import sys, os, os.path, argparse, re from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS = 3, 1, 0x409 MAC_ROMAN_IDS = 1, 0, 0 LEGACY_FAMILY = 1 SUBFAMILY_NAME = 2 TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID = 3 FULL_NAME = 4 POSTSCRIPT_NAME = 6 PREFERRED_FAMILY = 16 TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME = 17 WWS_FAMILY = 21 WWS_SUBFAMILY = 22 whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+') def remove_whitespace(s): return whitespace_re.sub('', s) def normalize_whitespace(s): return whitespace_re.sub(' ', s) def remove_substring(s, substr): # examples of remove_substring(s, "Display"): # "Inter Display" => "Inter" # "Display Lol" => "Lol" # "Foo Display Lol" => "Foo Lol" # " Foo Bar Lol " => "Foo Bar Lol" return normalize_whitespace(s.strip().replace(substr, '')).strip() def getStyleName(font): nameTable = font["name"] for plat_id, enc_id, lang_id in (WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS, MAC_ROMAN_IDS): for name_id in (TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME, SUBFAMILY_NAME): r = nameTable.getName( nameID=name_id, platformID=plat_id, platEncID=enc_id, langID=lang_id) if r is not None: return r.toUnicode() raise ValueError("style name not found") def print_relevant_names(nameTable): names = { LEGACY_FAMILY: "LEGACY_FAMILY", TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID: "TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID", FULL_NAME: "FULL_NAME", POSTSCRIPT_NAME: "POSTSCRIPT_NAME", PREFERRED_FAMILY: "PREFERRED_FAMILY", WWS_FAMILY: "WWS_FAMILY", WWS_SUBFAMILY: "WWS_SUBFAMILY", SUBFAMILY_NAME: "SUBFAMILY_NAME", TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME: "TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME", } for rec in nameTable.names: name_id = rec.nameID name = names.get(name_id) if name: print("%-19s #%-2d %s" % (name, name_id, rec.toUnicode())) def main(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Rename family and styles of static "Inter Display" fonts' ) a = lambda *args, **kwargs: argparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) a('-o', '--output', metavar='', help='Output font file. Defaults to input file (overwrite)') a('input', metavar='', help='Input font file') args = argparser.parse_args() infile = args.input outfile = args.output or infile font = TTFont(infile, recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False) family = "Inter Display" style = remove_substring(getStyleName(font), "Display") isItalic = style.find('Italic') != -1 if style == '': style = 'Regular' # See nameTable = font["name"] fullName = family + " " + style fullNamePs = remove_whitespace(family) + "-" + remove_whitespace(style) try: # print_relevant_names(nameTable) # set full name nameTable.setName(fullName, FULL_NAME, 1, 0, 0) # mac nameTable.setName(fullName, FULL_NAME, 3, 1, 0x409) # windows nameTable.setName(fullNamePs, POSTSCRIPT_NAME, 1, 0, 0) # mac nameTable.setName(fullNamePs, POSTSCRIPT_NAME, 3, 1, 0x409) # windows for rec in nameTable.names: id = rec.nameID if id == TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID: # ID 3 # Format: # version ";" "git-" git-tag ";" foundry-tag ";" ps_family "-" ps_style # E.g. # "4.001;git-4de559246;RSMS;Inter-DisplayThinItalic" id = rec.toUnicode().split(";") id[3] = fullNamePs rec.string = ";".join(id) elif id == LEGACY_FAMILY: # ID 1 rec.string = family + ' ' + style elif id == SUBFAMILY_NAME: # ID 2 rec.string = 'Italic' if isItalic else 'Regular' elif id == PREFERRED_FAMILY: # ID 16 rec.string = family elif id == WWS_FAMILY: # ID 21 rec.string = family elif id == WWS_SUBFAMILY: # ID 22 rec.string = style elif id == TYPO_SUBFAMILY_NAME: # ID 17 rec.string = style # print("————————————————————————————————————————————————————") # print_relevant_names(nameTable) finally: font.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()