function GraphPlot(canvas) { this.canvas = canvas const g = canvas.getContext('2d') if (g == null) { throw new Error('failed to acquire 2d context') } this.width = 0 // dp this.height = 0 // dp this.widthPx = 0 // px this.heightPx = 0 // px this.pixelRatio = 1 this.g = g this.dataSegments = [] this.axes = { x0: .5, // % from left to x=0 y0: .5, // % from top to y=0 scalex: 40, // pixels from x=0 to x=1 scaley: 40, // pixels from y=0 to y=1 negativeX: true, } if (!this.autosize()) { this.setSize(256, 256) } } GraphPlot.prototype.autosize = function() { try { this.canvas.width = null this.canvas.height = null = null = null var cs = window.getComputedStyle(this.canvas) var width = parseFloat(cs.width) var height = parseFloat(cs.height) this.setSize(width, height) return true } catch (err) { if (typeof console != 'undefined' && console.warn) { console.warn('GraphPlot.autosize failed: ' + err) } } return false } // setOrigin sets the origin of axis x and y // The values should be in the range [0-1] and maps to the extremes // of the canvas. // GraphPlot.prototype.setOrigin = function(x, y) { var p = this p.axes.x0 = x p.axes.y0 = y } // setScale sets the value scale for x and y axis. // The values should be provided as display points. // GraphPlot.prototype.setScale = function(x, y) { var p = this if (y === undefined) { y = x } p.axes.scalex = x p.axes.scaley = y } // setSize sets the size of canvas in display points // GraphPlot.prototype.setSize = function(width, height) { var p = this p.width = width p.height = height const el = p.canvas, g = p.g p.pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1 if (p.pixelRatio != 1) { el.width = p.widthPx = width * p.pixelRatio el.height = p.heightPx = height * p.pixelRatio g.scale(p.pixelRatio, p.pixelRatio) } else { el.width = p.widthPx = width el.height = p.heightPx = height g.scale(1, 1) } = `${width}px` = `${height}px` } GraphPlot.prototype.renderAxes = function() { var p = this , g = p.g , x0 = Math.round(p.axes.x0 * p.widthPx) / p.pixelRatio , y0 = Math.round(p.axes.y0 * p.heightPx) / p.pixelRatio g.beginPath() g.strokeStyle = "rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2)" if (y0 > 0 && y0 < p.width) { g.moveTo(0, y0); g.lineTo(p.width, y0) // X axis } if (x0 > 0 && x0 < p.height) { g.moveTo(x0, 0); g.lineTo(x0, p.height) // Y axis } g.stroke() } // plotf plots an arbitrary function on the graph // GraphPlot.prototype.plotf = function(f, color) { var p = this , g = p.g , w = p.width , h = p.height , x0 = p.axes.x0 * p.width , y0 = p.axes.y0 * p.height , x = 0 , y = 0 , dx = 4 / p.pixelRatio // smaller means finer curves and more CPU , scalex = p.axes.scalex * w , scaley = p.axes.scaley * h , iMax = Math.round((w - x0) / dx) , iMin = p.axes.negativeX ? Math.round(-x0 / dx) : 0 g.beginPath() g.lineWidth = 1 g.strokeStyle = color || "rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" for (var i = iMin; i <= iMax; i++) { x = dx * i y = f(x / scalex) * scaley if (i == iMin) { g.moveTo(x0 + x, y0 - y) } else { g.lineTo(x0 + x, y0 - y) } } g.stroke() } // plotLines draws straight lines between a collection of points // GraphPlot.prototype.plotLine = function(points, color) { var p = this , g = p.g , x0 = p.axes.x0 * p.width , y0 = p.axes.y0 * p.height , x = 0 , y = 0 , scalex = p.axes.scalex * p.width , scaley = p.axes.scaley * p.height , pt g.beginPath() g.lineWidth = 1 g.strokeStyle = color || "rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" var i = 0 for (; i < points.length; i++) { pt = points[i] x = pt[0] * scalex y = pt[1] * scaley if (i == 0) { g.moveTo(x0 + x, y0 - y) } else { g.lineTo(x0 + x, y0 - y) } } g.stroke() } // plotPoints draws points // GraphPlot.prototype.plotPoints = function(points, color) { var p = this , g = p.g , x0 = p.axes.x0 * p.width , y0 = p.axes.y0 * p.height , x = 0 , y = 0 , scalex = p.axes.scalex * p.width , scaley = p.axes.scaley * p.height , pt , i = 0 g.fillStyle = color || "rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" for (; i < points.length; i++) { pt = points[i] x = x0 + pt[0] * scalex y = y0 - pt[1] * scaley g.beginPath() g.arc(x, y, 3, 0, Math.PI + (Math.PI * 2) / 2, false) g.fill() } } GraphPlot.prototype.clear = function() { var p = this p.g.clearRect(0, 0, p.width, p.height) p.renderAxes() } GraphPlot.prototype.renderDemo = function() { var p = this , g = p.g , dpscale = p.pixelRatio , w = p.widthPx , h = p.heightPx p.clear() p.plotf( function(x) { return Math.sin(x) }, 'blue' ) p.plotf( function(x) { return Math.cos(3*x) }, 'hotpink' ) // var scale = p.height / 4 // g.moveTo(0, scale) // var i, sine, lines = 200, frag = p.width / lines // for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { // sine = Math.sin(i / scale * 2) * scale // g.lineTo(i * frag, -sine + scale) // } // g.stroke() }