from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import math from fontTools.misc import bezierTools from fontTools.pens.basePen import decomposeQuadraticSegment import pyclipper """ To Do: - the stuff listed below - need to know what kind of curves should be used for curve fit--curve or qcurve - false curves and duplicate points need to be filtered early on notes: - the flattened segments *must* be cyclical. if they aren't, matching is almost impossible. optimization ideas: - the flattening of the output segment in the full contour matching is probably expensive. - there should be a way to flag an input contour as entirely used so that it isn't tried and tried and tried for segment matches. - do a faster test when matching segments: when a end match is found, jump back input length and grab the output segment. test for match with the input. - cache input contour objects. matching these to incoming will be a little difficult because of point names and identifiers. alternatively, deal with those after the fact. - some tests on input before conversion to input objects could yield significant speedups. would need to check each contour for self intersection and each non-self-intersectingcontour for collision with other contours. and contours that don't have a hit could be skipped. this cound be done roughly with bounds. this should probably be done by extenal callers. - set a proper starting points of the output segments based on known points known points are: input oncurve points if nothing found intersection points (only use this is in the final curve fitting stage) test cases: - untouched contour: make clockwise and counter-clockwise tests of the same contour """ epsilon = 1e-8 # factors for transferring coordinates to and from Clipper clipperScale = 1 << 17 inverseClipperScale = 1.0 / clipperScale # approximateSegmentLength setting _approximateSegmentLength = 5.3 # ------------- # Input Objects # ------------- # Input class InputContour(object): def __init__(self, contour): # gather the point data pointPen = ContourPointDataPen() contour.drawPoints(pointPen) points = pointPen.getData() reversedPoints = _reversePoints(points) # gather segments self.segments = _convertPointsToSegments(points) # only calculate once all the flat points. # it seems to have some tiny difference and its a lot faster # if the flat points are calculated from the reversed input points. self.reversedSegments = _convertPointsToSegments(reversedPoints, willBeReversed=True) # simple reverse the flat points and store them in the reversedSegments index = 0 for segment in self.segments: otherSegment = self.reversedSegments[index] otherSegment.flat = segment.getReversedFlatPoints() index -= 1 # get the direction; returns True if counter-clockwise, False otherwise self.clockwise = not pyclipper.Orientation(points) # store the gathered data if self.clockwise: self.clockwiseSegments = self.segments self.counterClockwiseSegments = self.reversedSegments else: self.clockwiseSegments = self.reversedSegments self.counterClockwiseSegments = self.segments # flag indicating if the contour has been used self.used = False # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- # the original direction in flat segments def _get_originalFlat(self): if self.clockwise: return self.clockwiseFlat else: return self.counterClockwiseFlat originalFlat = property(_get_originalFlat) # the clockwise direction in flat segments def _get_clockwiseFlat(self): flat = [] segments = self.clockwiseSegments for segment in segments: flat.extend(segment.flat) return flat clockwiseFlat = property(_get_clockwiseFlat) # the counter-clockwise direction in flat segments def _get_counterClockwiseFlat(self): flat = [] segments = self.counterClockwiseSegments for segment in segments: flat.extend(segment.flat) return flat counterClockwiseFlat = property(_get_counterClockwiseFlat) def hasOnCurve(self): for inputSegment in self.segments: if not inputSegment.used and inputSegment.segmentType != "line": return True return False class InputSegment(object): # __slots__ = ["points", "previousOnCurve", "scaledPreviousOnCurve", "flat", "used"] def __init__(self, points=None, previousOnCurve=None, willBeReversed=False): if points is None: points = [] self.points = points self.previousOnCurve = previousOnCurve self.scaledPreviousOnCurve = _scaleSinglePoint(previousOnCurve, scale=clipperScale) self.used = False self.flat = [] # if the bcps are equal to the oncurves convert the segment to a line segment. # otherwise this causes an error when flattening. if self.segmentType == "curve": if previousOnCurve == points[0].coordinates and points[1].coordinates == points[-1].coordinates: oncurve = points[-1] oncurve.segmentType = "line" self.points = points = [oncurve] elif previousOnCurve[0] == points[0].coordinates[0] == points[1].coordinates[0] == points[-1].coordinates[0]: oncurve = points[-1] oncurve.segmentType = "line" self.points = points = [oncurve] elif previousOnCurve[1] == points[0].coordinates[1] == points[1].coordinates[1] == points[-1].coordinates[1]: oncurve = points[-1] oncurve.segmentType = "line" self.points = points = [oncurve] # its a reversed segment the flat points will be set later on in the InputContour if willBeReversed: return pointsToFlatten = [] if self.segmentType == "qcurve": assert len(points) >= 0 flat = [] currentOnCurve = previousOnCurve pointCoordinates = [point.coordinates for point in points] for pt1, pt2 in decomposeQuadraticSegment(pointCoordinates[1:]): pt0x, pt0y = currentOnCurve pt1x, pt1y = pt1 pt2x, pt2y = pt2 mid1x = pt0x + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1x - pt0x) mid1y = pt0y + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1y - pt0y) mid2x = pt2x + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1x - pt2x) mid2y = pt2y + 0.66666666666666667 * (pt1y - pt2y) convertedQuadPointToFlatten = [currentOnCurve, (mid1x, mid1y), (mid2x, mid2y), pt2] flat.extend(_flattenSegment(convertedQuadPointToFlatten)) currentOnCurve = pt2 self.flat = flat # this shoudl be easy. # copy the quad to cubic from fontTools.pens.basePen elif self.segmentType == "curve": pointsToFlatten = [previousOnCurve] + [point.coordinates for point in points] else: assert len(points) == 1 self.flat = [point.coordinates for point in points] if pointsToFlatten: self.flat = _flattenSegment(pointsToFlatten) # if len(self.flat) == 1 and self.segmentType == "curve": # oncurve = self.points[-1] # oncurve.segmentType = "line" # self.points = [oncurve] self.flat = _scalePoints(self.flat, scale=clipperScale) self.flat = _checkFlatPoints(self.flat) self.used = False def _get_segmentType(self): return self.points[-1].segmentType segmentType = property(_get_segmentType) def getReversedFlatPoints(self): reversedFlatPoints = [self.scaledPreviousOnCurve] + self.flat[:-1] reversedFlatPoints.reverse() return reversedFlatPoints def split(self, tValues): """ Split the segment according the t values """ if self.segmentType == "curve": on1 = self.previousOnCurve off1 = self.points[0].coordinates off2 = self.points[1].coordinates on2 = self.points[2].coordinates return bezierTools.splitCubicAtT(on1, off1, off2, on2, *tValues) elif self.segmentType == "line": segments = [] x1, y1 = self.previousOnCurve x2, y2 = self.points[0].coordinates dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 pp = x1, y1 for t in tValues: np = (x1+dx*t, y1+dy*t) segments.append([pp, np]) pp = np segments.append([pp, (x2, y2)]) return segments elif self.segmentType == "qcurve": raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError def tValueForPoint(self, point): """ get a t values for a given point required: the point must be a point on the curve. in an overlap cause the point will be an intersection points wich is alwasy a point on the curve """ if self.segmentType == "curve": on1 = self.previousOnCurve off1 = self.points[0].coordinates off2 = self.points[1].coordinates on2 = self.points[2].coordinates return _tValueForPointOnCubicCurve(point, (on1, off1, off2, on2)) elif self.segmentType == "line": return _tValueForPointOnLine(point, (self.previousOnCurve, self.points[0].coordinates)) elif self.segmentType == "qcurve": raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError class InputPoint(object): __slots__ = ["coordinates", "segmentType", "smooth", "name", "kwargs"] def __init__(self, coordinates, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, kwargs=None): x, y = coordinates self.coordinates = coordinates self.segmentType = segmentType self.smooth = smooth = name self.kwargs = kwargs def __getitem__(self, i): return self.coordinates[i] def copy(self): copy = self.__class__( coordinates=self.coordinates, segmentType=self.segmentType, smooth=self.smooth,, kwargs=self.kwargs ) return copy def __str__(self): return "%s %s" % (self.segmentType, self.coordinates) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() # ------------- # Input Support # ------------- class ContourPointDataPen: """ Point pen for gathering raw contour data. An instance of this pen may only be used for one contour. """ def __init__(self): self._points = None self._foundStartingPoint = False def getData(self): """ Return a list of normalized InputPoint objects for the contour drawn with this pen. """ # organize the points into segments # 1. make sure there is an on curve haveOnCurve = False for point in self._points: if point.segmentType is not None: haveOnCurve = True break # 2. move the off curves to front of the list