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2020-06-02bpf: Add BPF ringbuf and perf buffer benchmarksAndrii Nakryiko6-1/+754
Extend bench framework with ability to have benchmark-provided child argument parser for custom benchmark-specific parameters. This makes bench generic code modular and independent from any specific benchmark. Also implement a set of benchmarks for new BPF ring buffer and existing perf buffer. 4 benchmarks were implemented: 2 variations for each of BPF ringbuf and perfbuf:, - rb-libbpf utilizes stock libbpf ring_buffer manager for reading data; - rb-custom implements custom ring buffer setup and reading code, to eliminate overheads inherent in generic libbpf code due to callback functions and the need to update consumer position after each consumed record, instead of batching updates (due to pessimistic assumption that user callback might take long time and thus could unnecessarily hold ring buffer space for too long); - pb-libbpf uses stock libbpf perf_buffer code with all the default settings, though uses higher-performance raw event callback to minimize unnecessary overhead; - pb-custom implements its own custom consumer code to minimize any possible overhead of generic libbpf implementation and indirect function calls. All of the test support default, no data notification skipped, mode, as well as sampled mode (with --rb-sampled flag), which allows to trigger epoll notification less frequently and reduce overhead. As will be shown, this mode is especially critical for perf buffer, which suffers from high overhead of wakeups in kernel. Otherwise, all benchamrks implement similar way to generate a batch of records by using fentry/sys_getpgid BPF program, which pushes a bunch of records in a tight loop and records number of successful and dropped samples. Each record is a small 8-byte integer, to minimize the effect of memory copying with bpf_perf_event_output() and bpf_ringbuf_output(). Benchmarks that have only one producer implement optional back-to-back mode, in which record production and consumption is alternating on the same CPU. This is the highest-throughput happy case, showing ultimate performance achievable with either BPF ringbuf or perfbuf. All the below scenarios are implemented in a script in benchs/ Tests were performed on 28-core/56-thread Intel Xeon CPU E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz CPU. Single-producer, parallel producer ================================== rb-libbpf 12.054 ± 0.320M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-custom 8.158 ± 0.118M/s (drops 0.001 ± 0.003M/s) pb-libbpf 0.931 ± 0.007M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-custom 0.965 ± 0.003M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) Single-producer, parallel producer, sampled notification ======================================================== rb-libbpf 11.563 ± 0.067M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-custom 15.895 ± 0.076M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-libbpf 9.889 ± 0.032M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-custom 9.866 ± 0.028M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) Single producer on one CPU, consumer on another one, both running at full speed. Curiously, rb-libbpf has higher throughput than objectively faster (due to more lightweight consumer code path) rb-custom. It appears that faster consumer causes kernel to send notifications more frequently, because consumer appears to be caught up more frequently. Performance of perfbuf suffers from default "no sampling" policy and huge overhead that causes. In sampled mode, rb-custom is winning very significantly eliminating too frequent in-kernel wakeups, the gain appears to be more than 2x. Perf buffer achieves even more impressive wins, compared to stock perfbuf settings, with 10x improvements in throughput with 1:500 sampling rate. The trade-off is that with sampling, application might not get next X events until X+1st arrives, which is not always acceptable. With steady influx of events, though, this shouldn't be a problem. Overall, single-producer performance of ring buffers seems to be better no matter the sampled/non-sampled modes, but it especially beats ring buffer without sampling due to its adaptive notification approach. Single-producer, back-to-back mode ================================== rb-libbpf 15.507 ± 0.247M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf-sampled 14.692 ± 0.195M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-custom 21.449 ± 0.157M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-custom-sampled 20.024 ± 0.386M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-libbpf 1.601 ± 0.015M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-libbpf-sampled 8.545 ± 0.064M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-custom 1.607 ± 0.022M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-custom-sampled 8.988 ± 0.144M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) Here we test a back-to-back mode, which is arguably best-case scenario both for BPF ringbuf and perfbuf, because there is no contention and for ringbuf also no excessive notification, because consumer appears to be behind after the first record. For ringbuf, custom consumer code clearly wins with 21.5 vs 16 million records per second exchanged