#!/usr/bin/env python from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont import os, sys, re # Adoptation of fonttools/blob/master/Snippets/rename-fonts.py WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS = 3, 1, 0x409 MAC_ROMAN_IDS = 1, 0, 0 LEGACY_FAMILY = 1 TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID = 3 FULL_NAME = 4 POSTSCRIPT_NAME = 6 PREFERRED_FAMILY = 16 SUBFAMILY_NAME = 17 WWS_FAMILY = 21 FAMILY_RELATED_IDS = set([ LEGACY_FAMILY, TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID, FULL_NAME, POSTSCRIPT_NAME, PREFERRED_FAMILY, WWS_FAMILY, ]) whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\s+') def removeWhitespace(s): return whitespace_re.sub("", s) def setFullName(font, fullName): nameTable = font["name"] nameTable.setName(fullName, FULL_NAME, 1, 0, 0) # mac nameTable.setName(fullName, FULL_NAME, 3, 1, 0x409) # windows def getFamilyName(font): nameTable = font["name"] r = None for plat_id, enc_id, lang_id in (WINDOWS_ENGLISH_IDS, MAC_ROMAN_IDS): for name_id in (PREFERRED_FAMILY, LEGACY_FAMILY): r = nameTable.getName(nameID=name_id, platformID=plat_id, platEncID=enc_id, langID=lang_id) if r is not None: break if r is not None: break if not r: raise ValueError("family name not found") return r.toUnicode() def removeWhitespaceFromStyles(font): familyName = getFamilyName(font) # collect subfamily (style) name IDs for variable font's named instances vfInstanceSubfamilyNameIds = set() if "fvar" in font: for namedInstance in font["fvar"].instances: vfInstanceSubfamilyNameIds.add(namedInstance.subfamilyNameID) nameTable = font["name"] for rec in nameTable.names: rid = rec.nameID if rid in (FULL_NAME, LEGACY_FAMILY): # style part of family name s = rec.toUnicode() start = s.find(familyName) if start != -1: s = familyName + " " + removeWhitespace(s[start + len(familyName):]) else: s = removeWhitespace(s) rec.string = s if rid in (SUBFAMILY_NAME,) or rid in vfInstanceSubfamilyNameIds: rec.string = removeWhitespace(rec.toUnicode()) # else: ignore standard names unrelated to style def setFamilyName(font, nextFamilyName): prevFamilyName = getFamilyName(font) if prevFamilyName == nextFamilyName: return # raise Exception("identical family name") def renameRecord(nameRecord, prevFamilyName, nextFamilyName): # replaces prevFamilyName with nextFamilyName in nameRecord s = nameRecord.toUnicode() start = s.find(prevFamilyName) if start != -1: end = start + len(prevFamilyName) nextFamilyName = s[:start] + nextFamilyName + s[end:] nameRecord.string = nextFamilyName return s, nextFamilyName # postcript name can't contain spaces psPrevFamilyName = prevFamilyName.replace(" ", "") psNextFamilyName = nextFamilyName.replace(" ", "") for rec in font["name"].names: name_id = rec.nameID if name_id not in FAMILY_RELATED_IDS: # leave uninteresting records unmodified continue if name_id == POSTSCRIPT_NAME: old, new = renameRecord(rec, psPrevFamilyName, psNextFamilyName) elif name_id == TRUETYPE_UNIQUE_ID: # The Truetype Unique ID rec may contain either the PostScript Name or the Full Name if psPrevFamilyName in rec.toUnicode(): # Note: This is flawed -- a font called "Foo" renamed to "Bar Lol"; # if this record is not a PS record, it will incorrectly be rename "BarLol". # However, in practice this is not abig deal since it's just an ID. old, new = renameRecord(rec, psPrevFamilyName, psNextFamilyName) else: old, new = renameRecord(rec, prevFamilyName, nextFamilyName) else: old, new = renameRecord(rec, prevFamilyName, nextFamilyName) # print(" %r: '%s' -> '%s'" % (rec, old, new)) def loadFont(file): return TTFont(file, recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False) def renameFontFamily(infile, outfile, newFamilyName): font = loadFont(infile) setFamilyName(font, newFamilyName) # print('write "%s"' % outfile) font.save(outfile) font.close() def main(): infile = "./build/fonts/var/Inter.var.ttf" outfile = "./build/tmp/var2.otf" renameFontFamily(infile, outfile, "Inter V") print("%s familyName: %r" % (infile, getFamilyName(loadFont(infile)) )) print("%s familyName: %r" % (outfile, getFamilyName(loadFont(outfile)) )) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # Similar to: # ttx -i -e -o ./build/tmp/var.ttx ./build/fonts/var/Inter.var.ttf # ttx -b --no-recalc-timestamp -o ./build/tmp/var.ttf ./build/tmp/var.ttx