if haveOnCurve: _prepPointsForSegments(self._points) # 3. ignore double points on start and end firstPoint = self._points[0] lastPoint = self._points[-1] if firstPoint.segmentType is not None and lastPoint.segmentType is not None: if firstPoint.coordinates == lastPoint.coordinates: if (firstPoint.segmentType in ["line", "move"]): del self._points[0] else: raise AssertionError("Unhandled point type sequence") # done return self._points def beginPath(self): assert self._points is None self._points = [] def endPath(self): pass def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs): assert segmentType != "move" if not self._foundStartingPoint and segmentType is not None: kwargs['startingPoint'] = self._foundStartingPoint = True data = InputPoint( coordinates=pt, segmentType=segmentType, smooth=smooth, name=name, kwargs=kwargs ) self._points.append(data) def addComponent(self, baseGlyphName, transformation): raise NotImplementedError def _prepPointsForSegments(points): """ Move any off curves at the end of the contour to the beginning of the contour. This makes segmentation easier. """ while 1: point = points[-1] if point.segmentType: break else: point = points.pop() points.insert(0, point) continue break def _copyPoints(points): """ Make a shallow copy of the points. """ copied = [point.copy() for point in points] return copied def _reversePoints(points): """ Reverse the points. This differs from the reversal point pen in RoboFab in that it doesn't worry about maintaing the start point position. That has no benefit within the context of this module. """ # copy the points points = _copyPoints(points) # find the first on curve type and recycle # it for the last on curve type firstOnCurve = None for index, point in enumerate(points): if point.segmentType is not None: firstOnCurve = index break lastSegmentType = points[firstOnCurve].segmentType # reverse the points points = reversed(points) # work through the reversed remaining points final = [] for point in points: segmentType = point.segmentType if segmentType is not None: point.segmentType = lastSegmentType lastSegmentType = segmentType final.append(point) # move any offcurves at the end of the points # to the start of the points _prepPointsForSegments(final) # done return final def _convertPointsToSegments(points, willBeReversed=False): """ Compile points into InputSegment objects. """ # get the last on curve previousOnCurve = None for point in reversed(points): if point.segmentType is not None: previousOnCurve = point.coordinates break assert previousOnCurve is not None # gather the segments offCurves = [] segments = [] for point in points: # off curve, hold. if point.segmentType is None: offCurves.append(point) else: segment = InputSegment( points=offCurves + [point], previousOnCurve=previousOnCurve, willBeReversed=willBeReversed ) segments.append(segment) offCurves = [] previousOnCurve = point.coordinates assert not offCurves return segments # -------------- # Output Objects # -------------- class OutputContour(object): def __init__(self, pointList): if pointList[0] == pointList[-1]: del pointList[-1] self.clockwise = not pyclipper.Orientation(pointList) self.segments = [ OutputSegment( segmentType="flat", points=[point] ) for point in pointList ] def _scalePoint(self, point): x, y = point x = x * inverseClipperScale if int(x) == x: x = int(x) y = y * inverseClipperScale if int(y) == y: y = int(y) return x, y # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- def _get_final(self): # XXX this could be optimized: # store a fixed value after teh contour is finalized # don't do the dymanic searching if that flag is set to True for segment in self.segments: if not return False return True final = property(_get_final) # -------------------------- # Re-Curve and Curve Fitting # -------------------------- def reCurveFromEntireInputContour(self, inputContour): """ Match if entire input contour matches entire output contour, allowing for different start point. """ if self.clockwise: inputFlat = inputContour.clockwiseFlat else: inputFlat = inputContour.counterClockwiseFlat outputFlat = [] for segment in self.segments: # XXX this could be expensive assert segment.segmentType == "flat" outputFlat += segment.points # test lengths haveMatch = False if len(inputFlat) == len(outputFlat): if inputFlat == outputFlat: haveMatch = True else: inputStart = inputFlat[0] if inputStart in outputFlat: # there should be only one occurance of the point # but handle it just in case if outputFlat.count(inputStart) > 1: startIndexes = [index for index, point in enumerate(outputFlat) if point == inputStart] else: startIndexes = [outputFlat.index(inputStart)] # slice and dice to test possible orders for startIndex in startIndexes: test = outputFlat[startIndex:] + outputFlat[:startIndex] if inputFlat == test: haveMatch = True break if haveMatch: # clear out the flat points self.segments = [] # replace with the appropriate points from the input if self.clockwise: inputSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments else: inputSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments for inputSegment in inputSegments: self.segments.append( OutputSegment( segmentType=inputSegment.segmentType, points=[ OutputPoint( coordinates=point.coordinates, segmentType=point.segmentType, smooth=point.smooth,, kwargs=point.kwargs ) for point in inputSegment.points ], final=True ) ) inputSegment.used = True # reset the direction of the final contour self.clockwise = inputContour.clockwise return True return False def reCurveFromInputContourSegments(self, inputContour): return # match individual segments if self.clockwise: inputSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments else: inputSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments for inputSegment in inputSegments: # skip used if inputSegment.used: continue # skip if the input contains more points than the entire output contour if len(inputSegment.flat) > len(self.segments): continue # skip if the input end is not in the contour inputSegmentLastPoint = inputSegment.flat[-1] outputFlat = [segment.points[-1] for segment in self.segments] if inputSegmentLastPoint not in outputFlat: continue # work through all output segments for outputSegmentIndex, outputSegment in enumerate(self.segments): # skip finalized if continue # skip if the output point doesn't match the input end if outputSegment.points[-1] != inputSegmentLastPoint: continue # make a set of ranges for slicing the output into a testable list of points inputLength = len(inputSegment.flat) outputRanges = [] outputSegmentIndex += 1 if outputSegmentIndex - inputLength < 0: r1 = (len(self.segments) + outputSegmentIndex - inputLength, len(self.segments)) outputRanges.append(r1) r2 = (0, outputSegmentIndex) outputRanges.append(r2) else: outputRanges.append((outputSegmentIndex - inputLength, outputSegmentIndex)) # gather the output segments testableOutputSegments = [] for start, end in outputRanges: testableOutputSegments += self.segments[start:end] # create a list of points test = [] for s in testableOutputSegments: # stop if a segment is final if test = None break test.append(s.points[-1]) if test == inputSegment.flat and inputSegment.segmentType != "line": # insert new segment newSegment = OutputSegment( segmentType=inputSegment.segmentType, points=[ OutputPoint( coordinates=point.coordinates, segmentType=point.segmentType, smooth=point.smooth,, kwargs=point.kwargs ) for point in inputSegment.points ], final=True ) self.segments.insert(outputSegmentIndex, newSegment) # remove old segments # XXX this is sloppy for start, end in outputRanges: if start > outputSegmentIndex: start += 1 end += 1 del self.segments[start:end] # flag the original as used inputSegment.used = True break # ? match line start points (to prevent curve fit in shortened line) return False def reCurveSubSegmentsCheckInputContoursOnHasCurve(self, inputContours): # test is the remaining input contours contains only lineTo points # XXX could be cached return True # for inputContour in inputContours: # if inputContour.used: # continue # if inputContour.hasOnCurve(): # return True # return False def reCurveSubSegments(self, inputContours): if not self.segments: # its all done return # the inputContours has some curved segments # if not it all the segments will be converted at the end if self.reCurveSubSegmentsCheckInputContoursOnHasCurve(inputContours): # collect all flat points in a dict of unused inputContours # collect both clockwise segment and counterClockwise segments # it happens a lot that the directions turns around # the clockwise attribute can help but testing the directions is always needed # collect all oncurve points as well flatInputPointsSegmentDict = dict() reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict = dict() flatIntputOncurves = set() for inputContour in inputContours: if inputContour.used: continue if self.clockwise: inputSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments reversedSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments else: inputSegments = inputContour.counterClockwiseSegments reversedSegments = inputContour.clockwiseSegments for inputSegment in inputSegments: if inputSegment.used: continue for p in inputSegment.flat: flatInputPointsSegmentDict[p] = inputSegment flatIntputOncurves.add(inputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve) for inputSegment in reversedSegments: if inputSegment.used: continue for p in inputSegment.flat: reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[p] = inputSegment flatIntputOncurves.add(inputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve) flatInputPoints = set(flatInputPointsSegmentDict.keys()) # reset the starting point to a known point. # not somewhere in the middle of a flatten point list firstSegment = self.segments[0] foundStartingPoint = True if firstSegment.segmentType == "flat": foundStartingPoint = False for index, segment in enumerate(self.segments): if segment.segmentType in ["line", "curve", "qcurve"]: foundStartingPoint = True break if foundStartingPoint: # if found re index the segments # if there is no known starting point found do it later based on the intersection points self.segments = self.segments[index:] + self.segments[:index] # collect all flat points in a intersect segment remainingSubSegment = OutputSegment(segmentType="intersect", points=[]) # store all segments in one big temp list newSegments = [] for index, segment in enumerate(self.segments): if segment.segmentType != "flat": # when the segment contains only one points its a line cause it is a single intersection point if len(remainingSubSegment.points) == 1: remainingSubSegment.segmentType = "line" = True remainingSubSegment.points = [ OutputPoint( coordinates=self._scalePoint(point), segmentType="line", smooth=point.smooth,, kwargs=point.kwargs ) for point in remainingSubSegment.points ] newSegments.append(remainingSubSegment) remainingSubSegment = OutputSegment(segmentType="intersect", points=[]) newSegments.append(segment) continue remainingSubSegment.points.extend(segment.points) newSegments.append(remainingSubSegment) # loop over all segments for segment in newSegments: # handle only segments tagged as intersect if segment.segmentType != "intersect": continue # skip empty segments if not segment.points: continue # get al inputSegments, this is an unorderd list of all points no in the the flatInputPoints segmentPointsSet = set(segment.points) intersectionPoints = segmentPointsSet - flatInputPoints # merge both oncurves and intersectionPoints as known points possibleStartingPoints = flatIntputOncurves | intersectionPoints hasOncurvePoints = segmentPointsSet & flatIntputOncurves # if not starting point is found earlier do it here foundStartingPointIndex = None if not foundStartingPoint: for index, p in enumerate(segment.points): if p in flatIntputOncurves: foundStartingPointIndex = index break if foundStartingPointIndex is None: for index, p in enumerate(segment.points): if p in intersectionPoints: foundStartingPointIndex = index break segment.points = segment.points[foundStartingPointIndex:] + segment.points[:foundStartingPointIndex] # split list based on oncurvepoints and intersection points, aka possibleStartingPoints. segmentedFlatPoints = [[]] for p in segment.points: segmentedFlatPoints[-1].append(p) if p in possibleStartingPoints: segmentedFlatPoints.append([]) if not segmentedFlatPoints[-1]: segmentedFlatPoints.pop(-1) if len(segmentedFlatPoints) > 1 and len(segmentedFlatPoints[0]) == 1: # if last segment is a curve, the start point may be last point on the last segment. If so, merge them. # check if they both have the same inputSegment or reversedInputSegment fp = segmentedFlatPoints[0][0] lp = segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1] mergeFirstSegments = False if fp in flatInputPoints and lp in flatInputPoints: firstInputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp] lastInputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[lp] reversedFirstInputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp] reversedLastInputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[lp] if (firstInputSegment.segmentType == reversedFirstInputSegment.segmentType == "curve") or (lastInputSegment.segmentType == reversedLastInputSegment.segmentType == "curve"): if firstInputSegment == lastInputSegment or reversedFirstInputSegment == reversedLastInputSegment: mergeFirstSegments = True # elif len(firstInputSegment.points) > 1 and len(lastInputSegment.points) > 1: elif fp == lastInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve: mergeFirstSegments = True elif lp == firstInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve: mergeFirstSegments = True elif fp == reversedLastInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve: mergeFirstSegments = True elif lp == reversedFirstInputSegment.scaledPreviousOnCurve: mergeFirstSegments = True elif not hasOncurvePoints and _distance(fp, lp): # Merge last segment with first segment if the distance between the last point and the first # point is less than the step distance between the last two points. _approximateSegmentLength # can be significantly smaller than this step size. if