between producer and consumer. Sampled mode actually hurts a bit due to slightly slower producer logic (it needs to fetch amount of data available to decide whether to skip or force notification). Perfbuf with wakeup sampling gets 5.5x throughput increase, compared to no-sampling version. There also doesn't seem to be noticeable overhead from generic libbpf handling code. Perfbuf back-to-back, effect of sample rate =========================================== pb-sampled-1 1.035 ± 0.012M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-5 3.476 ± 0.087M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-10 5.094 ± 0.136M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-25 7.118 ± 0.153M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-50 8.169 ± 0.156M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-100 8.887 ± 0.136M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-250 9.180 ± 0.209M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-500 9.353 ± 0.281M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-1000 9.411 ± 0.217M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-2000 9.464 ± 0.167M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-sampled-3000 9.575 ± 0.273M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) This benchmark shows the effect of event sampling for perfbuf. Back-to-back mode for highest throughput. Just doing every 5th record notification gives 3.5x speed up. 250-500 appears to be the point of diminishing return, with almost 9x speed up. Most benchmarks use 500 as the default sampling for pb-raw and pb-custom. Ringbuf back-to-back, effect of sample rate =========================================== rb-sampled-1 1.106 ± 0.010M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-5 4.746 ± 0.149M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-10 7.706 ± 0.164M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-25 12.893 ± 0.273M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-50 15.961 ± 0.361M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-100 18.203 ± 0.445M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-250 19.962 ± 0.786M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-500 20.881 ± 0.551M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-1000 21.317 ± 0.532M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-2000 21.331 ± 0.535M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-sampled-3000 21.688 ± 0.392M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) Similar benchmark for ring buffer also shows a great advantage (in terms of throughput) of skipping notifications. Skipping every 5th one gives 4x boost. Also similar to perfbuf case, 250-500 seems to be the point of diminishing returns, giving roughly 20x better results. Keep in mind, for this test, notifications are controlled manually with BPF_RB_NO_WAKEUP and BPF_RB_FORCE_WAKEUP. As can be seen from previous benchmarks, adaptive notifications based on consumer's positions provides same (or even slightly better due to simpler load generator on BPF side) benefits in favorable back-to-back scenario. Over zealous and fast consumer, which is almost always caught up, will make thoughput numbers smaller. That's the case when manual notification control might prove to be extremely beneficial. Ringbuf back-to-back, reserve+commit vs output ============================================== reserve 22.819 ± 0.503M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) output 18.906 ± 0.433M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) Ringbuf sampled, reserve+commit vs output ========================================= reserve-sampled 15.350 ± 0.132M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) output-sampled 14.195 ± 0.144M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) BPF ringbuf supports two sets of APIs with various usability and performance tradeoffs: bpf_ringbuf_reserve()+bpf_ringbuf_commit() vs bpf_ringbuf_output(). This benchmark clearly shows superiority of reserve+commit approach, despite using a small 8-byte record size. Single-producer, consumer/producer competing on the same CPU, low batch count ============================================================================= rb-libbpf 3.045 ± 0.020M/s (drops 3.536 ± 0.148M/s) rb-custom 3.055 ± 0.022M/s (drops 3.893 ± 0.066M/s) pb-libbpf 1.393 ± 0.024M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) pb-custom 1.407 ± 0.016M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) This benchmark shows one of the worst-case scenarios, in which producer and consumer do not coordinate *and* fight for the same CPU. No batch count and sampling settings were able to eliminate drops for ringbuffer, producer is just too fast for consumer to keep up. But ringbuf and perfbuf still able to pass through quite a lot of messages, which is more than enough for a lot of applications. Ringbuf, multi-producer contention ================================== rb-libbpf nr_prod 1 10.916 ± 0.399M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 2 4.931 ± 0.030M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 3 4.880 ± 0.006M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 4 3.926 ± 0.004M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 8 4.011 ± 0.004M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 12 3.967 ± 0.016M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 