#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf8 # # This program is run by the Makefile target "docs_fonts" and generates # subset font files and CSS for the web fonts. # from __future__ import print_function import os, sys, subprocess, os.path from os.path import dirname, basename, abspath, join as pjoin from multiprocessing import Pool as ProcPool from fontTools import ttLib from itertools import groupby from operator import itemgetter sys.path.append(dirname(abspath(__file__))) from common import BASEDIR, VENVDIR # FORCE can be set to True to subset all fonts regardless if the input source # font has changed or not FORCE = False # fonts to subset FONTS = [ # Text family { 'infile': 'build/fonts/var/Inter.var.ttf', 'outfile': 'build/fonts/subset/Inter.{subset}.var.woff2', 'css_family': 'Inter var experimental', 'css_weight': '100 900', 'css_style': 'oblique 0deg 10deg', }, { 'infile': 'build/fonts/var/Inter-roman.var.ttf', 'outfile': 'build/fonts/subset/Inter-roman.{subset}.var.woff2', 'css_family': 'Inter var', 'css_weight': '100 900', 'css_style': 'normal', 'css_extra': "font-named-instance: 'Regular';", }, { 'infile': 'build/fonts/var/Inter-italic.var.ttf', 'outfile': 'build/fonts/subset/Inter-italic.{subset}.var.woff2', 'css_family': 'Inter var', 'css_weight': '100 900', 'css_style': 'italic', 'css_extra': "font-named-instance: 'Italic';", }, # Display family { 'infile': 'build/fonts/var/InterDisplay.var.ttf', 'outfile': 'build/fonts/subset/InterDisplay.{subset}.var.woff2', 'css_family': 'InterDisplay var experimental', 'css_weight': '100 900', 'css_style': 'oblique 0deg 10deg', }, { 'infile': 'build/fonts/var/InterDisplay-roman.var.ttf', 'outfile': 'build/fonts/subset/InterDisplay-roman.{subset}.var.woff2', 'css_family': 'InterDisplay var', 'css_weight': '100 900', 'css_style': 'normal', 'css_extra': "font-named-instance: 'Regular';", }, { 'infile': 'build/fonts/var/InterDisplay-italic.var.ttf', 'outfile': 'build/fonts/subset/InterDisplay-italic.{subset}.var.woff2', 'css_family': 'InterDisplay var', 'css_weight': '100 900', 'css_style': 'italic', 'css_extra': "font-named-instance: 'Italic';", }, ] # template for CSS CSS_TEMPLATE = ''' /* {comment} */ @font-face {{ font-family: '{family}'; font-style: {style}; font-weight: {weight}; font-display: swap; src: url('font-files/{filename}?v={{{{font_v}}}}') format('woff2'); unicode-range: {unicode_range};{extra} }} ''' # codepoints of "extra" glyphs that should end up in a separate extra set as "symbols" # Listed here as codepoints rather than ranges to that copy-pasting from e.g. Glyphs app # is easier. SYMBOL_UNICODES = [ 0x2190, 0x27F5, 0x1F850, 0x21D0, 0x27F8, 0x2192, 0x27F6, 0x1F852, 0x21D2, 0x27F9, 0x2196, 0x2197, 0x2198, 0x2199, 0x2194, 0x27F7, 0x21D4, 0x27FA, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2195, 0x21A9, 0x21AA, 0x2713, 0x2717, 0x25BC, 0x25B2, 0x25C0, 0x25C4, 0x25BA, 0x25B6, 0x25BD, 0x25B3, 0x25C1, 0x25C5, 0x25B7, 0x25BB, 0x26A0, 0x25CF, 0x25CB, 0x25A0, 0x25A1, 0x25A2, 0x2B12, 0x2B13, 0x25C6, 0x2756, 