// requires index.js function passThrough(v) { return v } function valueGetter(el) { return ( 'valueAsNumber' in el ? () => el.valueAsNumber : (el.type == 'number' || el.type == 'range') ? () => parseFloat(el.value) : () => el.value ) } function Binding(name){ this.name = name this.value = undefined this.inputs = [] this.outputs = [] this.listeners = [] this.parser = undefined this.formatter = passThrough } Binding.prototype.addInput = function(el) { var binding = this var getValue = valueGetter(el) var _onInput = ev => { binding.setValue(getValue(), el) } var input = { el: el, _onInput: _onInput, } this.inputs.push(input) if (this.value === undefined) { this.value = getValue() } else { input.el.value = this.formatter(this.value) } if (el.tagName == 'SELECT' || el.type == 'checkbox') { el.addEventListener('change', _onInput, {passive:true}) } else { el.addEventListener('input', _onInput, {passive:true}) } } Binding.prototype.addOutput = function(el) { this.outputs.push(el) if (this.value !== undefined) { el.innerText = this.formatter(this.value) } } // listener signature: // function(nextval string, prevval string, b Binding)void // Binding.prototype.addListener = function(listener) { this.listeners.push(listener) } Binding.prototype.setValue = function(nextval, origin) { var prevval = this.value if (this.parser) { nextval = this.parser(nextval, prevval) } if (this.value === nextval) { return } var binding = this this.value = nextval var value = binding.formatter(nextval) this.inputs.forEach(function(input) { if (input.el !== origin) { input.el.value = value } }) this.outputs.forEach(function(el) { el.innerText = value }) this.listeners.forEach(function(listener) { listener(nextval, prevval, this) }) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Bindings() { this.bindings = {} } Bindings.prototype.getBinding = function(name) { var binding = this.bindings[name] if (!binding) { binding = new Binding(name) this.bindings[name] = binding } return binding } Bindings.prototype.bindInput = function(name, input) { var binding = this.getBinding(name) binding.addInput(input) } Bindings.prototype.bindOutput = function(name, el) { var binding = this.getBinding(name) binding.addOutput(el) } Bindings.prototype.bindAllInputs = function(queryOrInputElementList) { var bindings = this var elements = ( typeof queryOrInputElementList == 'string' ? $$(queryOrInputElementList) : queryOrInputElementList ) elements.forEach(function(el) { var bindingName = el.dataset.binding if (bindingName) { if ( el.tagName == 'INPUT' || el.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' || el.tagName == 'SELECT' ) { bindings.bindInput(bindingName, el) } else { bindings.bindOutput(bindingName, el) } } }) } // listener signature: // function(nextval string, prevval string, b Binding)void // Bindings.prototype.addListener = function(name, listener) { var binding = this.getBinding(name) binding.addListener(listener) } Bindings.prototype.setValue = function(name, value) { var binding = this.getBinding(name) binding.setValue(value) } Bindings.prototype.setFormatter = function(name, formatter) { var binding = this.getBinding(name) binding.formatter = formatter || passThrough } Bindings.prototype.value = function(name, defaultValue) { var binding = this.bindings[name] return binding && binding.value !== undefined ? binding.value : defaultValue } function fmt_float(nextval, prevval) { var n = parseFloat(nextval) return isNaN(n) ? 0 : n } function fmt_int(nextval, prevval) { var n = parseInt(nextval) return isNaN(n) ? 0 : n } // configure is convenience function for setting value, adding a // listener and associating a parser with a binding. // If a listener and a value is provided, the value is set and the listener // is immediately invoked. // Bindings.prototype.configure = function(name, value, parser, listener) { var binding = this.getBinding(name) if (listener) { binding.addListener(listener) } if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { binding.setValue(value) } if (parser) { if (typeof parser == 'string') { switch (parser) { case 'number': case 'float': parser = fmt_float; break; case 'int': case 'integer': parser = fmt_int; break; default: throw new Error('unknown parser "' + parser + '"') } } else if (typeof parser != 'function') { throw new Error('parser should be a string or function') } binding.parser = parser } } Bindings.prototype.allBindings = ( typeof Object.values == 'function' ? function() { return Object.values(this.bindings) } : function() { let v = [] for (let name in this.bindings) { v.push(this.bindings[name]) } return v } ) Bindings.prototype.getValues = function() { let values = {} for (let name in this.bindings) { values[name] = this.bindings[name].value } return values } Bindings.prototype.setValues = function(values) { Object.keys(values).forEach(name => { let b = this.bindings[name] if (!b) { if (console.warn) { console.warn('Bindings.setValues: ignoring unknown "' + name + '"') } return } // console.log(`bindings setValue ${name} => ${values[name]}`) b.setValue(values[name]) }) }