#!/bin/bash -e cd "$(dirname $0)" # GFDIR=$PWD # may be useful to save path to the misc/googlefonts-qa directory. # move to repository root directory cd ../.. # parse CLI options CLEAN=false if [[ "$1" == "-h"* ]] || [[ "$1" == "--h"* ]]; then echo "usage: $0 [--clean | --help]" echo "--clean Clean \"from scratch\" build. Clears any previous build products." exit elif [[ "$1" == "--clean" ]]; then CLEAN=true ; shift fi # make sure that make and venv is up-to-date ./init.sh source init.sh # make sure there are no left-over build products if $CLEAN; then make clean >/dev/null fi # compile multi-axis variable font make build/fonts/var/Inter.var.otf # change file type to TTF and change style names to Google Fonts standard. rm -rf build/googlefonts mkdir -p build/googlefonts misc/fontbuild rename --google-style \ build/fonts/var/Inter.var.otf \ -o build/googlefonts/Inter.var.ttf