Load a single glyph from the glyphSet, on request."""
+ from robofab.pens.rfUFOPen import RFUFOPointPen
+ g = RGlyph()
+ = glyphName
+ pen = RFUFOPointPen(g)
+ self._glyphSet.readGlyph(glyphName=glyphName, glyphObject=g, pointPen=pen)
+ g.setParent(self)
+ g.psHints._loadFromLib(g.lib)
+ self._object[glyphName] = g
+ self._object[glyphName]._hasNotChanged()
+ return g
+ #def _prepareSaveDir(self, dir):
+ # path = os.path.join(dir, 'glyphs')
+ # if not os.path.exists(path):
+ # os.makedirs(path)
+ def _hasNotChanged(self, doGlyphs=True):
+ #set the changed state of the font
+ if doGlyphs:
+ for glyph in self:
+ glyph._hasNotChanged()
+ self.setChanged(False)
+ #
+ # attributes
+ #
+ def _get_path(self):
+ return self._path
+ path = property(_get_path, doc="path of the font")
+ #
+ # methods for imitating GlyphSet?
+ #
+ def keys(self):
+ # the keys are the superset of self._objects.keys() and
+ # self._glyphSet.keys(), minus self._scheduledForDeletion
+ keys = self._object.keys()
+ if self._glyphSet is not None:
+ keys.extend(self._glyphSet.keys())
+ d = dict()
+ for glyphName in keys:
+ d[glyphName] = None
+ for glyphName in self._scheduledForDeletion:
+ if glyphName in d:
+ del d[glyphName]
+ return d.keys()
+ def has_key(self, glyphName):
+ # XXX ditto, see above.
+ if self._glyphSet is not None:
+ hasGlyph = glyphName in self._object or glyphName in self._glyphSet
+ else:
+ hasGlyph = glyphName in self._object
+ return hasGlyph and not glyphName in self._scheduledForDeletion
+ __contains__ = has_key
+ def getWidth(self, glyphName):
+ if self._object.has_key(glyphName):
+ return self._object[glyphName].width
+ raise IndexError # or return None?
+ def getReverseComponentMapping(self):
+ """
+ Get a reversed map of component references in the font.
+ {
+ 'A' : ['Aacute', 'Aring']
+ 'acute' : ['Aacute']
+ 'ring' : ['Aring']
+ etc.
+ }
+ """
+ # a NON-REVERESED map is stored in the lib.
+ # this is done because a reveresed map could
+ # contain faulty data. for example: "Aacute" contains
+ # a component that references "A". Glyph "Aacute" is
+ # then deleted. The reverse map would still say that
+ # "A" is referenced by "Aacute" even though the
+ # glyph has been deleted. So, the stored lib works like this:
+ # {
+ # 'Aacute' : [
+ # # the last known mod time of the GLIF
+ # 1098706856.75,
+ # # component references in a glyph
+ # ['A', 'acute']
+ # ]
+ # }
+ import time
+ import os
+ import re
+ componentSearch_RE = re.compile(
+ "<component\s+" # <component
+ "[^>]*?" # anything EXCEPT >
+ "base\s*=\s*[\"\']" # base="
+ "(.*?)" # foo
+ "[\"\']" # "
+ )
+ rightNow = time.time()
+ libKey = "org.robofab.componentMapping"
+ previousMap = None
+ if self.lib.has_key(libKey):
+ previousMap = self.lib[libKey]
+ basicMap = {}
+ reverseMap = {}
+ for glyphName in self.keys():
+ componentsToMap = None
+ modTime = None
+ # get the previous bits of data
+ previousModTime = None
+ previousList = None
+ if previousMap is not None and previousMap.has_key(glyphName):
+ previousModTime, previousList = previousMap[glyphName]
+ # the glyph has been loaded.
+ # simply get the components from it.
+ if self._object.has_key(glyphName):
+ componentsToMap = [component.baseGlyph for component in self._object[glyphName].components]
+ # the glyph has not been loaded.
