path: root/misc/ufocompile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/ufocompile')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/misc/ufocompile b/misc/ufocompile
deleted file mode 100755
index 41cfeb043..000000000
--- a/misc/ufocompile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import argparse
-import logging
-import subprocess
-from shutil import copyfile
-from robofab.objects.objectsRF import RPoint
-from import OpenFont
-from fontbuild.Build import FontProject
-from fontbuild.mix import Master
-from fontbuild.mix import Mix
-BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
-def extractSpecializedGlyphs(masterFont):
- glyphSpecializations = {}
- specializationSuffix = '.specz.'
- specializedGlyphNames = []
- font = masterFont.font
- for g in font:
- p =
- if p == -1:
- continue
- name =[:p]
- category =[p + len(specializationSuffix):]
- g2 = g.copy()
- = name
- if name in font:
- # copy unicodes
- masterGlyph = font[name]
- g2.unicodes = masterGlyph.unicodes
- if not category in glyphSpecializations:
- glyphSpecializations[category] = { name: g2 }
- else:
- glyphSpecializations[category][name] = g2
- specializedGlyphNames.append(
- ffont = masterFont.ffont
- for name in specializedGlyphNames:
- del ffont.glyphs[name]
- font.removeGlyph(name)
- return glyphSpecializations
-def readVersionControlTag(dir):
- try:
- return subprocess.check_output(
- ['git', '-C', dir, 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'],
- shell=False).strip()
- except:
- return ''
-def main():
- # silence warnings from fontTools.misc.fixedTools that is harmless and caused
- # by the ufo2ft module.
- logging.getLogger('fontTools.misc.fixedTools').setLevel(logging.ERROR)
- default_out_dir = os.path.join(BASEDIR,'build','tmp')
- srcDir = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'src')
- argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Build TTF and OTF font files from UFO sources.')
- argparser.add_argument(
- 'styles', metavar='<style>', type=str, nargs='*',
- help='Build specific styles. Omit to build all.')
- argparser.add_argument(
- '--otf', dest='otf', action='store_const',
- const=True, default=False, help='Build OTF files')
- argparser.add_argument(
- '--no-ttf', dest='no_ttf', action='store_const',
- const=True, default=False, help='Do not build TTF files')
- argparser.add_argument(
- '--cufo', dest='cufo', action='store_const',
- const=True, default=False, help='Only compile composite UFO')
- argparser.add_argument(
- '--out', dest='out', metavar='<dir>', type=str, default=default_out_dir,
- help='Write output to <dir> instead of the default (%r)' % default_out_dir)
- args = argparser.parse_args()
- styles = [s.lower() for s in args.styles]
- handledStyles = []
- ALL = len(styles) == 0
- # version control tag, if any
- buildTag = readVersionControlTag(BASEDIR)
- # Since we reference a shared feature file, copy it to build dir so includes
- # works
- ufoTmpDir = os.path.join(args.out, 'InterUIUFO')
- try:
- os.makedirs(ufoTmpDir)
- except:
- pass
- copyfile(
- os.path.join(srcDir, 'features.fea'),
- os.path.join(ufoTmpDir, 'features.fea'))
- # Load masters
- print('loading master: Regular')
- rg = Master("%s/src/Inter-UI-Regular.ufo" % BASEDIR)
- bl = None
- if ALL \
- or 'black' in styles or 'blackitalic' in styles \
- or 'bold' in styles or 'bolditalic' in styles \
- or 'medium' in styles or 'mediumitalic' in styles:
- print('loading master: Black')
- bl = Master("%s/src/Inter-UI-Black.ufo" % BASEDIR)
- glyphSpecializations = extractSpecializedGlyphs(rg)
- class Mix2(Mix):
- def __init__(self, masters, v, glyphSpecializations=None):
- Mix.__init__(self, masters, v)
- self.glyphSpecializations = glyphSpecializations
- def mixGlyphs(self, gname):
- if self.glyphSpecializations is not None:
- specializedGlyph = self.glyphSpecializations.get(gname)
- if specializedGlyph is not None:
- print('mixglyph using specialized', gname)
- return specializedGlyph
- return Mix.mixGlyphs(self, gname)
- proj = FontProject(
- rg.font, BASEDIR, os.path.join(srcDir,'fontbuild.cfg'), buildTag=buildTag)
- proj.builddir = args.out
- if args.cufo:
- proj.justCompileUFO = True
- # panose for entire family
- panose = {
- 'bFamilyType': 2, # Latin Text
- 'bSerifStyle': 11, # Normal Sans
- 'bProportion': 2, # Old Style
- 'bContrast': 3, # Very Low (thickest vs thinnest stem of "O")
- 'bXHeight': 4, # Constant/Large
- # bWeight: see
- }
- def mkpanose(weight):
- return dict(panose.items() + {
- 'bWeight': weight
- }.items())
- if args.otf:
- proj.buildOTF = True
- # name syntax: family/styleName/styleCode/subfamilyAbbrev
- #
- # styleCode should be one of:
- # Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
- #
- # scaleX controls scale on the x axis, used for italics. 1.0 means no scaling.
