#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import import sys, os from os.path import dirname, basename, abspath, relpath, join as pjoin sys.path.append(abspath(pjoin(dirname(__file__), 'tools'))) from common import BASEDIR, VENVDIR, getGitHash, getVersion import argparse import datetime import errno import glyphsLib import logging import re import signal import subprocess from functools import partial from fontmake.font_project import FontProject from defcon import Font from fontTools import designspaceLib from fontTools import varLib from fontTools.misc.transform import Transform from fontTools.pens.transformPen import TransformPen from fontTools.pens.reverseContourPen import ReverseContourPen from glyphsLib.interpolation import apply_instance_data from mutatorMath.ufo.document import DesignSpaceDocumentReader from multiprocessing import Process, Queue from ufo2ft.filters.removeOverlaps import RemoveOverlapsFilter log = logging.getLogger(__name__) stripItalic_re = re.compile(r'(?:^|\b)italic(?:\b|$)', re.I | re.U) findPost_re = re.compile(r'\!post:([^ ]+)', re.I | re.U) def stripItalic(name): return stripItalic_re.sub('', name.strip()) def sighandler(signum, frame): sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(1) def mkdirs(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # raises the error again def fatal(msg): print(sys.argv[0] + ': ' + msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def composedGlyphIsNonTrivial(g, yAxisIsNonTrivial=False): # A non-trivial glyph is one that is composed from either multiple # components or that uses component transformations. # If yAxisIsNonTrivial is true, then any transformation over the Y axis # is be considered non-trivial. if g.components and len(g.components) > 0: if len(g.components) > 1: return True for c in g.components: # has non-trivial transformation? (i.e. scaled) # Example of optimally trivial transformation: # (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) no scale or offset # Example of scaled transformation matrix: # (-1.0, 0, 0.3311, 1, 1464.0, 0) flipped x axis, sheered and offset # xScale, xyScale, yxScale, yScale, xOffset, yOffset = c.transformation if xScale != 1 or xyScale != 0 or yxScale != 0 or yScale != 1: return True if yAxisIsNonTrivial and yOffset != 0: return True return False knownDirectives = set([ 'removeoverlap', ]) def findGlyphDirectives(g): # -> set | None directives = set() if g.note and len(g.note) > 0: for directive in findPost_re.findall(g.note): directive = directive.lower() if directive in knownDirectives: directives.add(directive) else: print( 'unknown glyph directive !post:%s in glyph %s' % (directive, g.name), file=sys.stderr ) return directives class VarFontProject(FontProject): def decompose_glyphs(self, ufos, glyph_filter=lambda g: True): """Move components of UFOs' glyphs to their outlines.""" for ufo in ufos: log.info('Decomposing glyphs for ' + self._font_name(ufo)) for glyph in ufo: if not glyph.components or not glyph_filter(glyph): continue self._deep_copy_contours(ufo, glyph, glyph, Transform()) glyph.clearComponents() def _deep_copy_contours(self, ufo, parent, component, transformation): """Copy contours from component to parent, including nested components.""" for nested in component.components: self._deep_copy_contours( ufo, parent, ufo[nested.baseGlyph], transformation.transform(nested.transformation)) if component != parent: pen = TransformPen(parent.getPen(), transformation) # if the transformation has a negative determinant, it will reverse # the contour direction of the component xx, xy, yx, yy = transformation[:4] if xx*yy - xy*yx < 0: pen = ReverseContourPen(pen) component.draw(pen) def build_interpolatable_ttfs(self, ufos, **kwargs): """Build OpenType binaries with interpolatable TrueType outlines.""" # We decompose any glyph with two or more components to make sure # that fontTools varLib is able to produce properly-slanting interpolation. decomposeGlyphs = set() removeOverlapsGlyphs = set() for ufo in ufos: updateFontVersion(ufo) isItalic = ufo.info.italicAngle != 0 ufoname = basename(ufo.path) for g in ufo: directives = findGlyphDirectives(g) if g.components and composedGlyphIsNonTrivial(g, yAxisIsNonTrivial=isItalic): decomposeGlyphs.add(g.name) if 