+ else:
+ glyphPath = os.path.join(self._glyphSet.dirName, self._glyphSet.contents[glyphName])
+ scanGlyph = True
+ # test the modified time of the GLIF
+ fileModTime = os.path.getmtime(glyphPath)
+ if previousModTime is not None and fileModTime == previousModTime:
+ # the GLIF almost* certianly has not changed.
+ # *theoretically, a user could replace a GLIF
+ # with another GLIF that has precisely the same
+ # mod time.
+ scanGlyph = False
+ componentsToMap = previousList
+ modTime = previousModTime
+ else:
+ # the GLIF is different
+ modTime = fileModTime
+ if scanGlyph:
+ # use regex to extract component
+ # base glyphs from the file
+ f = open(glyphPath, 'rb')
+ data =
+ f.close()
+ componentsToMap = componentSearch_RE.findall(data)
+ if componentsToMap is not None:
+ # store the non-reversed map
+ basicMap[glyphName] = (modTime, componentsToMap)
+ # reverse the map for the user
+ if componentsToMap:
+ for baseGlyphName in componentsToMap:
+ if not reverseMap.has_key(baseGlyphName):
+ reverseMap[baseGlyphName] = []
+ reverseMap[baseGlyphName].append(glyphName)
+ # if a glyph has been loaded, we do not store data about it in the lib.
+ # this is done becuase there is not way to determine the proper mod time
+ # for a loaded glyph.
+ if modTime is None:
+ del basicMap[glyphName]
+ # store the map in the lib for re-use
+ self.lib[libKey] = basicMap
+ return reverseMap
+ def save(self, destDir=None, doProgress=False, formatVersion=2):
+ """Save the Font in UFO format."""
+ # XXX note that when doing "save as" by specifying the destDir argument
+ # _all_ glyphs get loaded into memory. This could be optimized by either
+ # copying those .glif files that have not been edited or (not sure how
+ # well that would work) by simply clearing out self._objects after the
+ # save.
+ from robofab.ufoLib import UFOWriter
+ from import splitFeaturesForFontLab
+ # if no destination is given, or if
+ # the given destination is the current
+ # path, this is not a save as operation
+ if destDir is None or destDir == self._path:
+ saveAs = False
+ destDir = self._path
+ else:
+ saveAs = True
+ # start a progress bar
+ nonGlyphCount = 5
+ bar = None
+ if doProgress:
+ from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import ProgressBar
+ bar = ProgressBar("Exporting UFO", nonGlyphCount + len(self._object.keys()))
+ # write
+ writer = UFOWriter(destDir, formatVersion=formatVersion)
+ try:
+ # make a shallow copy of the lib. stuff may be added to it.
+ fontLib = dict(self.lib)
+ # info
+ if bar:
+ bar.label("Saving info...")
+ writer.writeInfo(
+ if bar:
+ bar.tick()
+ # kerning
+ if self.kerning.changed or saveAs:
+ if bar:
+ bar.label("Saving kerning...")
+ writer.writeKerning(self.kerning.asDict())
+ if bar:
+ bar.tick()
+ # groups
+ if bar:
+ bar.label("Saving groups...")
+ writer.writeGroups(self.groups)
+ if bar:
+ bar.tick()
+ # features
+ if bar:
+ bar.label("Saving features...")
+ features = self.features.text
+ if features is None:
+ features = ""
+ if formatVersion == 2:
+ writer.writeFeatures(features)
+ elif formatVersion == 1:
+ classes, features = splitFeaturesForFontLab(features)
+ if classes:
+ fontLib["org.robofab.opentype.classes"] = classes.strip() + "\n"
+ if features:
+ featureDict = {}
+ for featureName, featureText in features:
+ featureDict[featureName] = featureText.strip() + "\n"
+ fontLib["org.robofab.opentype.features"] = featureDict
+ fontLib["org.robofab.opentype.featureorder"] = [featureName for featureName, featureText in features]
+ if bar:
+ bar.tick()
+ # lib
+ if formatVersion == 1:
+ fontLib[postScriptHintDataLibKey] = self.psHints.asDict()
+ if bar:
+ bar.label("Saving lib...")
