#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf8 # # Sync glyph shapes between SVG and UFO, creating a bridge between UFO and Figma. # from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, argparse, re, json, plistlib from math import ceil, floor from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont from collections import OrderedDict from fontbuild.generateGlyph import generateGlyph font = None # RFont ufopath = '' effectiveAscender = 0 scale = 0.1 agl = None def num(s): return int(s) if s.find('.') == -1 else float(s) def parseGlyphComposition(composite): c = composite.split("=") d = c[1].split("/") glyphName = d[0] if len(d) == 1: offset = [0, 0] else: offset = [int(i) for i in d[1].split(",")] accentString = c[0] accents = accentString.split("+") baseName = accents.pop(0) accentNames = [i.split(":") for i in accents] return (glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset) def loadGlyphCompositions(filename): # { glyphName => (baseName, accentNames, offset, rawline) } compositions = OrderedDict() with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#': glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset = parseGlyphComposition(line) compositions[glyphName] = (baseName, accentNames, offset, line) return compositions def loadAGL(filename): # -> { 2126: 'Omega', ... } m = {} with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: # Omega;2126 # dalethatafpatah;05D3 05B2 # higher-level combinations; ignored line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#': name, uc = tuple([c.strip() for c in line.split(';')]) if uc.find(' ') == -1: # it's a 1:1 mapping m[int(uc, 16)] = name return m def decomposeGlyph(font, glyph): """Moves the components of a glyph to its outline.""" if len(glyph.components): deepCopyContours(font, glyph, glyph, (0, 0), (1, 1)) glyph.clearComponents() def deepCopyContours(font, parent, component, offset, scale): """Copy contours to parent from component, including nested components.""" for nested in component.components: deepCopyContours( font, parent, font[nested.baseGlyph], (offset[0] + nested.offset[0], offset[1] + nested.offset[1]), (scale[0] * nested.scale[0], scale[1] * nested.scale[1])) if component == parent: return for contour in component: contour = contour.copy() contour.scale(scale) contour.move(offset) parent.appendContour(contour) def glyphToSVGPath(g, yMul): commands = {'move':'M','line':'L','curve':'Y','offcurve':'X','offCurve':'X'} svg = '' contours = [] if len(g.components): decomposeGlyph(g.getParent(), g) # mutates g if len(g): for c in range(len(g)): contours.append(g[c]) for i in range(len(contours)): c = contours[i] contour = end = '' curve = False points = c.points if points[0].type == 'offCurve': points.append(points.pop(0)) if points[0].type == 'offCurve': points.append(points.pop(0)) for x in range(len(points)): p = points[x] command = commands[str(p.type)] if command == 'X': if curve == True: command = '' else: command = 'C' curve = True if command == 'Y': command = '' curve = False if x == 0: command = 'M' if p.type == 'curve': end = ' %g %g' % (p.x * scale, (p.y * yMul) * scale) contour += ' %s%g %g' % (command, p.x * scale, (p.y * yMul) * scale) svg += ' ' + contour + end + 'z' if font.has_key('__svgsync'): font.removeGlyph('__svgsync') return svg.strip() def svgWidth(g): box = g.box xoffs = box[0] width = box[2] - box[0] return width, xoffs def glyphToSVG(g): width, xoffs = svgWidth(g) svg = ''' ''' % { 'name': g.name, 'width': int(ceil(width * scale)), 'height': int(ceil((effectiveAscender - font.info.descender) * scale)), 'xoffs': -(xoffs * scale), 'yoffs': effectiveAscender * scale, # 'leftMargin': g.leftMargin * scale, # 'rightMargin': g.rightMargin * scale, 'glyphSVGPath': glyphToSVGPath(g, -1), # 'ascender': font.info.ascender * scale, # 'descender': font.info.descender * scale, # 'baselineOffset': (font.info.unitsPerEm + font.info.descender) * scale, # 'unitsPerEm': font.info.unitsPerEm, # 'margin': [g.leftMargin * scale, g.rightMargin * scale], } # (width, advance, left, right) info = (width, g.width, g.leftMargin, g.rightMargin) return svg.strip(), info def stat(path): try: return os.stat(path) except OSError as e: return None def writeFile(file, s): with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write(s) def writeFileAndMkDirsIfNeeded(file, s): try: writeFile(file, s) except IOError as e: if e.errno == 2: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file)) writeFile(file, s) def findGlifFile(glyphname): # glyphname.glif # glyphname_.glif # glyphname__.glif # glyphname___.glif for underscoreCount in range(0, 5): fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', glyphname + ('_' * underscoreCount) + '.glif') st = stat(fn) if st is not None: return fn, st if glyphname.find('.') != -1: # glyph_.name.glif # glyph__.name.glif # glyph___.name.glif for underscoreCount in range(0, 5): nv = glyphname.split('.') nv[0] = nv[0] + ('_' * underscoreCount) ns = '.'