16 2.604 ± 0.030M/s (drops 0.001 ± 0.002M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 20 2.233 ± 0.003M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 24 2.085 ± 0.015M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 28 2.055 ± 0.004M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 32 1.962 ± 0.004M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 36 2.089 ± 0.005M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 40 2.118 ± 0.006M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 44 2.105 ± 0.004M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.000M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 48 2.120 ± 0.058M/s (drops 0.000 ± 0.001M/s) rb-libbpf nr_prod 52 2.074 ± 0.024M/s (drops 0.007 ± 0.014M/s) Ringbuf uses a very short-duration spinlock during reservation phase, to check few invariants, increment producer count and set record header. This is the biggest point of contention for ringbuf implementation. This benchmark evaluates the effect of multiple competing writers on overall throughput of a single shared ringbuffer. Overall throughput drops almost 2x when going from single to two highly-contended producers, gradually dropping with additional competing producers. Performance drop stabilizes at around 20 producers and hovers around 2mln even with 50+ fighting producers, which is a 5x drop compared to non-contended case. Good kernel implementation in kernel helps maintain decent performance here. Note, that in the intended real-world scenarios, it's not expected to get even close to such a high levels of contention. But if contention will become a problem, there is always an option of sharding few ring buffers across a set of CPUs. Signed-off-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02selftests/bpf: Add BPF ringbuf selftestsAndrii Nakryiko4-0/+468
Both singleton BPF ringbuf and BPF ringbuf with map-in-map use cases are tested. Also reserve+submit/discards and output variants of API are validated. Signed-off-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02libbpf: Add BPF ring buffer supportAndrii Nakryiko5-1/+317
Declaring and instantiating BPF ring buffer doesn't require any changes to libbpf, as it's just another type of maps. So using existing BTF-defined maps syntax with __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF) and __uint(max_elements, <size-of-ring-buf>) is all that's necessary to create and use BPF ring buffer. This patch adds BPF ring buffer consumer to libbpf. It is very similar to perf_buffer implementation in terms of API, but also attempts to fix some minor problems and inconveniences with existing perf_buffer API. ring_buffer support both single ring buffer use case (with just using ring_buffer__new()), as well as allows to add more ring buffers, each with its own callback and context. This allows to efficiently poll and consume multiple, potentially completely independent, ring buffers, using single epoll instance. The latter is actually a problem in practice for applications that are using multiple sets of perf buffers. They have to create multiple instances for struct perf_buffer and poll them independently or in a loop, each approach having its own problems (e.g., inability to use a common poll timeout). struct ring_buffer eliminates this problem by aggregating many independent ring buffer instances under the single "ring buffer manager". Second, perf_buffer's callback can't return error, so applications that need to stop polling due to error in data or data signalling the end, have to use extra mechanisms to signal that polling has to stop. ring_buffer's callback can return error, which will be passed through back to user code and can be acted upon appropariately. Two APIs allow to consume ring buffer data: - ring_buffer__poll(), which will wait for data availability notification and will consume data only from reported ring buffer(s); this API allows to efficiently use resources by reading data only when it becomes available; - ring_buffer__consume(), will attempt to read new records regardless of data availablity notification sub-system. This API is useful for cases when lowest latency is required, in expense of burning CPU resources. Signed-off-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02bpf: Implement BPF ring buffer and verifier support for itAndrii Nakryiko9-19/+101
This commit adds a new MPSC ring buffer implementation into BPF ecosystem, which allows multiple CPUs to submit data to a single shared ring buffer. On the consumption side, only single consumer is assumed. Motivation ---------- There are two distinctive motivators for this work, which are not satisfied by existing perf buffer, which prompted creation of a new ring buffer implementation. - more efficient memory utilization by sharing ring buffer across CPUs; - preserving ordering of events that happen sequentially in time, even across multiple CPUs (e.g., fork/exec/exit events for a task). These two problems are independent, but perf buffer fails to satisfy both. Both are a result of a choice to have per-CPU perf ring buffer. Both can be also solved by having an MPSC implementation of ring buffer. The ordering problem could technically be solved for perf buffer with some in-kernel counting, but given the first one requires an MPSC buffer, the same