+ writer.writeLib(fontLib)
+ if bar:
+ bar.tick()
+ # glyphs
+ glyphNameToFileNameFunc = self.getGlyphNameToFileNameFunc()
+ glyphSet = writer.getGlyphSet(glyphNameToFileNameFunc)
+ if len(self._scheduledForDeletion) != 0:
+ if bar:
+ bar.label("Removing deleted glyphs...")
+ for glyphName in self._scheduledForDeletion:
+ if glyphSet.has_key(glyphName):
+ glyphSet.deleteGlyph(glyphName)
+ if bar:
+ bar.tick()
+ if bar:
+ bar.label("Saving glyphs...")
+ count = nonGlyphCount
+ if saveAs:
+ glyphNames = self.keys()
+ else:
+ glyphNames = self._object.keys()
+ for glyphName in glyphNames:
+ glyph = self[glyphName]
+ glyph.psHints._saveToLib(glyph.lib)
+ glyph._saveToGlyphSet(glyphSet, glyphName=glyphName, force=saveAs)
+ if bar and not count % 10:
+ bar.tick(count)
+ count = count + 1
+ glyphSet.writeContents()
+ self._glyphSet = glyphSet
+ # only blindly stop if the user says to
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ bar.close()
+ bar = None
+ # kill the progress bar
+ if bar:
+ bar.close()
+ # reset internal stuff
+ self._path = destDir
+ self._scheduledForDeletion = []
+ self.setChanged(False)
+ def newGlyph(self, glyphName, clear=True):
+ """Make a new glyph with glyphName
+ if the glyph exists and clear=True clear the glyph"""
+ if clear and glyphName in self:
+ g = self[glyphName]
+ g.clear()
+ w =
+ if w is None:
+ w = 0
+ g.width = w
+ return g
+ g = RGlyph()
+ g.setParent(self)
+ = glyphName
+ w =
+ if w is None:
+ w = 0
+ g.width = w
+ g._hasChanged()
+ self._object[glyphName] = g
+ # is the user adding a glyph that has the same
+ # name as one that was deleted earlier?
+ if glyphName in self._scheduledForDeletion:
+ self._scheduledForDeletion.remove(glyphName)
+ return self.getGlyph(glyphName)
+ def insertGlyph(self, glyph, name=None):
+ """returns a new glyph that has been inserted into the font"""
+ if name is None:
+ name =
+ glyph = glyph.copy()
+ = name
+ glyph.setParent(self)
+ glyph._hasChanged()
+ self._object[name] = glyph
+ # is the user adding a glyph that has the same
+ # name as one that was deleted earlier?
+ if name in self._scheduledForDeletion:
+ self._scheduledForDeletion.remove(name)
+ return self.getGlyph(name)
+ def removeGlyph(self, glyphName):
+ """remove a glyph from the font"""
+ # XXX! Potential issue with removing glyphs.
+ # if a glyph is removed from a font, but it is still referenced
+ # by a component, it will give pens some trouble.
+ # where does the resposibility for catching this fall?
+ # the removeGlyph method? the addComponent method
+ # of the various pens? somewhere else? hm... tricky.
+ #
+ #we won't actually remove it, we will just store it for removal
+ # but only if the glyph does exist
+ if self.has_key(glyphName) and glyphName not in self._scheduledForDeletion:
+ self._scheduledForDeletion.append(glyphName)
+ # now delete the object
+ if self._object.has_key(glyphName):
+ del self._object[glyphName]
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def getGlyph(self, glyphName):
+ # XXX getGlyph may have to become private, to avoid duplication
+ # with __getitem__
+ n = None
+ if self._object.has_key(glyphName):
+ # have we served this glyph before? it should be in _object
+ n = self._object[glyphName]
+ else:
+ # haven't served it before, is it in the glyphSet then?
