path: root/misc/pylib/robofab/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/pylib/robofab/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/misc/pylib/robofab/tools/ b/misc/pylib/robofab/tools/
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index c8aff19a1..000000000
--- a/misc/pylib/robofab/tools/
+++ /dev/null
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-T.O.O.L.S.: Things Other Objects Lack (Sometimes)
--assorted raw tools.
-This is an assorted colection of raw tools that do
-things inside of FontLab. Many of these functions
-form the bedrock of objectsFL. In short, use these
-tools only if you need the raw functions and they are
-not supported by the objects.
-Object model:
-Most of these tools were written before
-objectsFL. Some of these tools are used by
-objectsFL. That means that if you want to
-use functions from you can always
-feed them FontLab objects (like Font, Glyps,
-etc.). If the functions also accept Robjects from
-robofab.objects it is usually mentioned in the
-doc string.
-This is a simple way to convert a robofab Font
-object back to a FL Font object. Even if you don't
-know which particular faith an object belongs to
-you can use this:
-font = unwrapFont(font)
-from FL import *
-from warnings import warn
- from fl_cmd import *
-except ImportError:
- print "The fl_cmd module is not available here."
-import os
-from robofab import RoboFabError
-# local encoding
-if == "mac":
- LOCAL_ENCODING = "macroman"
- LOCAL_ENCODING = "latin-1"
-# stuff for fontlab app
-def AppFolderRenamer():
- """This function will rename the folder that contains the
- FontLab application to a more specific name that includes
- the version of the application
- Warning: it messes with the paths of your app, if you have
- items that hardwired to this path you'd be in trouble.
- """
- if fl.count > 0:
- warn("Close all fonts before running AppFolderRenamer")
- return
- old = fl.path[:-1]
- root = os.path.dirname(old)
- new = "FontLab " + fl.version.replace('/', '_')
- path = os.path.join(root, new)
- if path != old:
- try:
- os.rename(old, path)
- except OSError:
- pass
- warn("Please quit and restart FontLab")
-# stuff for fonts
-def GetFont(full_name):
- """Return fontobjects which match full_name.
- Note: result is a list.
- Returns: a list of FL Font objects
- """
- found = []
- for f in AllFonts():
- if f.full_name == full_name:
- found.append(f)
- return found
-def AllFonts():
- """Collect a list of all open fonts.
- Returns: a list of FL Font objects.
- """
- fontcount = len(fl)
- af = []
- for i in range(fontcount):
- af.append(fl[i])
- return af
-def FontIndex(font):
- """return the index of a specified FL Font"""
- font = unwrapFont(font)
- a = AllFonts()
- p = []
- for f in a:
- p.append(f.file_name)
- if font.file_name in p:
- return p.index(font.file_name)
- else:
- return None
-def unwrapFont(font):
- """Unwrap the font if it happens to be a RoboFab Font"""
- if hasattr(font, 'isRobofab'):
- return font.naked()
- return font
-def MakeTempFont(font, dupemark=None, removeOverlap=True, decompose=True):
- """Save the current FL Font,
- - close the file,
- - duplicate the file in the finder (icon looks weird, but it works)
- - open the duplicate
- - decompose the glyphs
- - remove overlaps
- - return the fontobject
- font is either a FL Font or RF RFont object.
- Problems: doesn't check if the filename is getting too long.
- Note: it will overwrite older files with the same name.
- """
- import string
- f = unwrapFont(font)
- if not dupemark or dupemark == "":
- dupemark = "_tmp_"
- path = f.file_name
- a = f.file_name.split('.')
- a.insert(len(a)-1, dupemark)
- newpath = string.join(a, '.')
- f.Save(path)
- fl.Close(FontIndex(f))
- file = open(path, 'rb')
- data =
- file.close()
- file = open(newpath, 'wb')
- file.write(data)
- file.close()
- fl.Open(newpath, 1)
- nf = fl.font
- if nf is None:
- print 'uh oh, sup?'
- return None
- else:
- for g in nf.glyphs:
- if decompose:
- g.Decompose()
- if removeOverlap:
- g.RemoveOverlap()
- return nf
-def makePSFontName(name):
- """Create a postscript filename out of a regular postscript fontname,
- using the old fashioned macintosh 5:3:3 convention.