0x25C7, 0xE000, 0x263C, 0x2600, 0x2661, 0x2665, 0x2764, 0x2605, 0x2606, 0x2B06, 0x21E7, 0x21EA, 0x2318, 0x2303, 0x2305, 0x2380, 0x2325, 0x2387, 0x238B, 0x21BA, 0x21BB, 0x232B, 0x2326, 0x2327, 0x23CF, 0x23CE, 0x21B5, 0x21B3, 0x21B0, 0x21B1, 0x21B4, 0x21E4, 0x21E5, 0x21DE, 0x21DF, 0x25EF, 0x2B1C, 0x20DD, 0x20DE, 0x24B6, 0x24B7, 0x24B8, 0x24B9, 0x24BA, 0x24BB, 0x24BC, 0x24BD, 0x24BE, 0x24BF, 0x24C0, 0x24C1, 0x24C2, 0x24C3, 0x24C4, 0x24C5, 0x24C6, 0x24C7, 0x24C8, 0x24C9, 0x24CA, 0x24CB, 0x24CC, 0x24CD, 0x24CE, 0x24CF, 0x24EA, 0x2460, 0x2780, 0x2461, 0x2781, 0x2462, 0x2782, 0x2463, 0x2783, 0x2464, 0x2784, 0x2465, 0x2785, 0x2466, 0x2786, 0x2467, 0x2787, 0x2468, 0x2788, 0xE12B, 0xE12C, 0xE12D, 0xE12E, 0xE12F, 0xE130, 0xE131, 0xE132, 0xE133, 0xE134, 0xE135, 0xE136, 0xE137, 0xE15F, 0xE160, 0xE161, 0xE162, 0xE138, 0xE139, 0xE13A, 0xE13B, 0xE13C, 0xE13D, 0x1F130, 0x1F131, 0x1F132, 0x1F133, 0x1F134, 0x1F135, 0x1F136, 0x1F137, 0x1F138, 0x1F139, 0x1F13A, 0x1F13B, 0x1F13C, 0x1F13D, 0x1F13E, 0x1F13F, 0x1F140, 0x1F141, 0x1F142, 0x1F143, 0x1F144, 0x1F145, 0x1F146, 0x1F147, 0x1F148, 0x1F149, 0xE13E, 0xE13F, 0xE140, 0xE141, 0xE142, 0xE143, 0xE144, 0xE145, 0xE146, 0xE147, 0xE148, 0xE149, 0xE14A, 0xE14B, 0xE14C, 0xE14D, 0xE14E, 0xE14F, 0xE150, 0xE151, 0xE152, 0xE153, 0xE154, 0xE155, 0xE156, 0xE157, 0xE158, 0xE159, 0xE15A, 0xE15B, 0xE15C, 0xE15D, 0xE15E, ] SELF_SCRIPT_MTIME = 0 def main(argv): # defines subsets. # Ranges are inclusive. # Order should be from most frequently used to least frequently used. subsets = ( defsubset('latin', # Latin & ASCII range(0x0000,0x00FF), 0x0131, range(0x0152, 0x0153), range(0x02BB, 0x02BC), 0x02C6, 0x02DA, 0x02DC, range(0x2000, 0x206F), 0x2074, 0x20AC, 0x2122, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2212, 0x2215, 0xFEFF, 0xFFFD, ), defsubset('latin-ext', # Latin extended A & B range(0x0100, 0x024F), 0x0259, range(0x1E00, 0x1EFF), 0x2020, range(0x20A0, 0x20AB), range(0x20AD, 0x20CF), 0x2113, range(0x2C60, 0x2C7F), range(0xA720, 0xA7FF), ), defsubset('vietnamese', range(0x0102, 0x0103), range(0x0110, 0x0111), range(0x0128, 0x0129), range(0x0168, 0x0169), range(0x01A0, 0x01A1), range(0x01AF, 0x01B0), range(0x1EA0, 0x1EF9), 0x20AB, ), defsubset('greek', range(0x0370, 0x03FF), range(0x1F00, 0x1FFF), # extended ), defsubset('cyrillic', range(0x0400, 0x045F), range(0x0490, 0x0491), range(0x04B0, 0x04B1), 0x2116, # extended: range(0x0460, 0x052F), range(0x1C80, 0x1C88), 0x20B4, range(0x2DE0, 0x2DFF), range(0xA640, 0xA69F), range(0xFE2E, 0xFE2F), ), defsubset('symbols', *genCompactIntRanges(SYMBOL_UNICODES) ), # defsubset('alternates', # # all private-use codepoints are mapped to alternate glyphs, normally accessed by # # OpenType features. # range(0xE000, 0xF8FF), # ), # Note: Disabled so that alternates are all added automatically to the "extra" set. ) global SELF_SCRIPT_MTIME SELF_SCRIPT_MTIME = os.path.getmtime(__file__) # XXX DEBUG global FONTS FONTS = FONTS[1:2] # generate subset fonts with ProcPool() as procpool: for fontinfo in FONTS: subset_font(fontinfo, subsets, procpool) procpool.close() procpool.join() # generate CSS for fontinfo in FONTS: css = genCSS(fontinfo, subsets) infile, _ = os.path.splitext(basename(fontinfo['infile'])) cssfile = pjoin(BASEDIR, 'docs/_includes', infile + '.css') # print('css:\n' + css) # DEBUG print('write', cssfile) with open(cssfile, 'w') as f: f.write(css) def subset_font(fontinfo, subsets, procpool): infile = pjoin(BASEDIR, fontinfo['infile']) outfileTemplate = pjoin(BASEDIR, fontinfo['outfile']) font = ttLib.TTFont(infile) ucall = set(getUnicodeMap(font)) # set of all codepoints mapped by the font covered = set() # set of codepoints covered by 'subsets' for subset in subsets: unicodes, unicodeRange = genUnicodeRange(subset['codepoints']) unicodes = unicodes - covered covered = covered.union(unicodes) outfile = outfileTemplate.format(subset=subset['name']) subset_range_async(procpool, infile, outfile, unicodeRange) # generate "extra" subset of remaining codepoints extraUnicodes = ucall - covered _, extraUnicodeRange = genUnicodeRange(extraUnicodes) outfile = outfileTemplate.format(subset='extra') subset_range_async(procpool, infile, outfile, unicodeRange) def subset_range_async(procpool :ProcPool, infile :str, outfile :str, unicodeRange :str): if not FORCE: try: outmtime = os.path.getmtime(outfile) if outmtime > os.path.getmtime(infile) and outmtime > SELF_SCRIPT_MTIME: print('up-to-date %s -> %s' % (relpath(infile), relpath(outfile))) return except: pass procpool.apply_async( subset_range,(infile, outfile, unicodeRange), error_callback=lambda err: onProcErr(procpool, err) ) def onProcErr(procpool, err): procpool.terminate() raise err sys.exit(1) def subset_range(infile :str, outfile :str, unicodeRange :str): pyftsubset = pjoin(VENVDIR, 'bin/pyftsubset') args = [ pyftsubset, '--unicodes=' + unicodeRange, '--layout-features=*', '--recommended-glyphs', '--no-recalc-bounds', '--no-prune-unicode-ranges', '--no-hinting', '--output-file=' + outfile, infile ] if outfile.endswith('.woff2'): args.append('--flavor=woff2') print("pyftsubset %s -> %s" % (relpath(infile), relpath(outfile))) # print('\n '.join([repr(a) for a in args])) # debug p = subprocess.run( args, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8', # py3 ) if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception( 'pyftsubset failed:\n-- stdout:\n%s\n\n-- stderr:\n%s\n\n-- invocation:\n%s' % ( p.stdout.strip(), p.stderr.strip(), '\n '.join([repr(a) for a in args]), )) # sys.exit(p.returncode) print("write", outfile) # (name, ...[int|range(int)]) -> { name:str codepoints:[int|range(int)] } def defsubset(name, *codepoints): return { 'name':name, 'codepoints':codepoints } def genUnicodeRange(codepoints :list) -> (set, str): unicodes = set() unicodeRange = [] for v in codepoints: if isinstance(v, int): unicodes.add(v) unicodeRange.append('U+%04X' % v) else: first = 0 for v2 in v: first = v2 break last = 0 for v2 in v: unicodes.add(v2) last = v2 last += 1 # since unicode ranges are inclusive (but python ranges aren't) unicodes.add(last) unicodeRange.append('U+%04X-%04X' % (first,last)) return