+ if self._glyphSet is not None and glyphName in self._glyphSet:
+ # yes, read the .glif file from disk
+ n = self._loadGlyph(glyphName)
+ if n is None:
+ raise KeyError, glyphName
+ return n
+class RGlyph(BaseGlyph):
+ _title = "RGlyph"
+ def __init__(self):
+ BaseGlyph.__init__(self)
+ self.contours = []
+ self.components = []
+ self.anchors = []
+ self._unicodes = []
+ self.width = 0
+ self.note = None
+ self._name = "Unnamed Glyph"
+ self.selected = False
+ self._properties = None
+ self._lib = RLib()
+ self._lib.setParent(self)
+ self.psHints = PostScriptGlyphHintValues()
+ self.psHints.setParent(self)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.contours)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if index < len(self.contours):
+ return self.contours[index]
+ raise IndexError
+ def _hasNotChanged(self):
+ for contour in self.contours:
+ contour.setChanged(False)
+ for segment in contour.segments:
+ segment.setChanged(False)
+ for point in segment.points:
+ point.setChanged(False)
+ for component in self.components:
+ component.setChanged(False)
+ for anchor in self.anchors:
+ anchor.setChanged(False)
+ self.setChanged(False)
+ #
+ # attributes
+ #
+ def _get_lib(self):
+ return self._lib
+ def _set_lib(self, obj):
+ self._lib.clear()
+ self._lib.update(obj)
+ lib = property(_get_lib, _set_lib)
+ def _get_name(self):
+ return self._name
+ def _set_name(self, value):
+ prevName = self._name
+ newName = value
+ if newName == prevName:
+ return
+ self._name = newName
+ self.setChanged(True)
+ font = self.getParent()
+ if font is not None:
+ # but, this glyph could be linked to a
+ # FontLab font, because objectsFL.RGlyph.copy()
+ # creates an objectsRF.RGlyph with the parent
+ # set to an objectsFL.RFont object. so, check to see
+ # if this is a legitimate RFont before trying to
+ # do the objectsRF.RFont glyph name change
+ if isinstance(font, RFont):
+ font._object[newName] = self
+ # is the user changing a glyph's name to the
+ # name of a glyph that was deleted earlier?
+ if newName in font._scheduledForDeletion:
+ font._scheduledForDeletion.remove(newName)
+ font.removeGlyph(prevName)
+ name = property(_get_name, _set_name)
+ def _get_unicodes(self):
+ return self._unicodes
+ def _set_unicodes(self, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, list):
+ raise RoboFabError, "unicodes must be a list"
+ self._unicodes = value
+ self._hasChanged()
+ unicodes = property(_get_unicodes, _set_unicodes, doc="all unicode values for the glyph")
+ def _get_unicode(self):
+ if len(self._unicodes) == 0:
+ return None
+ return self._unicodes[0]
+ def _set_unicode(self, value):
+ uni = self._unicodes
+ if value is not None:
+ if value not in uni:
+ self.unicodes.insert(0, value)
+ elif uni.index(value) != 0:
+ uni.insert(0, uni.pop(uni.index(value)))
+ self.unicodes = uni
+ unicode = property(_get_unicode, _set_unicode, doc="first unicode value for the glyph")
+ def getPointPen(self):
+ from robofab.pens.rfUFOPen import RFUFOPointPen
+ return RFUFOPointPen(self)
+ def appendComponent(self, baseGlyph, offset=(0, 0), scale=(1, 1)):
+ """append a component to the glyph"""
+ new = RComponent(baseGlyph, offset, scale)
+ new.setParent(self)
+ self.components.append(new)
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def appendAnchor(self, name, position, mark=None):
+ """append an anchor to the glyph"""
+ new = RAnchor(name, position, mark)
+ new.setParent(self)
+ self.anchors.append(new)
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def removeContour(self, index):
+ """remove a specific contour from the glyph"""
+ del self.contours[index]
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def removeAnchor(self, anchor):
+ """remove a specific anchor from the glyph"""
+ del self.anchors[anchor.index]
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def removeComponent(self, component):
+ """remove a specific component from the glyph"""
+ del self.components[component.index]
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def center(self, padding=None):
+ """Equalise sidebearings, set to padding if wanted."""