'removeoverlap' in directives: if g.components and len(g.components) > 0: decomposeGlyphs.add(g.name) removeOverlapsGlyphs.add(g) self.decompose_glyphs(ufos, lambda g: g.name in decomposeGlyphs) if len(removeOverlapsGlyphs) > 0: rmoverlapFilter = RemoveOverlapsFilter(backend='pathops') rmoverlapFilter.start() for g in removeOverlapsGlyphs: log.info( 'Removing overlaps in glyph "%s" of %s', g.name, basename(g.getParent().path) ) rmoverlapFilter.filter(g) self.save_otfs(ufos, ttf=True, interpolatable=True, **kwargs) def updateFontVersion(font, dummy=False): version = getVersion() buildtag = getGitHash() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if dummy: version = "1.0" buildtag = "src" now = datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) versionMajor, versionMinor = [int(num) for num in version.split(".")] font.info.version = version font.info.versionMajor = versionMajor font.info.versionMinor = versionMinor font.info.woffMajorVersion = versionMajor font.info.woffMinorVersion = versionMinor font.info.year = now.year font.info.openTypeNameVersion = "%s;%s" % (version, buildtag) font.info.openTypeNameUniqueID = "%s %s:%d:%s" % ( font.info.familyName, font.info.styleName, now.year, buildtag) # creation date & time (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS) font.info.openTypeHeadCreated = now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") # setFontInfo patches font.info # def setFontInfo(font, weight): # # For UFO3 names, see # https://github.com/unified-font-object/ufo-spec/blob/gh-pages/versions/ # ufo3/fontinfo.plist.md # For OpenType NAME table IDs, see # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/name#name-ids # family = font.info.familyName # i.e. "Inter UI" style = font.info.styleName # e.g. "Medium Italic" isitalic = font.info.italicAngle != 0 # weight font.info.openTypeOS2WeightClass = weight # version (dummy) updateFontVersion(font, dummy=True) # Names family_nosp = re.sub(r'\s', '', family) style_nosp = re.sub(r'\s', '', style) font.info.macintoshFONDName = "%s %s" % (family_nosp, style_nosp) font.info.postscriptFontName = "%s-%s" % (family_nosp, style_nosp) # name ID 16 "Typographic Family name" font.info.openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName = family # name ID 17 "Typographic Subfamily name" font.info.openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName = style # name ID 1 "Family name" (legacy, but required) # Restriction: # "shared among at most four fonts that differ only in weight or style" # So we map as follows: # - Regular => "Family", ("regular" | "italic" | "bold" | "bold italic") # - Medium => "Family Medium", ("regular" | "italic") # - Black => "Family Black", ("regular" | "italic") # and so on. subfamily = stripItalic(style).strip() # "A Italic" => "A", "A" => "A" if len(subfamily) == 0: subfamily = "Regular" subfamily_lc = subfamily.lower() if subfamily_lc == "regular" or subfamily_lc == "bold": font.info.styleMapFamilyName = family # name ID 2 "Subfamily name" (legacy, but required) # Value must be one of: "regular", "italic", "bold", "bold italic" if subfamily_lc == "regular": if isitalic: font.info.styleMapStyleName = "italic" else: font.info.styleMapStyleName = "regular" else: # bold if isitalic: font.info.styleMapStyleName = "bold italic" else: font.info.styleMapStyleName = "bold" else: font.info.styleMapFamilyName = (family + ' ' + subfamily).strip() # name ID 2 "Subfamily name" (legacy, but required) if isitalic: font.info.styleMapStyleName = "italic" else: font.info.styleMapStyleName = "regular" class Main(object): def __init__(self): self.tmpdir = pjoin(BASEDIR,'build','tmp') self.quiet = False self.logLevelName = 'WARNING' def log(self, msg): if not self.quiet: print(msg) def main(self, argv): # make ^C instantly exit program signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sighandler) argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='', usage=''' %(prog)s [options] [] Commands: compile Build font files compile-var Build variable font files glyphsync Generate designspace and UFOs from Glyphs file instancegen Generate instance UFOs for designspace '''.strip().replace('\n ', '\n')) argparser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Print