""" This script "bakes" the final Inter variable fonts. This script performs the following: 1. Renames the family to "Inter Variable" 2. Updates style names to scrub away "Display" 3. Builds a STAT table How to debug/develop this script: 1. create a working dir and build the initial fonts: mkdir -p build/bake make -j var 2. after making changes, run script and inspect with ttx: ( for a in build/fonts/var/.Inter-*.var.ttf; do python misc/tools/bake-vf.py "$a" -o build/bake/"$(basename "${a/.Inter/Inter}")" done && ttx -t STAT -i -f -s build/bake/Inter-*.ttf ) """ import sys, os, os.path, re, argparse from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont from fontTools.otlLib.builder import buildStatTable # stat_axes_format_2 is used for making a STAT table with format 1 & 2 records def stat_axes_format_2(is_italic): return [ { "name": "Optical Size", "tag": "opsz", "ordering": 0, "values": [ dict(nominalValue=14, rangeMinValue=14, rangeMaxValue=21, name="14pt"), dict(nominalValue=28, rangeMinValue=21, rangeMaxValue=28, name="28pt"), ] }, { "name": "Weight", "tag": "wght", "ordering": 1, "values": [ dict(nominalValue=100, rangeMinValue=100, rangeMaxValue=150, name="Thin"), dict(nominalValue=200, rangeMinValue=150, rangeMaxValue=250, name="ExtraLight"), dict(nominalValue=300, rangeMinValue=250, rangeMaxValue=350, name="Light"), dict(nominalValue=400, rangeMinValue=350, rangeMaxValue=450, name="Regular", flags=0x2, linkedValue=660), dict(nominalValue=500, rangeMinValue=450, rangeMaxValue=540, name="Medium"), dict(nominalValue=580, rangeMinValue=540, rangeMaxValue=620, name="SemiBold"), dict(nominalValue=660, rangeMinValue=620, rangeMaxValue=720, name="Bold"), dict(nominalValue=780, rangeMinValue=720, rangeMaxValue=840, name="ExtraBold"), dict(nominalValue=900, rangeMinValue=840, rangeMaxValue=900, name="Black"), ] }, { "name": "Italic", "tag": "ital", "ordering": 2, "values": [ dict(value=1, name="Italic") if is_italic else \ dict(value=0, name="Roman", flags=0x2, linkedValue=1), ] }, ] # stat_axes_format_3 is used for making a STAT table with format 1 & 3 records def stat_axes_format_3(is_italic): # see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/ # stat#axis-value-table-format-3 suffix = " Italic" if is_italic else "" return [ { "name": "Optical Size", "tag": "opsz" }, { "name": "Weight", "tag": "wght", "values": [ { "name": "Thin"+suffix, "value": 100, "linkedValue": 400 }, { "name": "ExtraLight"+suffix, "value": 200, "linkedValue": 500 }, { "name": "Light"+suffix, "value": 300, "linkedValue": 580 }, { "name": "Regular"+suffix, "value": 400, "linkedValue": 660, "flags":0x2 }, { "name": "Medium"+suffix, "value": 500, "linkedValue": 780 }, { "name": "SemiBold"+suffix, "value": 580, "linkedValue": 900 }, { "name": "Bold"+suffix, "value": 660 }, { "name": "ExtraBold"+suffix, "value": 780 }, { "name": "Black"+suffix, "value": 900 }, ]}, ] # STAT_AXES is used for making a STAT table with format 4 records STAT_AXES = [ { "name": "Optical Size", "tag": "opsz" }, { "name": "Weight", "tag": "wght" }, { "name": "Italic", "tag": "ital" } ] # stat_locations is used for making a STAT table with format 4 records def stat_locations(is_italic): # see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/ # stat#axis-value-table-format-4 ital = 1 if is_italic else 0 suffix = " Italic" if is_italic else "" return [ { "name": "Thin"+suffix, "location":{"wght":100, "ital":ital} }, { "name": "ExtraLight"+suffix, "location":{"wght":200, "ital":ital} }, { "name": "Light"+suffix, "location":{"wght":300, "ital":ital} }, { "name": "Regular"+suffix, "location":{"wght":400, "ital":ital}, "flags":0x2 }, { "name": "Medium"+suffix, "location":{"wght":500, "ital":ital} }, { "name": "SemiBold"+suffix, "location":{"wght":580, "ital":ital} }, { "name": "Bold"+suffix, "location":{"wght":660, "ital":ital} }, { "name": "ExtraBold"+suffix, "location":{"wght":780, "ital":ital} }, { "name": "Black"+suffix, "location":{"wght":900, "ital":ital} }, ] WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS = 3, 1, 0x409 MAC_ROMAN_IDS = 1, 0, 0 