- # italicMeanYCenter controls how far on the x axis the glyph should slide
- # to compensate for the slant. -600 is sort of a magic number arrived to by
- # trial and error.
- #
- if ALL or 'regular' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('regular')
- proj.generateFont(rg.font, "%s/Regular/Regular/Rg" % FAMILYNAME,
- panose=mkpanose(5))
- if ALL or 'italic' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('italic')
- proj.generateFont(
- rg.font, "%s/Italic/Italic/Rg" % FAMILYNAME,
- italic=True, stemWidth=232, italicMeanYCenter=-600,
- panose=mkpanose(5))
- if ALL or 'medium' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('medium')
- proj.generateFont(
- Mix2([rg, bl], 0.32, glyphSpecializations.get('medium', {})),
- "%s/Medium/Regular/Me" % FAMILYNAME,
- panose=mkpanose(6))
- if ALL or 'mediumitalic' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('mediumitalic')
- proj.generateFont(
- Mix2([rg, bl], 0.32, glyphSpecializations.get('medium', {})),
- "%s/Medium Italic/Italic/Me" % FAMILYNAME,
- italic=True, stemWidth=300, italicMeanYCenter=-600,
- panose=mkpanose(6))
- if ALL or 'bold' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('bold')
- proj.generateFont(
- Mix2([rg, bl], 0.68, glyphSpecializations.get('bold', {})),
- "%s/Bold/Bold/Rg" % FAMILYNAME,
- panose=mkpanose(8))
- if ALL or 'bolditalic' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('bolditalic')
- proj.generateFont(
- Mix2([rg, bl], 0.68, glyphSpecializations.get('bold', {})),
- "%s/Bold Italic/Bold Italic/Rg" % FAMILYNAME,
- italic=True, stemWidth=350, italicMeanYCenter=-600,
- panose=mkpanose(8))
- if ALL or 'black' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('black')
- proj.generateFont(bl.font, "%s/Black/Regular/Bl" % FAMILYNAME,
- panose=mkpanose(9))
- if ALL or 'blackitalic' in styles:
- handledStyles.append('blackitalic')
- proj.generateFont(
- bl.font, "%s/Black Italic/Italic/Bl" % FAMILYNAME,
- italic=True, stemWidth=400, italicMeanYCenter=-600,
- panose=mkpanose(9))
- # generate TTFs
- if args.no_ttf == False and args.cufo == False:
- proj.generateTTFs()
- if not ALL:
- diff = set(styles).difference(set(handledStyles))
- if len(diff) != 0:
- print('Unknown styles %r' % diff, file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
-# import hotshot, hotshot.stats, test.pystone
-# prof = hotshot.Profile("")
-# benchtime = prof.runcall(main)
-# prof.close()
-# stats = hotshot.stats.load("")
-# # stats.strip_dirs()
-# stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
-# stats.print_stats(40)