- id: faq-using-features q: "How do I enable and disable font features?" a: | In web browsers you can use [font-feature-settings](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-feature-settings). In Figma you can access features via the [Advanced Type panel](https://help.figma.com/article/250-working-with-fonts#opentype). In Illustrator, Photoshop and friends, you can access features via the [Characters and OpenType panels](https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/special-characters.html#opentype_panel_overview). Sketch doesn't provide a UI for configuring font features, but there's [a workaround using macOS's native font UI](https://sketchtalk.io/discussion/comment/1478/#Comment_1478). - id: faq-cdn q: "How reliable are the fonts served from rsms.me/inter?" a: | https://rsms.me/inter/inter.css and the Inter font files are distributed globally over CloudFlare's CDN. This is very reliable and fast by automatically serving the fonts from a server near your users, minimizing the latency of your web pages. - id: faq-subset q: "How do I subset the font files?" a: | Have a look at [pyftsubset](https://fonttools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/subset/) - id: faq-otfeat-customize-compile q: "Can I change what OpenType features are enabled by default?" a: | Have a look at [OpenType Feature Freezer](https://twardoch.github.io/fonttools-opentype-feature-freezer/). It allows you to customize fonts with certain OpenType features "on by default." - id: faq-contribute q: "Can I help with improving Inter?" a: | Yes you can! Inter is an open-source project, meaning the source code—or "source design" if you will—that is used to build the font files [are freely available](https://github.com/rsms/inter) to improve upon. Font making requires a fair bit of technical work and depending on what you'd like to do, some things might be more fun depending on your technical skills. The ["Contributing" document](https://github.com/rsms/inter/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) is a great place to start. This document outlines where you can have the biggest impact, how things are setup and how to get started. - id: faq-inuse q: "I've made a cool thing that uses Inter" a: | [Share what you've made in "Show and Tell"](https://github.com/rsms/inter/discussions/categories/show-and-tell) - id: faq-bug q: "Where can I report technical problems with Inter?" a: | Please [submit a bug report on GitHub](https://github.com/rsms/inter/issues/new?template=bug_report.md) - id: faq-contact q: "I have a question, where can I get help?" a: | Start by searching [issues](https://github.com/rsms/inter/issues?q=%22YOUR+ISSUE%22) & [discussions](https://github.com/rsms/inter/discussions?discussions_q=%22YOUR+ISSUE%22) for an answer. If that didn't help, ask your question in [the "Q&A" forum](https://github.com/rsms/inter/discussions/categories/q-a). - id: faq-start-date q: "This website claims work started in 2016, but the git repository's log says it started later?" a: | Inter was developed in a private, internal git repository starting in November 2016, prior to being published on August 22, 2017. Between November 2016 and August 2017, there were 2,990,150 line edits made across 247 versions. - id: faq-old-website q: "I miss something from the old website" a: | Have a pleasant surf on [a snapshot of the old version 3 website](https://d.rsms.me/inter-website/v3/) - id: faq-technical-details q: "What are the technical details of Inter?" a: | UPM: 2048
Variable axis opsz [14–32]
Variable axis wght [100–900]
Constant axis ital [0, 9.4°]
Style classification: Sans-serif, Grotesk
x-height, opsz=14: 1118 UPM
x-height, opsz=32: 1056 UPM
Cap height: 1490 UPM
Ascender: 1984 UPM
Descender: -494 UPM
Vendor ID: [RSMS](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/vendors/#r)