+ left = self.leftMargin
+ right = self.rightMargin
+ if padding:
+ e_left = e_right = padding
+ else:
+ e_left = (left + right)/2
+ e_right = (left + right) - e_left
+ self.leftMargin = e_left
+ self.rightMargin = e_right
+ def decompose(self):
+ """Decompose all components"""
+ for i in range(len(self.components)):
+ self.components[-1].decompose()
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def clear(self, contours=True, components=True, anchors=True, guides=True):
+ """Clear all items marked as True from the glyph"""
+ if contours:
+ self.clearContours()
+ if components:
+ self.clearComponents()
+ if anchors:
+ self.clearAnchors()
+ if guides:
+ self.clearHGuides()
+ self.clearVGuides()
+ def clearContours(self):
+ """clear all contours"""
+ self.contours = []
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def clearComponents(self):
+ """clear all components"""
+ self.components = []
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def clearAnchors(self):
+ """clear all anchors"""
+ self.anchors = []
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def clearHGuides(self):
+ """clear all horizontal guides"""
+ self.hGuides = []
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def clearVGuides(self):
+ """clear all vertical guides"""
+ self.vGuides = []
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def getAnchors(self):
+ return self.anchors
+ def getComponents(self):
+ return self.components
+ #
+ # stuff related to Glyph Properties
+ #
+class RContour(BaseContour):
+ _title = "RoboFabContour"
+ def __init__(self, object=None):
+ #BaseContour.__init__(self)
+ self.segments = []
+ self.selected = False
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.segments)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if index < len(self.segments):
+ return self.segments[index]
+ raise IndexError
+ def _get_index(self):
+ return self.getParent().contours.index(self)
+ def _set_index(self, index):
+ ogIndex = self.index
+ if index != ogIndex:
+ contourList = self.getParent().contours
+ contourList.insert(index, contourList.pop(ogIndex))
+ index = property(_get_index, _set_index, doc="index of the contour")
+ def _get_points(self):
+ points = []
+ for segment in self.segments:
+ for point in segment.points:
+ points.append(point)
+ return points
+ points = property(_get_points, doc="view the contour as a list of points")
+ def _get_bPoints(self):
+ bPoints = []
+ for segment in self.segments:
+ segType = segment.type
+ if segType == MOVE:
+ bType = CORNER
+ elif segType == LINE:
+ bType = CORNER
+ elif segType == CURVE:
+ if segment.smooth:
+ bType = CURVE
+ else:
+ bType = CORNER
+ else:
+ raise RoboFabError, "encountered unknown segment type"
+ b = RBPoint()
+ b.setParent(segment)
+ bPoints.append(b)
+ return bPoints
+ bPoints = property(_get_bPoints, doc="view the contour as a list of bPoints")
+ def appendSegment(self, segmentType, points, smooth=False):
+ """append a segment to the contour"""
+ segment = self.insertSegment(index=len(self.segments), segmentType=segmentType, points=points, smooth=smooth)
+ return segment
+ def insertSegment(self, index, segmentType, points, smooth=False):
+ """insert a segment into the contour"""
+ segment = RSegment(segmentType, points, smooth)
+ segment.setParent(self)
+ self.segments.insert(index, segment)
+ self._hasChanged()
+ return segment
+ def removeSegment(self, index):
+ """remove a segment from the contour"""
+ del self.segments[index]
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def reverseContour(self):
+ """reverse the contour"""
+ from robofab.pens.reverseContourPointPen import ReverseContourPointPen
+ index = self.index
+ glyph = self.getParent()
+ pen = glyph.getPointPen()
+ reversePen = ReverseContourPointPen(pen)
+ self.drawPoints(reversePen)
+ # we've drawn the reversed contour onto our parent glyph,
