#!/bin/bash SRCDIR=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") BUILD_DIR=$SRCDIR/build if [[ "${BUILD_DIR:0:2}" == "./" ]]; then BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:2} fi DIST_DIR=$BUILD_DIR/dist #-hinted|-unhinted BUILD_TMP_DIR=$BUILD_DIR/tmp VENV_DIR=$BUILD_DIR/venv if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != "${0}" ]]; then # sourced if [[ -z $VIRTUAL_ENV ]] && [[ ! -f "$VENV_DIR/bin/activate" ]]; then echo "Project not configured." >&2 echo "Execute this script instead of sourcing it to perform setup." >&2 else source "$VENV_DIR/bin/activate" pushd "$SRCDIR" >/dev/null SRCDIR_ABS=$(pwd) popd >/dev/null export PYTHONPATH=$SRCDIR_ABS/misc/pylib fi else # Subshell set -e cd "$SRCDIR" if [[ "$1" == "-h" ]] || [[ "$1" == "-help" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--help" ]]; then echo "usage: $0 [options]" >&2 echo "options:" >&2 echo " -clean Start from scratch" >&2 exit 1 fi clean=false if [[ "$1" == "-clean" ]]; then clean=true fi # ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— # virtualenv mkdir -p "$VENV_DIR" pushd "$(dirname "$VENV_DIR")" >/dev/null VENV_DIR_ABS=$(pwd)/$(basename "$VENV_DIR") popd >/dev/null # must check and set VENV_ACTIVE before polluting local env VENV_ACTIVE=false if [[ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" == "$VENV_DIR_ABS" ]] && [[ "$1" != "-force" ]]; then VENV_ACTIVE=true fi require_virtualenv() { # find pip export pip=$(which pip2) if [ "$pip" = "" ]; then export pip=$(which pip) fi echo "using pip: $pip $(pip --version)" if [ "$pip" = "" ]; then echo "Pip for Python 2 not found (tried pip and pip2 in PATH)" >&2 exit 1 elif ! ($pip --version 2>&1 | grep -q 'ython 2'); then echo "Pip for Python 2 not found (found pip for different python version)" >&2 exit 1 fi # find virtualenv if ! ($pip show virtualenv >/dev/null); then echo "$0: Can't find virtualenv -- install through '$pip install --user virtualenv'" >&2 exit 1 fi virtualenv_pkgdir=$($pip show virtualenv | grep Location | cut -d ' ' -f 2) export virtualenv="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(dirname "$virtualenv_pkgdir")")")/bin/virtualenv" echo "using virtualenv: $virtualenv" } # TODO: allow setting a flag to recreate venv if $clean; then rm -rf "$VENV_DIR" fi if [[ ! -d "$VENV_DIR/bin" ]]; then echo "Setting up virtualenv in '$VENV_DIR'" require_virtualenv $virtualenv "$VENV_DIR" elif [[ ! -z $VIRTUAL_ENV ]] && [[ "$VIRTUAL_ENV" != "$VENV_DIR_ABS" ]]; then echo "Looks like the repository has moved location -- updating virtualenv" require_virtualenv $virtualenv "$VENV_DIR" fi source "$VENV_DIR/bin/activate" UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_FILE="$VENV_DIR/last-pip-run.mark" REQUIREMENTS_FILE=$SRCDIR/requirements.txt PY_REQUIREMENTS_CHANGED=false if [ "$REQUIREMENTS_FILE" -nt "$UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_FILE" ]; then echo "pip install -r $REQUIREMENTS_FILE" pip install -r "$REQUIREMENTS_FILE" date '+%s' > "$UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_FILE" PY_REQUIREMENTS_CHANGED=true fi # ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— # deps DEPS_DIR=$BUILD_DIR/deps PATCH_DIR=$(pwd)/misc/patches mkdir -p "$DEPS_DIR" check_dep() { NAME=$1 REPO_URL=$2 BRANCH=$3 TREE_REF=$4 set -e REPODIR=$DEPS_DIR/$NAME if [[ ! -d "$REPODIR/.git" ]]; then rm -rf "$REPODIR" echo "Fetching $NAME from $REPO_URL" if ! (git clone --recursive --single-branch -b $BRANCH -- "$REPO_URL" "$REPODIR"); then exit 1 fi if [[ ! -z $TREE_REF ]]; then git -C "$REPODIR" checkout "$TREE_REF" git -C "$REPODIR" submodule update fi return 1 fi # TODO: check that source matches tree ref return 0 } if ! (check_dep \ woff2 https://github.com/google/woff2.git master 36e6555b92a1519c927ebd43b79621810bf17c1a ) then echo "Building woff2" git -C "$DEPS_DIR/woff2" apply "$PATCH_DIR/woff2.patch" if !