- """
- import string
- parts = []
- current = []
- final = []
- notAllowed = '-_+=,-'
- index = 0
- for c in name:
- if c in notAllowed:
- continue
- if c in string.uppercase or index == 0:
- c = string.upper(c)
- if current:
- parts.append("".join(current))
- current = [c]
- else:
- current.append(c)
- index = index + 1
- if current:
- parts.append("".join(current))
- final.append(parts[0][:5])
- for p in parts[1:]:
- final.append(p[:3])
- return "".join(final)
-# stuff for glyphs
-def NewGlyph(font, glyphName, clear=False, updateFont=True):
- """Make a new glyph if it doesn't already exist, return the glyph.
- font is either a FL Font or RF RFont object. If updateFont is True
- the (very slow) fl.UpdateFont function will be called.
- """
- font = unwrapFont(font)
- if isinstance(glyphName, unicode):
- glyphName = glyphName.encode(LOCAL_ENCODING)
- glyph = font[glyphName]
- if glyph is None:
- new = Glyph()
- = glyphName
- font.glyphs.append(new)
- if updateFont:
- fl.UpdateFont(FontIndex(font))
- glyph = font[glyphName]
- elif clear:
- glyph.Clear()
- glyph.anchors.clean()
- glyph.components.clean()
- glyph.note = ""
- return glyph
-def AddToAlias(additions, sep='+'):
- """additions is a dict with glyphnames as keys
- and glyphConstruction as values. In order to make
- a bunch of additions in one go rather than open
- and close the file for each name. Add a glyph
- to the alias.dat file if it doesn't already exist.
- additions = {'Gcircumflex': ['G','circumflex'], }
- Returns a list of only the added glyphnames."""
- import string
- glyphs = {}
- data = []
- new = []
- path = os.path.join(fl.path, 'Mapping', 'alias.dat')
- if os.path.exists(path):
- file = open(path, 'r')
- data ='\n')
- file.close()
- for i in data:
- if len(i) == 0: continue
- if i[0] != '%':
- glyphs[i.split(' ')[0]] = i.split(' ')[1]
- for glyphName, glyphConstruction in additions.items():
- if glyphName not in glyphs.keys():
- new.append(glyphName)
- glyphs[glyphName] = string.join(glyphConstruction, sep)
- newNames = ['%%FONTLAB ALIASES']
- l = glyphs.keys()
- l.sort()
- for i in l:
- newNames.append(string.join([i, glyphs[i]], ' '))
- file = open(path, 'w')
- file.write(string.join(newNames, '\n'))
- file.close()
- return new
-def GlyphIndexTable(font):
- """Make a glyph index table for font"""
- font = unwrapFont(font)
- idx = {}
- for i in range(len(font)):
- g = font.glyphs[i]
- idx[] = i
- return idx
-def MakeReverseCompoMapping(font):
- """Return a dict that maps glyph names to lists containing tuples
- of the form:
- (clientGlyphName, componentIndex)
- """
- font = unwrapFont(font)
- reverseCompoMapping = {}
- for g in font.glyphs:
- for i, c in zip(range(len(g.components)), g.components):
- base = font[c.index].name
- if not base in reverseCompoMapping:
- reverseCompoMapping[base] = []
- reverseCompoMapping[base].append((, i))
- return reverseCompoMapping
-# stuff for text files
-def textPrinter(text, name=None, path=None):
- """Write a string to a text file. If no name is given it becomes
- Untitled_hour_minute_second.txt . If no path is given it goes
- into the FontLab/RoboFab Data directory."""
- if not name:
- import time
- tm_year,tm_mon,tm_day,tm_hour,tm_min,tm_sec,tm_wday,tm_yday,tm_isdst = time.localtime()
- now = '_'.join((`tm_hour`, `tm_min`, `tm_sec`))
- name = 'Untitled_%s.txt'%now
- if not path:
- path = os.path.join(makeDataFolder(), name)
- f = open(path, 'wb')
- f.write(text)
- f.close()
-def makeDataFolder():
- """Make the RoboFab data folder"""
- folderPath = os.path.join(fl.path, "RoboFab Data")
- if not os.path.exists(folderPath):
- try:
- os.makedirs(folderPath)
- except:
- pass
- return folderPath
-def Log(text=None):
- """Make an entry in the default log file."""
- now = str(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())))
- if not text:
- text = "-"
- entry = "%s: %s\r"%(now, text)
- path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Logs")
- new = 0
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- new = 1
- log = os.path.join(path, "log.txt")
- f = open(log, 'a')
- if new:
- f.write("# log file for FL\r")
- f.write(entry)
- f.close()