+ # so it sits at the end of the contours list:
+ newContour = glyph.contours.pop(-1)
+ for segment in newContour.segments:
+ segment.setParent(self)
+ self.segments = newContour.segments
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def setStartSegment(self, segmentIndex):
+ """set the first segment on the contour"""
+ # this obviously does not support open contours
+ if len(self.segments) < 2:
+ return
+ if segmentIndex == 0:
+ return
+ if segmentIndex > len(self.segments)-1:
+ raise IndexError, 'segment index not in segments list'
+ oldStart = self.segments[0]
+ oldLast = self.segments[-1]
+ #check to see if the contour ended with a curve on top of the move
+ #if we find one delete it,
+ if oldLast.type == CURVE or oldLast.type == QCURVE:
+ startOn = oldStart.onCurve
+ lastOn = oldLast.onCurve
+ if startOn.x == lastOn.x and startOn.y == lastOn.y:
+ del self.segments[0]
+ # since we deleted the first contour, the segmentIndex needs to shift
+ segmentIndex = segmentIndex - 1
+ # if we DO have a move left over, we need to convert it to a line
+ if self.segments[0].type == MOVE:
+ self.segments[0].type = LINE
+ # slice up the segments and reassign them to the contour
+ segments = self.segments[segmentIndex:]
+ self.segments = segments + self.segments[:segmentIndex]
+ # now, draw the contour onto the parent glyph
+ glyph = self.getParent()
+ pen = glyph.getPointPen()
+ self.drawPoints(pen)
+ # we've drawn the new contour onto our parent glyph,
+ # so it sits at the end of the contours list:
+ newContour = glyph.contours.pop(-1)
+ for segment in newContour.segments:
+ segment.setParent(self)
+ self.segments = newContour.segments
+ self._hasChanged()
+class RSegment(BaseSegment):
+ _title = "RoboFabSegment"
+ def __init__(self, segmentType=None, points=[], smooth=False):
+ BaseSegment.__init__(self)
+ self.selected = False
+ self.points = []
+ self.smooth = smooth
+ if points:
+ #the points in the segment should be RPoints, so create those objects
+ for point in points[:-1]:
+ x, y = point
+ p = RPoint(x, y, pointType=OFFCURVE)
+ p.setParent(self)
+ self.points.append(p)
+ aX, aY = points[-1]
+ p = RPoint(aX, aY, segmentType)
+ p.setParent(self)
+ self.points.append(p)
+ def _get_type(self):
+ return self.points[-1].type
+ def _set_type(self, pointType):
+ onCurve = self.points[-1]
+ ocType = onCurve.type
+ if ocType == pointType:
+ return
+ #we are converting a cubic line into a cubic curve
+ if pointType == CURVE and ocType == LINE:
+ onCurve.type = pointType
+ parent = self.getParent()
+ prev = parent._prevSegment(self.index)
+ p1 = RPoint(prev.onCurve.x, prev.onCurve.y, pointType=OFFCURVE)
+ p1.setParent(self)
+ p2 = RPoint(onCurve.x, onCurve.y, pointType=OFFCURVE)
+ p2.setParent(self)
+ self.points.insert(0, p2)
+ self.points.insert(0, p1)
+ #we are converting a cubic move to a curve
+ elif pointType == CURVE and ocType == MOVE:
+ onCurve.type = pointType
+ parent = self.getParent()
+ prev = parent._prevSegment(self.index)
+ p1 = RPoint(prev.onCurve.x, prev.onCurve.y, pointType=OFFCURVE)
+ p1.setParent(self)
+ p2 = RPoint(onCurve.x, onCurve.y, pointType=OFFCURVE)
+ p2.setParent(self)
+ self.points.insert(0, p2)
+ self.points.insert(0, p1)
+ #we are converting a quad curve to a cubic curve
+ elif pointType == CURVE and ocType == QCURVE:
+ onCurve.type == CURVE
+ #we are converting a cubic curve into a cubic line
+ elif pointType == LINE and ocType == CURVE:
+ p = self.points.pop(-1)
+ self.points = [p]
+ onCurve.type = pointType
+ self.smooth = False
+ #we are converting a cubic move to a line
+ elif pointType == LINE and ocType == MOVE:
+ onCurve.type = pointType
+ #we are converting a quad curve to a line:
+ elif pointType == LINE and ocType == QCURVE:
+ p = self.points.pop(-1)
+ self.points = [p]
+ onCurve.type = pointType
+ self.smooth = False