(make -C "$DEPS_DIR/woff2" -j8 clean all); then rm -rf "$DEPS_DIR/woff2" exit 1 fi fi if [[ ! -f "$VENV_DIR/bin/woff2_compress" ]]; then ln -vfs ../../deps/woff2/woff2_compress "$VENV_DIR/bin" fi # EOT is disabled # if ! (check_dep \ # ttf2eot https://github.com/rsms/ttf2eot.git master ) # then # echo "Building ttf2eot" # make -C "$DEPS_DIR/ttf2eot" clean all # fi # if [[ ! -f "$VENV_DIR/bin/ttf2eot" ]]; then # ln -vfs ../../deps/ttf2eot/ttf2eot "$VENV_DIR/bin" # fi if [[ ! -f "$DEPS_DIR/ttfautohint" ]]; then URL=https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/freetype/ttfautohint-1.6-tty-osx.tar.gz echo "Fetching $URL" curl '-#' -o "$DEPS_DIR/ttfautohint.tar.gz" -L "$URL" tar -C "$DEPS_DIR" -xzf "$DEPS_DIR/ttfautohint.tar.gz" rm "$DEPS_DIR/ttfautohint.tar.gz" fi if [[ ! -f "$VENV_DIR/bin/ttfautohint" ]]; then ln -vfs ../../deps/ttfautohint "$VENV_DIR/bin" fi if [[ ! -f "$VENV_DIR/bin/ttf2woff" ]] || [[ ! -f "$SRCDIR/misc/ttf2woff/ttf2woff" ]]; then echo "Building ttf2woff" make -C "$SRCDIR/misc/ttf2woff" -j8 fi if [[ ! -f "$VENV_DIR/bin/ttf2woff" ]]; then ln -vfs ../../../misc/ttf2woff/ttf2woff "$VENV_DIR/bin" fi has_newer() { DIR=$1 REF_FILE=$2 for f in $(find "$DIR" -type f -name '*.pyx' -newer "$REF_FILE" -print -quit); do return 0 done return 1 } check_cython_dep() { DIR=$1 REF_FILE=$DIR/$2 set -e if $clean || $PY_REQUIREMENTS_CHANGED || [ ! -f "$REF_FILE" ] || has_newer "$DIR" "$REF_FILE"; then pushd "$DIR" >/dev/null if $clean; then find . \ -type f \ -name '*.c' -or \ -name '*.o' -or \ -name '*.pyc' -or \ -name '*.pyo' \ | xargs rm fi if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt fi python setup.py build_ext --inplace popd >/dev/null touch "$REF_FILE" PY_REQUIREMENTS_CHANGED=true fi } # native booleanOperations module check_cython_dep misc/pylib/booleanOperations flatten.so check_cython_dep misc/pylib/copy copy.so check_cython_dep misc/pylib/fontbuild mix.so check_cython_dep misc/pylib/robofab glifLib.so # ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— # $BUILD_TMP_DIR # create and mount spare disk image needed on macOS to support case-sensitive filenames if [[ "$(uname)" = *Darwin* ]]; then bash misc/mac-tmp-disk-mount.sh if $clean; then echo "[clean] rm -rf '$BUILD_TMP_DIR'/*" rm -rf "$BUILD_TMP_DIR"/* fi else mkdir -p "$BUILD_TMP_DIR" fi # ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— # $BUILD_DIR/etc/generated.make master_styles=( \ Regular \ Black \ ) derived_styles=( \ "Italic : Regular" \ "Medium : Regular Black" \ "MediumItalic : Regular Black" \ "Bold : Regular Black" \ "BoldItalic : Regular Black" \ "BlackItalic : Regular Black" \ ) web_formats=( woff woff2 ) # Disabled/unused: eot mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR/etc" GEN_MAKE_FILE=$BUILD_DIR/etc/generated.make # Only generate if there are changes to the font sources or init.sh NEED_GENERATE=false if $clean || [[ ! -f "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" ]] || [[ "$0" -nt "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" ]]; then NEED_GENERATE=true else for style in "${master_styles[@]}"; do if $NEED_GENERATE; then break fi if has_newer "src/Inter-UI-${style}.ufo" "$GEN_MAKE_FILE"; then NEED_GENERATE=true fi done fi if $NEED_GENERATE; then echo "Generating '$GEN_MAKE_FILE'" echo "# Generated by init.sh -- do not modify manually" > "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" all_styles=() for style in "${master_styles[@]}"; do all_styles+=( $style ) echo "${style}_ufo_d := " \ "\$(wildcard