more details') argparser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Print lots of details') argparser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', help='Only print errors') argparser.add_argument('-C', metavar='', dest='chdir', help='Run as if %(prog)s started in instead of the '+\ 'current working directory.') argparser.add_argument('command', metavar='') # search past base arguments i = 1 while i < len(argv) and argv[i][0] == '-': i = i + 1 i = i + 1 # parse CLI arguments args = argparser.parse_args(argv[1:i]) logFormat = '%(funcName)s: %(message)s' if args.quiet: self.quiet = True if args.debug: fatal("--quiet and --debug are mutually exclusive arguments") if args.verbose: fatal("--quiet and --verbose are mutually exclusive arguments") elif args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=logFormat) self.logLevelName = 'DEBUG' elif args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=logFormat) self.logLevelName = 'INFO' else: logFormat = '%(message)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format=logFormat) self.logLevelName = 'WARNING' if args.chdir: os.chdir(args.chdir) cmd = 'cmd_' + args.command.replace('-', '_') if not hasattr(self, cmd): fatal('Unrecognized command %s. Try --help' % args.command) getattr(self, cmd)(argv[i:]) def cmd_compile_var(self, argv): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s compile-var [-h] [-o ] ', description='Compile variable font file') argparser.add_argument('srcfile', metavar='', help='Source file (.designspace file)') argparser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='', help='Output font file') args = argparser.parse_args(argv) # decide output filename (or check user-provided name) outfilename = args.output if outfilename is None or outfilename == '': outfilename = os.path.splitext(basename(args.srcfile))[0] + '.var.ttf' log.info('setting --output %r' % outfilename) else: outfileext = os.path.splitext(outfilename)[1] if outfileext.lower() != '.ttf': fatal('Invalid file extension %r (expected ".ttf")' % outfileext) project = VarFontProject(verbose=self.logLevelName) mkdirs(dirname(outfilename)) project.run_from_designspace( args.srcfile, interpolate=False, masters_as_instances=False, round_instances=True, output_path=outfilename, output=['variable'], subroutinize=True, overlaps_backend='pathops', # use Skia's pathops ) self.log("write %s" % outfilename) # Note: we can't run ots-sanitize on the generated file as OTS # currently doesn't support variable fonts. def cmd_compile(self, argv): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s compile [-h] [-o ] ', description='Compile font files') argparser.add_argument('srcfile', metavar='', help='Source file (.ufo file)') argparser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='', help='Output font file (.otf, .ttf or .ufo)') argparser.add_argument('--validate', action='store_true', help='Enable ufoLib validation on reading/writing UFO files') args = argparser.parse_args(argv) ext_to_format = { '.ufo': 'ufo', '.otf': 'otf', '.ttf': 'ttf', # non-filename mapping targets: (kept for completeness) # 'ttf-interpolatable', # 'variable', } # decide output filename outfilename = args.output if outfilename is None or outfilename == '': outfilename = os.path.splitext(basename(args.srcfile))[0] + '.otf' log.info('setting --output %r' % outfilename) # build formats list from filename extension formats = [] # for outfilename in args.outputs: ext = os.path.splitext(outfilename)[1] ext_lc = ext.lower() if ext_lc in ext_to_format: formats.append(ext_to_format[ext_lc]) else: fatal('Unsupported output format %s' % ext) # temp file to write to tmpfilename = pjoin(self.tmpdir, basename(outfilename)) mkdirs(self.tmpdir) project = FontProject(verbose=self.logLevelName, validate_ufo=args.validate) ufo = Font(args.srcfile) updateFontVersion(ufo) # run fontmake to produce OTF/TTF file at tmpfilename project.run_from_ufos( [ ufo ], output_path=tmpfilename, output=formats, subroutinize=True, overlaps_backend='pathops', # use Skia's pathops ) # TODO: if outfile is a ufo, simply move it to outfilename instead # of running ots-sanitize # Run ots-sanitize on produced OTF/TTF file and write sanitized