+ # we are converting to a quad curve where just about anything is legal
+ elif pointType == QCURVE:
+ onCurve.type = pointType
+ else:
+ raise RoboFabError, 'unknown segment type'
+ type = property(_get_type, _set_type, doc="type of the segment")
+ def _get_index(self):
+ return self.getParent().segments.index(self)
+ index = property(_get_index, doc="index of the segment")
+ def insertPoint(self, index, pointType, point):
+ x, y = point
+ p = RPoint(x, y, pointType=pointType)
+ p.setParent(self)
+ self.points.insert(index, p)
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def removePoint(self, index):
+ del self.points[index]
+ self._hasChanged()
+class RBPoint(BaseBPoint):
+ _title = "RoboFabBPoint"
+ def _setAnchorChanged(self, value):
+ self._anchorPoint.setChanged(value)
+ def _setNextChanged(self, value):
+ self._nextOnCurve.setChanged(value)
+ def _get__parentSegment(self):
+ return self.getParent()
+ _parentSegment = property(_get__parentSegment, doc="")
+ def _get__nextOnCurve(self):
+ pSeg = self._parentSegment
+ contour = pSeg.getParent()
+ #could this potentially return an incorrect index? say, if two segments are exactly the same?
+ return contour.segments[(contour.segments.index(pSeg) + 1) % len(contour.segments)]
+ _nextOnCurve = property(_get__nextOnCurve, doc="")
+ def _get_index(self):
+ return self._parentSegment.index
+ index = property(_get_index, doc="index of the bPoint on the contour")
+class RPoint(BasePoint):
+ _title = "RoboFabPoint"
+ def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, pointType=None, name=None):
+ self.selected = False
+ self._type = pointType
+ self._x = x
+ self._y = y
+ self._name = name
+ def _get_x(self):
+ return self._x
+ def _set_x(self, value):
+ self._x = value
+ self._hasChanged()
+ x = property(_get_x, _set_x, doc="")
+ def _get_y(self):
+ return self._y
+ def _set_y(self, value):
+ self._y = value
+ self._hasChanged()
+ y = property(_get_y, _set_y, doc="")
+ def _get_type(self):
+ return self._type
+ def _set_type(self, value):
+ self._type = value
+ self._hasChanged()
+ type = property(_get_type, _set_type, doc="")
+ def _get_name(self):
+ return self._name
+ def _set_name(self, value):
+ self._name = value
+ self._hasChanged()
+ name = property(_get_name, _set_name, doc="")
+class RAnchor(BaseAnchor):
+ _title = "RoboFabAnchor"
+ def __init__(self, name=None, position=None, mark=None):
+ BaseAnchor.__init__(self)
+ self.selected = False
+ = name
+ if position is None:
+ self.x = self.y = None
+ else:
+ self.x, self.y = position
+ self.mark = mark
+ def _get_index(self):
+ if self.getParent() is None: return None
+ return self.getParent().anchors.index(self)
+ index = property(_get_index, doc="index of the anchor")
+ def _get_position(self):
+ return (self.x, self.y)
+ def _set_position(self, value):
+ self.x = value[0]
+ self.y = value[1]
+ self._hasChanged()
+ position = property(_get_position, _set_position, doc="position of the anchor")
+ def move(self, pt):
+ """Move the anchor"""
+ self.x = self.x + pt[0]
+ self.y = self.y + pt[0]
+ self._hasChanged()
+class RComponent(BaseComponent):
+ _title = "RoboFabComponent"
+ def __init__(self, baseGlyphName=None, offset=(0,0), scale=(1,1), transform=None):
+ BaseComponent.__init__(self)
+ self.selected = False
+ self._baseGlyph = baseGlyphName
+ self._offset = offset
+ self._scale = scale
+ if transform is None:
+ xx, yy = scale
+ dx, dy = offset
+ self.transformation = (xx, 0, 0, yy, dx, dy)
+ else:
+ self.transformation = transform
+ def _get_index(self):
+ if self.getParent() is None: return None
+ return self.getParent().components.index(self)
+ index = property(_get_index, doc="index of the component")
+ def _get_baseGlyph(self):
+ return self._baseGlyph
+ def _set_baseGlyph(self, glyphName):
+ # XXXX needs to be implemented in objectsFL for symmetricity's sake. Eventually.