LEGACY_FAMILY = 1 SUBFAMILY_NAME = 2 TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID = 3 FULL_NAME = 4 POSTSCRIPT_NAME = 6 PREFERRED_FAMILY = 16 TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME = 17 WWS_FAMILY = 21 VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX = 25 FAMILY_RELATED_IDS = set([ LEGACY_FAMILY, TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID, FULL_NAME, POSTSCRIPT_NAME, PREFERRED_FAMILY, WWS_FAMILY, VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX, ]) WHITESPACE_RE = re.compile(r'\s+') def remove_whitespace(s): return WHITESPACE_RE.sub('', s) def normalize_whitespace(s): return WHITESPACE_RE.sub(' ', s) def remove_substring(s, substr): # examples of remove_substring(s, "Display"): # "Inter Display" => "Inter" # "Display Lol" => "Lol" # "Foo Display Lol" => "Foo Lol" # " Foo Bar Lol " => "Foo Bar Lol" return normalize_whitespace(s.strip().replace(substr, '')).strip() def font_is_italic(ttfont): """Check if the font has the word "Italic" in its stylename""" stylename = ttfont["name"].getName(2, 3, 1, 0x409).toUnicode() return True if "Italic" in stylename else False def set_full_name(font, fullName, fullNamePs): nameTable = font["name"] nameTable.setName(fullName, FULL_NAME, 1, 0, 0) # mac nameTable.setName(fullName, FULL_NAME, 3, 1, 0x409) # windows nameTable.setName(fullNamePs, POSTSCRIPT_NAME, 1, 0, 0) # mac nameTable.setName(fullNamePs, POSTSCRIPT_NAME, 3, 1, 0x409) # windows def getFamilyName(font): nameTable = font["name"] r = None for plat_id, enc_id, lang_id in (WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS, MAC_ROMAN_IDS): for name_id in (PREFERRED_FAMILY, LEGACY_FAMILY): r = nameTable.getName(nameID=name_id, platformID=plat_id, platEncID=enc_id, langID=lang_id) if r is not None: break if r is not None: break if not r: raise ValueError("family name not found") return r.toUnicode() def getFamilyNames(font): nameTable = font["name"] r = None names = dict() # dict in Py >=3.7 maintains insertion order for plat_id, enc_id, lang_id in (WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS, MAC_ROMAN_IDS): for name_id in (PREFERRED_FAMILY, LEGACY_FAMILY): r = nameTable.getName( nameID=name_id, platformID=plat_id, platEncID=enc_id, langID=lang_id) if r: names[r.toUnicode()] = True if len(names) == 0: raise ValueError("family name not found") names = list(names.keys()) names.sort() names.reverse() # longest first return names def getStyleName(font): nameTable = font["name"] for plat_id, enc_id, lang_id in (WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS, MAC_ROMAN_IDS): for name_id in (TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME, SUBFAMILY_NAME): r = nameTable.getName( nameID=name_id, platformID=plat_id, platEncID=enc_id, langID=lang_id) if r is not None: return r.toUnicode() raise ValueError("style name not found") def setStyleName(font, newStyleName): newFullName = getFamilyName(font).strip() if newStyleName != 'Regular': newFullName += " " + newStyleName newFullNamePs = remove_whitespace(newFullName) set_full_name(font, newFullName, newFullNamePs) nameTable = font["name"] for rec in nameTable.names: rid = rec.nameID if rid in (SUBFAMILY_NAME, TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME): rec.string = newStyleName def setFamilyName(font, nextFamilyName): prevFamilyNames = getFamilyNames(font) # if prevFamilyNames[0] == nextFamilyName: # return # # raise Exception("identical family name") def renameRecord(nameRecord, prevFamilyNames, nextFamilyName): # replaces prevFamilyNames with nextFamilyName in nameRecord s = nameRecord.toUnicode() for prevFamilyName in prevFamilyNames: start = s.find(prevFamilyName) if start == -1: continue end = start + len(prevFamilyName) nextFamilyName = s[:start] + nextFamilyName + s[end:] nameRecord.string = nextFamilyName break return s, nextFamilyName # postcript name can't contain spaces psPrevFamilyNames = [] for s in prevFamilyNames: s = s.strip() if s.find(' ') == -1: psPrevFamilyNames.append(s) else: # Foo Bar Baz -> FooBarBaz psPrevFamilyNames.append(s.replace(" ", "")) # # Foo