unicodes, ','.join(unicodeRange) def getUnicodeMap(font :ttLib.TTFont) -> {int:str} : # codepoint=>glyphname # https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/Chap6cmap.html bestCodeSubTable = None bestCodeSubTableFormat = 0 for st in font['cmap'].tables: if st.platformID == 0: # 0=unicode, 1=mac, 2=(reserved), 3=microsoft if st.format > bestCodeSubTableFormat: bestCodeSubTable = st bestCodeSubTableFormat = st.format return bestCodeSubTable.cmap def genCompactCodepointRanges(codepoints :[int], groupAllThreshold :int) -> str: unicodeRange = [] codepoints = sorted(codepoints) for k, g in groupby(enumerate(codepoints), lambda t: t[0]-t[1]): ilist = list(map(itemgetter(1), g)) if len(ilist) > 1: # unicodeRange.append(range(ilist[0], ilist[-1]+1)) unicodeRange.append('U+%04X-%04X' % (ilist[0], ilist[-1])) else: v = ilist[0] if v > groupAllThreshold: unicodeRange.append('U+%04X-%04X' % (v, max(codepoints))) break else: unicodeRange.append('U+%04X' % v) return ','.join(unicodeRange) def genCompactIntRanges(codepoints :[int]) -> [[int]]: compact = [] codepoints = sorted(codepoints) for k, g in groupby(enumerate(codepoints), lambda t: t[0]-t[1]): ilist = list(map(itemgetter(1), g)) if len(ilist) > 1: compact.append(range(ilist[0], ilist[-1]+1)) else: compact.append(ilist[0]) return compact def genCSS(fontinfo, subsets): outfileTemplate = pjoin(BASEDIR, fontinfo['outfile']) css_family = fontinfo.get('css_family', 'Inter') css_style = fontinfo.get('css_style', 'normal') css_weight = fontinfo.get('css_weight', '400') css_extra = fontinfo.get('css_extra', '') if len(css_extra) > 0: css_extra = '\n ' + css_extra css = [] for subset in list(subsets) + [{ 'name':'extra' }]: outfile = outfileTemplate.format(subset=subset['name']) # Read effective codepoint coverage. This may be greater than requested # in case of OT features. For example, the Latin subset includes some common arrow # glyphs since "->" is a ligature for "→". font = ttLib.TTFont(outfile) unicodes = set(getUnicodeMap(font)) if min(unicodes) < 0x30: # the "base" (latin) subset. extend it to include control codepoints controlCodepoints, _ = genUnicodeRange([range(0x0000, 0x001F)]) unicodes = unicodes.union(controlCodepoints) _, unicodeRange = genUnicodeRange(genCompactIntRanges(unicodes)) css.append(CSS_TEMPLATE.format( comment=subset['name'], filename=basename(outfile), unicode_range=unicodeRange, family=css_family, style=css_style, weight=css_weight, extra=css_extra, ).strip()) # From the CSS spec on unicode-range descriptor: # "If the Unicode ranges overlap for a set of @font-face rules with the same family # and style descriptor values, the rules are ordered in the reverse order they were # defined; the last rule defined is the first to be checked for a given character." # https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-4/#unicode-range-desc css.reverse() return '\n'.join(css) def relpath(path): return os.path.relpath(path, os.getcwd()) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)