+ self._baseGlyph = glyphName
+ self._hasChanged()
+ baseGlyph = property(_get_baseGlyph, _set_baseGlyph, doc="")
+ def _get_offset(self):
+ """ Get the offset component of the transformation.="""
+ (xx, xy, yx, yy, dx, dy) = self._transformation
+ return dx, dy
+ def _set_offset(self, value):
+ """ Set the offset component of the transformation."""
+ (xx, xy, yx, yy, dx, dy) = self._transformation
+ self._transformation = (xx, xy, yx, yy, value[0], value[1])
+ self._hasChanged()
+ offset = property(_get_offset, _set_offset, doc="the offset of the component")
+ def _get_scale(self):
+ """ Return the scale components of the transformation."""
+ (xx, xy, yx, yy, dx, dy) = self._transformation
+ return xx, yy
+ def _set_scale(self, scale):
+ """ Set the scale component of the transformation.
+ Note: setting this value effectively makes the xy and yx values meaningless.
+ We're assuming that if you're setting the xy and yx values, you will use
+ the transformation attribute rather than the scale and offset attributes.
+ """
+ xScale, yScale = scale
+ (xx, xy, yx, yy, dx, dy) = self._transformation
+ self._transformation = (xScale, xy, yx, yScale, dx, dy)
+ self._hasChanged()
+ scale = property(_get_scale, _set_scale, doc="the scale of the component")
+ def _get_transformation(self):
+ return self._transformation
+ def _set_transformation(self, transformation):
+ assert len(transformation)==6, "Transformation matrix must have 6 values"
+ self._transformation = transformation
+ transformation = property(_get_transformation, _set_transformation, doc="the transformation matrix of the component")
+ def move(self, pt):
+ """Move the component"""
+ (xx, xy, yx, yy, dx, dy) = self._transformation
+ self._transformation = (xx, xy, yx, yy, dx+pt[0], dy+pt[1])
+ self._hasChanged()
+ def decompose(self):
+ """Decompose the component"""
+ baseGlyphName = self.baseGlyph
+ parentGlyph = self.getParent()
+ # if there is no parent glyph, there is nothing to decompose to
+ if baseGlyphName is not None and parentGlyph is not None:
+ parentFont = parentGlyph.getParent()
+ # we must have a parent glyph with the baseGlyph
+ # if not, we will simply remove the component from
+ # the parent glyph thereby decomposing the component
+ # to nothing.
+ if parentFont is not None and parentFont.has_key(baseGlyphName):
+ from robofab.pens.adapterPens import TransformPointPen
+ baseGlyph = parentFont[baseGlyphName]
+ for contour in baseGlyph.contours:
+ pointPen = parentGlyph.getPointPen()
+ transPen = TransformPointPen(pointPen, self._transformation)
+ contour.drawPoints(transPen)
+ parentGlyph.components.remove(self)
+class RKerning(BaseKerning):
+ _title = "RoboFabKerning"
+class RGroups(BaseGroups):
+ _title = "RoboFabGroups"
+class RLib(BaseLib):
+ _title = "RoboFabLib"
+class RInfo(BaseInfo):
+ _title = "RoboFabFontInfo"
+class RFeatures(BaseFeatures):
+ _title = "RoboFabFeatures"