src/Inter-UI-${style}.ufo/* src/Inter-UI-${style}.ufo/*/*)" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo "$BUILD_TMP_DIR/InterUITTF/InterUI-${style}.ttf: \$(${style}_ufo_d)" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo "$BUILD_TMP_DIR/InterUIOTF/InterUI-${style}.otf: \$(${style}_ufo_d)" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo -n "all_ufo:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for style in "${master_styles[@]}"; do echo -n " \$(${style}_ufo_d)" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for e in "${derived_styles[@]}"; do style=$(echo "${e%%:*}" | xargs) dependent_styles=$(echo "${e#*:}" | xargs) all_styles+=( $style ) echo -n "$BUILD_TMP_DIR/InterUITTF/InterUI-${style}.ttf:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for depstyle in $dependent_styles; do echo -n " \$(${depstyle}_ufo_d)" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo -n "$BUILD_TMP_DIR/InterUIOTF/InterUI-${style}.otf:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for depstyle in $dependent_styles; do echo -n " \$(${depstyle}_ufo_d)" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done # STYLE and STYLE_ttf targets for style in "${all_styles[@]}"; do echo "${style}_ttf_hinted: $DIST_DIR-hinted/Inter-UI-${style}.ttf" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo "${style}_ttf: $DIST_DIR-unhinted/Inter-UI-${style}.ttf" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo "${style}_otf: $DIST_DIR-unhinted/Inter-UI-${style}.otf" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo -n "${style}: ${style}_otf" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for format in "${web_formats[@]}"; do echo -n " $DIST_DIR-unhinted/Inter-UI-${style}.${format}" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo -n "${style}_hinted: ${style}_ttf_hinted" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for format in "${web_formats[@]}"; do echo -n " $DIST_DIR-hinted/Inter-UI-${style}.${format}" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done # all_otf target echo -n "all_otf:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for style in "${all_styles[@]}"; do echo -n " ${style}_otf" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" # all_ttf target echo -n "all_ttf:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for style in "${all_styles[@]}"; do echo -n " ${style}_ttf" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" # all_ttf_hinted target echo -n "all_ttf_hinted:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for style in "${all_styles[@]}"; do echo -n " ${style}_ttf_hinted" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" # all_web target echo -n "all_web:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for style in "${all_styles[@]}"; do echo -n " ${style}" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" # all_web_hinted target echo -n "all_web_hinted:" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for style in "${all_styles[@]}"; do echo -n " ${style}_hinted" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" echo -n ".PHONY: all_otf all_ttf_hinted all_ttf all_web all_web_hinted all_ufo" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" for style in "${all_styles[@]}"; do echo -n " ${style} ${style}_ttf ${style}_ttf_hinted ${style}_otf" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" done echo "" >> "$GEN_MAKE_FILE" fi # ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— # summary if ! $VENV_ACTIVE; then echo "You now need to activate virtualenv by:" if [ "$0" == "./init.sh" ]; then # pretty format for common case echo " source init.sh" else echo " source '$0'" fi echo "Or directly by sourcing the activate script:" echo " source '$VENV_DIR/bin/activate'" fi fi