.join(nv) fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', ns + '.glif') st = stat(fn) if st is not None: return fn, st if glyphname.find('_') != -1: # glyph_name.glif # glyph_name_.glif # glyph_name__.glif # glyph__name.glif # glyph__name_.glif # glyph__name__.glif # glyph___name.glif # glyph___name_.glif # glyph___name__.glif for x in range(0, 4): for y in range(0, 5): ns = glyphname.replace('_', '__' + ('_' * x)) fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', ns + ('_' * y) + '.glif') st = stat(fn) if st is not None: return fn, st return ('', None) usedSVGNames = set() def genGlyph(glyphName, generateFrom, force): # generateFrom = (baseName, accentNames, offset, rawline) if generateFrom is not None: generateGlyph(font, generateFrom[3], agl) g = font.getGlyph(glyphName) return glyphToSVG(g) def genGlyphIDs(glyphnames): nameToIdMap = {} idToNameMap = {} nextId = 0 for name in glyphnames: nameToIdMap[name] = nextId idToNameMap[nextId] = name nextId += 1 return nameToIdMap, idToNameMap def genKerningInfo(font, glyphnames, nameToIdMap): kerning = font.kerning # load groups filename = os.path.join(font.path, 'groups.plist') groups = plistlib.readPlist(filename) pairs = [] for kt in kerning.keys(): v = kerning[kt] leftname, rightname = kt leftnames = [] rightnames = [] if leftname[0] == '@': leftnames = groups[leftname] else: leftnames = [leftname] if rightname[0] == '@': rightnames = groups[rightname] else: rightnames = [rightname] for lname in leftnames: for rname in rightnames: lnameId = nameToIdMap[lname] rnameId = nameToIdMap[rname] # print('%r' % [lnameId, rnameId, v]) pairs.append([lnameId, rnameId, v]) # print('pairs: %r' % pairs) return pairs def fmtJsonDict(d): keys = sorted(d.keys()) s = '{' delim = '\n' delimNth = ',\n' for k in keys: v = d[k] s += delim + json.dumps(str(k)) + ':' + json.dumps(v) delim = delimNth return s + '}' def fmtJsonList(d): s = '[' delim = '\n' delimNth = ',\n' for t in kerning: s += delim + json.dumps(t, separators=(',',':')) delim = delimNth return s + ']' # ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— # main argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate SVG glyphs from UFO') argparser.add_argument('-scale', dest='scale', metavar='', type=str, default='', help='Scale glyph. Should be a number in the range (0-1]. Defaults to %g' % scale) argparser.add_argument( '-f', '-force', dest='force', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='Generate glyphs even though they appear to be up-to date.') argparser.add_argument('ufopath', metavar='', type=str, help='Path to UFO packages') argparser.add_argument('glyphs', metavar='', type=str, nargs='*', help='Only generate specific glyphs.') args = argparser.parse_args() if len(args.scale): scale = float(args.scale) ufopath = args.ufopath.rstrip('/') font = OpenFont(ufopath) effectiveAscender = max(font.info.ascender, font.info.unitsPerEm) srcdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..')) # print('\n'.join(font.keys())) # sys.exit(0) agl = loadAGL(os.path.join(srcdir, 'src', 'glyphlist.txt')) # { 2126: 'Omega', ... } ignoreGlyphs = set(['.notdef', '.null']) glyphnames = args.glyphs if len(args.glyphs) else font.keys() glyphnameSet = set(glyphnames) generatedGlyphNames = set() diacriticComps = loadGlyphCompositions(os.path.join(srcdir, 'src', 'diacritics.txt')) for glyphName, comp in diacriticComps.iteritems(): if glyphName not in glyphnameSet: generatedGlyphNames.add(glyphName) glyphnames.append(glyphName) glyphnameSet.add(glyphName) glyphnames = [gn for gn in glyphnames if gn not in ignoreGlyphs] glyphnames.sort() nameToIdMap, idToNameMap = genGlyphIDs(glyphnames) glyphMetrics = {} # jsonLines = [] svgLines = [] for glyphname in glyphnames: generateFrom = None if glyphname in generatedGlyphNames: generateFrom = diacriticComps[glyphname] svg, metrics = genGlyph(glyphname, generateFrom, force=args.force) # metrics: (width, advance, left, right) glyphMetrics[nameToIdMap[glyphname]] = metrics svgLines.append(svg.replace('\n', '')) # print('{\n' + ',\n'.join(jsonLines) + '\n}') svgtext = '\n'.join(svgLines) # print(svgtext) glyphsHtmlFilename = os.path.join(srcdir, 'docs', 'glyphs', 'index.html') html = '' with open(glyphsHtmlFilename, 'r') as f: html = f.read() startMarker = '
' startPos = html.find(startMarker) endMarker = '