Bar Baz -> FooBar-Baz p = s.rfind(' ') s = s[:p] + '-' + s[p+1:] psPrevFamilyNames.append(s) psNextFamilyName = nextFamilyName.replace(" ", "") found_VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX = False nameTable = font["name"] for rec in nameTable.names: name_id = rec.nameID if name_id not in FAMILY_RELATED_IDS: # leave uninteresting records unmodified continue if name_id == POSTSCRIPT_NAME: old, new = renameRecord(rec, psPrevFamilyNames, psNextFamilyName) elif name_id == TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID: # The Truetype Unique ID rec may contain either the PostScript Name # or the Full Name prev_psname = None for s in psPrevFamilyNames: if s in rec.toUnicode(): prev_psname = s break if prev_psname is not None: # Note: This is flawed -- a font called "Foo" renamed to "Bar Lol"; # if this record is not a PS record, it will incorrectly be rename "BarLol". # However, in practice this is not a big deal since it's just an ID. old, new = renameRecord(rec, [prev_psname], psNextFamilyName) else: old, new = renameRecord(rec, prevFamilyNames, nextFamilyName) elif name_id == VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX: # Variations PostScript Name Prefix. # If present in a variable font, it may be used as the family prefix in the # PostScript Name Generation for Variation Fonts algorithm. # The character set is restricted to ASCII-range uppercase Latin letters, # lowercase Latin letters, and digits. found_VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX = True old, new = renameRecord(rec, prevFamilyNames, nextFamilyName) else: old, new = renameRecord(rec, prevFamilyNames, nextFamilyName) # print(" %r: '%s' -> '%s'" % (rec, old, new)) # add name ID 25 "Variations PostScript Name Prefix" if not found if not found_VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX and nextFamilyName.find('Variable') != -1: varPSNamePrefix = remove_whitespace(nextFamilyName) if font_is_italic(font): varPSNamePrefix += 'Italic' nameTable.setName(varPSNamePrefix, VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX, 1, 0, 0) # mac nameTable.setName(varPSNamePrefix, VAR_PS_NAME_PREFIX, 3, 1, 0x409) # windows def gen_stat(ttfont): # builds a STAT table # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/stat # # We are limited to format 2 or 3 records, else Adobe products like InDesign # bugs out. See https://github.com/rsms/inter/issues/577 # # build a version 1.1 STAT table with format 2 records: buildStatTable(ttfont, stat_axes_format_2(font_is_italic(ttfont))) # # build a version 1.1 STAT table with format 1 and 3 records: #buildStatTable(ttfont, stat_axes_format_3(font_is_italic(ttfont))) # # build a version 1.2 STAT table with format 4 records: #locations = stat_locations(font_is_italic(ttfont)) #buildStatTable(ttfont, STAT_AXES, locations=locations) # def fixup_fvar(ttfont): # fvar = ttfont['fvar'] # for a in fvar.axes: # if a.axisTag == "wght": # a.defaultValue = 400 # break # def fixup_os2(ttfont): # os2 = ttfont['OS/2'] # os2.usWeightClass = 400 def main(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate STAT table for variable font family') a = lambda *args, **kwargs: argparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) a('--family', metavar='', help='Rename family to instead of "Inter Variable"') a('-o', '--output', metavar='', help='Output font file. Defaults to input file (overwrite)') a('input', metavar='', help='Input font file') args = argparser.parse_args() # load font font = TTFont(args.input, recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False) # set family name if not args.family: args.family = "Inter Variable" setFamilyName(font, args.family) # set style name stylename = remove_substring(getStyleName(font), "Display") if stylename == '': stylename = 'Regular' setStyleName(font, stylename) # build STAT table gen_stat(font) # # fixup fvar table (set default wght value) # fixup_fvar(font) # # fixup OS/2 table (set usWeightClass) # fixup_os2(font) # save font outfile = args.output or args.input font.save(outfile) if __name__ == '__main__': main()