version # to outfilename self._ots_sanitize(tmpfilename, outfilename) def _ots_sanitize(self, tmpfilename, outfilename): # run through ots-sanitize # for filename in args.output: tmpfile = pjoin(self.tmpdir, tmpfilename) mkdirs(dirname(outfilename)) success = True try: self.log("write %s" % outfilename) otssan_res = subprocess.check_output( ['ots-sanitize', tmpfile, outfilename], # ['cp', tmpfile, outfilename], shell=False ).strip() # Note: ots-sanitize does not exit with an error in many cases where # it fails to sanitize the font. success = otssan_res.find('Failed') == -1 except: success = False otssan_res = 'error' if success: os.unlink(tmpfile) else: fatal('ots-sanitize failed for %s: %s' % (tmpfile, otssan_res)) def _glyphsyncWriteUFO(self, font, weight, ufo_path): # fixup font info setFontInfo(font, weight) # cleanup lib lib = dict() for key, value in font.lib.iteritems(): if key.startswith('com.schriftgestaltung'): continue if key == 'public.postscriptNames': continue lib[key] = value font.lib.clear() font.lib.update(lib) # remove all but the primary (default) layer layers = font.layers defaultLayer = layers.defaultLayer delLayerNames = set() for layer in layers: if layer != defaultLayer: delLayerNames.add(layer.name) for layerName in delLayerNames: del layers[layerName] # clear anchors for g in font: g.clearAnchors() del g.lib['com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.lastChange'] # write UFO file self.log("write %s" % relpath(ufo_path, os.getcwd())) font.save(ufo_path) def _genSubsetDesignSpace(self, designspace, tag, filename): ds = designspace italic = False if tag == 'italic': italic = True elif tag != 'upright': raise Exception('unexpected tag ' + tag) for a in ds.axes: if a.tag == "slnt": ds.axes.remove(a) break rmlist = [] hasDefault = not italic for source in designspace.sources: isitalic = source.name.find('italic') != -1 if italic != isitalic: rmlist.append(source) elif italic and not hasDefault: source.copyLib = True source.copyInfo = True source.copyGroups = True source.copyFeatures = True hasDefault = True for source in rmlist: designspace.sources.remove(source) rmlist = [] for instance in designspace.instances: isitalic = instance.name.find('italic') != -1 if italic != isitalic: rmlist.append(instance) for instance in rmlist: designspace.instances.remove(instance) self.log("write %s" % relpath(filename, os.getcwd())) ds.write(filename) def cmd_glyphsync(self, argv): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s glyphsync [options]', description='Generates designspace and UFOs from Glyphs file') argparser.add_argument('glyphsfile', metavar='', help='Glyphs source file') argparser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', metavar='', help='''Write output to . If omitted, designspace and UFOs are written to the directory of the glyphs file. '''.strip().replace('\n ', '')) args = argparser.parse_args(argv) outdir = args.outdir if outdir is None: outdir = dirname(args.glyphsfile) # files master_dir = outdir glyphsfile = args.glyphsfile designspace_file = pjoin(outdir, 'Inter-UI.designspace') instance_dir = pjoin(BASEDIR, 'build', 'ufo') # load glyphs project file self.log("generating %s from %s" % ( relpath(designspace_file, os.getcwd()), relpath(glyphsfile, os.getcwd()) )) font = glyphsLib.GSFont(glyphsfile) # generate designspace from glyphs project designspace = glyphsLib.to_designspace( font, propagate_anchors=False, instance_dir=relpath(instance_dir, master_dir) ) # strip lib data designspace.lib.clear() # patch and write UFO files # TODO: Only write out-of-date UFOs procs = [] q = Queue() for source in designspace.sources: # source : fontTools.designspaceLib.SourceDescriptor # source.font : defcon.objects.font.Font ufo_path = pjoin(master_dir, source.filename.replace('InterUI', 'Inter-UI')) # no need to also set the relative 'filename' attribute as that # will be auto-updated on writing the designspace document if source.styleName == "Italic Italic": # Workaround for Glyphs limitation # (Base italic master can't be called just Italic, so it's called # "Italic Italic" which is converted here to just "Italic") ufo_path = pjoin(master_dir, 'Inter-UI-Italic.ufo') source.styleName = "Italic" source.name = "italic" source.font.info.styleName = source.styleName elif source.styleName == "Black Italic Italic": ufo_path = pjoin(master_dir, 'Inter-UI-BlackItalic.ufo') source.styleName = "Black Italic" source.name = "blackitalic" source.font.info.styleName = source.styleName else: # name "Inter UI Black" => "black" source.name = source.styleName.lower().replace(' ', '') source.path = ufo_path weight = int(source.location['Weight']) p = Process( target=self._glyphsyncWriteUFO, args=(source.font, weight, ufo_path) ) p.start() procs.append(p) # patch instance names for instance in designspace.instances: # name "Inter UI Black Italic" => "blackitalic" instance.name = instance.styleName.lower().replace(' ', '') instance.filename = instance.filename.replace('InterUI', 'Inter-UI') self.log("write %s" % relpath(designspace_file, os.getcwd())) designspace.write(designspace_file) # upright designspace upright_designspace_file = pjoin(outdir, 'Inter-UI-upright.designspace') p = Process( target=self._genSubsetDesignSpace, args=(designspace, 'upright', upright_designspace_file) ) p.start() procs.append(p) # italic designspace italic_designspace_file = pjoin(outdir, 'Inter-UI-italic.designspace') p = Process( target=self._genSubsetDesignSpace, args=(designspace, 'italic', italic_designspace_file) ) p.start() procs.append(p) for p in procs: p.join() def cmd_instancegen(self, argv): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate UFO instances from designspace') argparser.add_argument('designspacefile', metavar='', help='Designspace file') argparser.add_argument('instances', metavar='', nargs='*', help='Style instances to generate. Omit to generate all.') args = argparser.parse_args(argv) instances = set([s.lower() for s in args.instances]) all_instances = len(instances) == 0 # files designspace_file = args.designspacefile instance_dir = pjoin(BASEDIR, 'build', 'ufo') # DesignSpaceDocumentReader generates UFOs gen = DesignSpaceDocumentReader( designspace_file, ufoVersion=3, roundGeometry=True, verbose=True ) designspace = designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument() designspace.read(designspace_file) # Generate UFOs for instances instance_weight = dict() instance_files = set() for instance in designspace.instances: if all_instances or instance.name in instances: filebase = basename(instance.filename) relname = relpath( pjoin(dirname(designspace_file), instance.filename), os.getcwd() ) self.log('generating %s' % relname) gen.readInstance(("name", instance.name)) instance_files.add(instance.filename) instance_weight[filebase] = int(instance.location['Weight']) if not all_instances: instances.remove(instance.name) if len(instances) > 0: fatal('unknown style(s): %s' % ', '.join(list(instances))) ufos = apply_instance_data(designspace_file, instance_files) # patch ufos (list of defcon.Font instances) italicAngleKey = 'com.schriftgestaltung.customParameter.' +\ 'InstanceDescriptorAsGSInstance.italicAngle' for font in ufos: # move italicAngle from lib to info italicAngle = font.lib.get(italicAngleKey) if italicAngle != None: italicAngle = float(italicAngle) del font.lib[italicAngleKey] font.info.italicAngle = italicAngle # clear anchors for g in font: g.clearAnchors() # update font info weight = instance_weight[basename(font.path)] setFontInfo(font, weight) font.save() def checkfont(self, fontfile): try: res = subprocess.check_output( ['ots-idempotent', fontfile], shell=False ).strip() # Note: ots-idempotent does not exit with an error in many cases where # it fails to sanitize the font. if res.find('Failed') != -1: log.error('[checkfont] ots-idempotent failed for %r: %s' % ( fontfile, res)) return False except: log.error('[checkfont] ots-idempotent failed for %r' % fontfile) return False return True def cmd_checkfont(self, argv): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s checkfont ...', description='Verify integrity of font files') argparser.add_argument('files', metavar='', nargs='+', help='Font files') args = argparser.parse_args(argv) for fontfile in args.files: if not self.checkfont(fontfile): sys.exit(1) # could use from multiprocessing import Pool # p = Pool(8) # p.map(self.checkfont, args.files) # p.terminate() if __name__ == '__main__': Main().main(sys.argv)