len(segmentedFlatPoints[-1]) > 1: f1 = segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-2] f2 = segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1] stepLen = _distance(f1, f2) else: stepLen = _approximateSegmentLength*clipperScale if _distance(fp, lp) <= stepLen: mergeFirstSegments = True if mergeFirstSegments: segmentedFlatPoints[0] = segmentedFlatPoints[-1] + segmentedFlatPoints[0] segmentedFlatPoints.pop(-1) mergeFirstSegments = False convertedSegments = [] previousIntersectionPoint = None if segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1] in intersectionPoints: previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(segmentedFlatPoints[-1][-1]) elif segmentedFlatPoints[0][0] in intersectionPoints: previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(segmentedFlatPoints[0][0]) for flatSegment in segmentedFlatPoints: # search two points in the flat segment that is not an inputOncurve or intersection point # to get a proper direction of the flatSegment # based on these two points pick a inputSegment fp = ep = None for p in flatSegment: if p in possibleStartingPoints: continue elif fp is None: fp = p elif ep is None: ep = p else: break canDoFastLine = True if ep is None and ((fp is None) or (len(flatSegment) == 2)): # if fp is not None, then it is a flattened part of a curve, and should be used to derive the input segment. # It may be either the first or second point. # If fp is None, I use the original logic. if fp is None: fp = flatSegment[-1] # flat segment only contains two intersection points or one intersection point and one input oncurve point # this can be ignored cause this is a very small line # and will be converted to a simple line if self.clockwise: inputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict.get(fp) else: inputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict.get(fp) else: # get inputSegment based on the clockwise settings inputSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp] if ep is not None and ep in inputSegment.flat: # if two points are found get indexes fi = inputSegment.flat.index(fp) ei = inputSegment.flat.index(ep) if fi > ei: # if the start index is bigger # get the reversed inputSegment inputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp] else: # if flat segment is short and has only one point not in intersections and input oncurves # test it against the reversed inputSegment reversedInputSegment = reversedFlatInputPointsSegmentDict[fp] if flatSegment[0] == reversedInputSegment.flat[0] and flatSegment[-1] == reversedInputSegment.flat[-1]: inputSegment = reversedInputSegment elif flatSegment[0] in intersectionPoints and flatSegment[-1] == reversedInputSegment.flat[-1]: inputSegment = reversedInputSegment elif flatSegment[-1] in intersectionPoints and flatSegment[0] == reversedInputSegment.flat[0]: inputSegment = reversedInputSegment canDoFastLine = False # if there is only one point in a flat segment # this is a single intersection points (two crossing lineTo's) if inputSegment.segmentType == "curve": canDoFastLine = False if (len(flatSegment) == 1 or inputSegment is None) and canDoFastLine: # p = flatSegment[0] for p in flatSegment: previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(p) pointInfo = dict() kwargs = dict() if p in flatInputPointsSegmentDict: lineSegment = flatInputPointsSegmentDict[p] segmentPoint = lineSegment.points[-1] pointInfo["smooth"] = segmentPoint.smooth pointInfo["name"] = kwargs.update(segmentPoint.kwargs) convertedSegments.append(OutputPoint(coordinates=previousIntersectionPoint, segmentType="line", kwargs=kwargs, **pointInfo)) continue tValues = None lastPointWithAttributes = None if flatSegment[0] == inputSegment.flat[0] and flatSegment[-1] != inputSegment.flat[-1]: # needed the first part of the segment # if previousIntersectionPoint is None: # previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[-1]) searchPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[-1]) tValues = inputSegment.tValueForPoint(searchPoint) curveNeeded = 0 replacePointOnNewCurve = [(3, searchPoint)] previousIntersectionPoint = searchPoint elif flatSegment[-1] == inputSegment.flat[-1] and flatSegment[0] != inputSegment.flat[0]: # needed the end of the segment if previousIntersectionPoint is None: previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[0]) convertedSegments.append(OutputPoint( coordinates=previousIntersectionPoint, segmentType="line", )) tValues = inputSegment.tValueForPoint(previousIntersectionPoint) curveNeeded = -1 replacePointOnNewCurve = [(0, previousIntersectionPoint)] previousIntersectionPoint = None lastPointWithAttributes = inputSegment.points[-1] elif flatSegment[0] != inputSegment.flat[0] and flatSegment[-1] != inputSegment.flat[-1]: # needed the a middle part of the segment if previousIntersectionPoint is None: previousIntersectionPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[0]) tValues = inputSegment.tValueForPoint(previousIntersectionPoint) searchPoint = self._scalePoint(flatSegment[-1]) tValues.extend(inputSegment.tValueForPoint(searchPoint)) curveNeeded = 1 replacePointOnNewCurve = [(0, previousIntersectionPoint), (3, searchPoint)] previousIntersectionPoint = searchPoint else: # take the whole segments as is newCurve = [ OutputPoint( coordinates=point.coordinates, segmentType=point.segmentType, smooth=point.smooth,, kwargs=point.kwargs ) for point in inputSegment.points ] convertedSegments.extend(newCurve) previousIntersectionPoint = None # if we found some tvalue, split the curve and get the requested parts of the splitted curves if tValues: newCurve = inputSegment.split(tValues) newCurve = list(newCurve[curveNeeded]) for i, replace in replacePointOnNewCurve: newCurve[i] = replace newCurve = [OutputPoint(coordinates=p, segmentType=None) for p in newCurve[1:]] newCurve[-1].segmentType = inputSegment.segmentType if lastPointWithAttributes is not None: newCurve[-1].smooth = lastPointWithAttributes.smooth newCurve[-1].name = newCurve[-1].kwargs = lastPointWithAttributes.kwargs convertedSegments.extend(newCurve) # replace the the points with the converted segments segment.points = convertedSegments segment.segmentType = "reCurved" self.segments = newSegments # XXX convert all of the remaining segments to lines for segment in self.segments: if not segment.points: continue if segment.segmentType not in ["intersect", "flat"]: continue segment.segmentType = "line" segment.points = [ OutputPoint( coordinates=self._scalePoint(point), segmentType="line", # smooth=point.smooth, #, # kwargs=point.kwargs ) for point in segment.points ] # ---- # Draw # ---- def drawPoints(self, pointPen): pointPen.beginPath() points = [] for segment in self.segments: points.extend(segment.points) hasOnCurve = False originalStartingPoints = [] for index, point in enumerate(points): if point.segmentType is not None: hasOnCurve = True if point.kwargs is not None and point.kwargs.get("startingPoint"): distanceFromOrigin = math.hypot(*point) originalStartingPoints.append((distanceFromOrigin, index)) if originalStartingPoints: # use the original starting point that is closest to the origin startingPointIndex = sorted(originalStartingPoints)[0][1] points = points[startingPointIndex:] + points[:startingPointIndex] elif hasOnCurve: while points[0].segmentType is None: p = points.pop(0) points.append(p) previousPointCoordinates = None for point in points: if previousPointCoordinates is not None and point.segmentType and tuple(point.coordinates) == previousPointCoordinates: continue kwargs = {} if point.kwargs is not None: kwargs = point.kwargs pointPen.addPoint( point.coordinates, segmentType=point.segmentType, smooth=point.smooth,, **kwargs ) if point.segmentType: previousPointCoordinates = tuple(point.coordinates) else: previousPointCoordinates = None pointPen.endPath() class OutputSegment(object): __slots__ = ["segmentType", "points", "final"] def __init__(self, segmentType=None, points=None, final=False): self.segmentType = segmentType if points is None: points = [] self.points = points = final class OutputPoint(InputPoint): pass # ---------- # Misc. Math # ---------- def _tValueForPointOnCubicCurve(point, cubicCurve, isHorizontal=0): """ Finds a t value on a curve from a point. The points must be originaly be a point on the curve. This will only back trace the t value, needed to split the curve in parts """ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 = cubicCurve a, b, c, d = bezierTools.calcCubicParameters(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4) solutions = bezierTools.solveCubic(a[isHorizontal], b[isHorizontal], c[isHorizontal], d[isHorizontal] - point[isHorizontal]) solutions = [t for t in solutions if 0 <= t < 1] if not solutions and not isHorizontal: # can happen that a horizontal line doens intersect, try the vertical return _tValueForPointOnCubicCurve(point, (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4), isHorizontal=1) if len(solutions) > 1: intersectionLenghts = {} for t in solutions: tp = _getCubicPoint(t, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4) dist = _distance(tp, point) intersectionLenghts[dist] = t minDist = min(intersectionLenghts.keys()) solutions = [intersectionLenghts[minDist]] return solutions def _tValueForPointOnQuadCurve(point, pts, isHorizontal=0): quadSegments = decomposeQuadraticSegment(pts[1:]) previousOnCurve = pts[0] solutionsDict = dict() for index, (pt1, pt2) in enumerate(quadSegments): a, b, c = bezierTools.calcQuadraticParameters(previousOnCurve, pt1, pt2) subSolutions = bezierTools.solveQuadratic(a[isHorizontal], b[isHorizontal], c[isHorizontal] - point[isHorizontal]) subSolutions = [t for t in subSolutions if 0 <= t < 1] for t in subSolutions: solutionsDict[(t, index)] = _getQuadPoint(t, previousOnCurve, pt1, pt2) previousOnCurve = pt2 solutions = list(solutionsDict.keys()) if not solutions and not isHorizontal: return _tValueForPointOnQuadCurve(point, pts, isHorizontal=1) if len(solutions) > 1: intersectionLenghts = {} for t in solutions: tp = solutionsDict[t] dist = _distance(tp, point) intersectionLenghts[dist] = t minDist = min(intersectionLenghts.keys()) solutions = [intersectionLenghts[minDist]] return solutions def _tValueForPointOnLine(point, line): pt1, pt2 = line dist = _distance(pt1, point) totalDist = _distance(pt1, pt2) return [dist / totalDist] def _scalePoints(points, scale=1, convertToInteger=True): """ Scale points and optionally convert them to integers. """ if convertToInteger: points = [ (int(round(x * scale)), int(round(y * scale))) for (x, y) in points ] else: points = [(x * scale, y * scale) for (x, y) in points] return points def _scaleSinglePoint(point, scale=1, convertToInteger=True): """ Scale a single point """ x, y = point if convertToInteger: return int(round(x * scale)), int(round(y * scale)) else: return (x * scale, y * scale) def _intPoint(pt): return int(round(pt[0])), int(round(pt[1])) def _checkFlatPoints(points): _points = [] previousX = previousY = None for x, y in points: if x == previousX: continue elif y == previousY: continue if (x, y) not in _points: # is it possible that two flat point are on top of eachother??? _points.append((x, y)) previousX, previousY = x, y if _points[-1] != points[-1]: _points[-1] = points[-1] return _points """ The curve flattening code was forked and modified from RoboFab's FilterPen. That code was written by Erik van Blokland. """ def _flattenSegment(segment, approximateSegmentLength=_approximateSegmentLength): """ Flatten the curve segment int a list of points. The first and last points in the segment must be on curves. The returned list of points will not include the first on curve point. false curves (where the off curves are not any different from the on curves) must not be sent here. duplicate points must not be sent here. """ onCurve1, offCurve1, offCurve2, onCurve2 = segment if _pointOnLine(onCurve1, onCurve2, offCurve1) and _pointOnLine(onCurve1, onCurve2, offCurve2): return [onCurve2] est = _estimateCubicCurveLength(onCurve1, offCurve1, offCurve2, onCurve2) / approximateSegmentLength flat = [] minStep = 0.1564 step = 1.0 / est if step > .3: step = minStep t = step while t < 1: pt = _getCubicPoint(t, onCurve1, offCurve1, offCurve2, onCurve2) # ignore when point is in the same direction as the on - off curve line if not _pointOnLine(offCurve2, onCurve2, pt) and not _pointOnLine(onCurve1, offCurve1, pt): flat.append(pt) t += step flat.append(onCurve2) return flat def _distance(pt1, pt2): return math.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2) def _pointOnLine(pt1, pt2, a): return abs(_distance(pt1, a) + _distance(a, pt2) - _distance(pt1, pt2)) < epsilon def _estimateCubicCurveLength(pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3, precision=10): """ Estimate the length of this curve by iterating through it and averaging the length of the flat bits. """ points = [] length = 0 step = 1.0 / precision factors = range(0, precision + 1) for i in factors: points.append(_getCubicPoint(i * step, pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3)) for i in range(len(points) - 1): pta = points[i] ptb = points[i + 1] length += _distance(pta, ptb) return length def _mid(pt1, pt2): """ (Point, Point) -> Point Return the point that lies in between the two input points. """ (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = pt1, pt2 return 0.5 * (x0 + x1), 0.5 * (y0 + y1) def _getCubicPoint(t, pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3): if t == 0: return pt0 if t == 1: return pt3 if t == 0.5: a = _mid(pt0, pt1) b = _mid(pt1, pt2) c = _mid(pt2, pt3) d = _mid(a, b) e = _mid(b, c) return _mid(d, e) else: cx = (pt1[0] - pt0[0]) * 3.0 cy = (pt1[1] - pt0[1]) * 3.0 bx = (pt2[0] - pt1[0]) * 3.0 - cx by = (pt2[1] - pt1[1]) * 3.0 - cy ax = pt3[0] - pt0[0] - cx - bx ay = pt3[1] - pt0[1] - cy - by t3 = t ** 3 t2 = t * t x = ax * t3 + bx * t2 + cx * t + pt0[0] y = ay * t3 + by * t2 + cy * t + pt0[1] return x, y def _getQuadPoint(t, pt0, pt1, pt2): if t == 0: return pt0 if t == 1: return pt2 else: cx = pt0[0] cy = pt0[1] bx = (pt1[0] - cx) * 2.0 by = (pt1[1] - cy) * 2.0 ax = pt2[0] - cx - bx ay = pt2[1] - cy - by x = ax * t**2 + bx * t + cx y = ay * t**2 + by * t + cy return x, y