solution would solve the second problem automatically. Semantics and APIs ------------------ Single ring buffer is presented to BPF programs as an instance of BPF map of type BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF. Two other alternatives considered, but ultimately rejected. One way would be to, similar to BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY, make BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF could represent an array of ring buffers, but not enforce "same CPU only" rule. This would be more familiar interface compatible with existing perf buffer use in BPF, but would fail if application needed more advanced logic to lookup ring buffer by arbitrary key. HASH_OF_MAPS addresses this with current approach. Additionally, given the performance of BPF ringbuf, many use cases would just opt into a simple single ring buffer shared among all CPUs, for which current approach would be an overkill. Another approach could introduce a new concept, alongside BPF map, to represent generic "container" object, which doesn't necessarily have key/value interface with lookup/update/delete operations. This approach would add a lot of extra infrastructure that has to be built for observability and verifier support. It would also add another concept that BPF developers would have to familiarize themselves with, new syntax in libbpf, etc. But then would really provide no additional benefits over the approach of using a map. BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF doesn't support lookup/update/delete operations, but so doesn't few other map types (e.g., queue and stack; array doesn't support delete, etc). The approach chosen has an advantage of re-using existing BPF map infrastructure (introspection APIs in kernel, libbpf support, etc), being familiar concept (no need to teach users a new type of object in BPF program), and utilizing existing tooling (bpftool). For common scenario of using a single ring buffer for all CPUs, it's as simple and straightforward, as would be with a dedicated "container" object. On the other hand, by being a map, it can be combined with ARRAY_OF_MAPS and HASH_OF_MAPS map-in-maps to implement a wide variety of topologies, from one ring buffer for each CPU (e.g., as a replacement for perf buffer use cases), to a complicated application hashing/sharding of ring buffers (e.g., having a small pool of ring buffers with hashed task's tgid being a look up key to preserve order, but reduce contention). Key and value sizes are enforced to be zero. max_entries is used to specify the size of ring buffer and has to be a power of 2 value. There are a bunch of similarities between perf buffer (BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY) and new BPF ring buffer semantics: - variable-length records; - if there is no more space left in ring buffer, reservation fails, no blocking; - memory-mappable data area for user-space applications for ease of consumption and high performance; - epoll notifications for new incoming data; - but still the ability to do busy polling for new data to achieve the lowest latency, if necessary. BPF ringbuf provides two sets of APIs to BPF programs: - bpf_ringbuf_output() allows to *copy* data from one place to a ring buffer, similarly to bpf_perf_event_output(); - bpf_ringbuf_reserve()/bpf_ringbuf_commit()/bpf_ringbuf_discard() APIs split the whole process into two steps. First, a fixed amount of space is reserved. If successful, a pointer to a data inside ring buffer data area is returned, which BPF programs can use similarly to a data inside array/hash maps. Once ready, this piece of memory is either committed or discarded. Discard is similar to commit, but makes consumer ignore the record. bpf_ringbuf_output() has disadvantage of incurring extra memory copy, because record has to be prepared in some other place first. But it allows to submit records of the length that's not known to verifier beforehand. It also closely matches bpf_perf_event_output(), so will simplify migration significantly. bpf_ringbuf_reserve() avoids the extra copy of memory by providing a memory pointer directly to ring buffer memory. In a lot of cases records are larger than BPF stack space allows, so many programs have use extra per-CPU array as a temporary heap for preparing sample. bpf_ringbuf_reserve() avoid this needs completely. But in exchange, it only allows a known constant size of memory to be reserved, such that verifier can verify that BPF program can't access memory outside its reserved record space. bpf_ringbuf_output(), while slightly slower due to extra memory copy, covers some use cases that are not suitable for bpf_ringbuf_reserve(). The difference between commit and discard is very small. Discard just marks a record as discarded, and such records are supposed to be ignored by consumer code. Discard is useful for some advanced use-cases, such as ensuring all-or-nothing multi-record submission, or emulating temporary malloc()/free() within single BPF program invocation. Each reserved record is tracked by verifier through existing reference-tracking logic, similar to socket ref-tracking. It is thus impossible to reserve a record, but forget to submit (or discard) it. bpf_ringbuf_query() helper allows to query various properties of ring buffer. Currently 4 are supported: - BPF_RB_AVAIL_DATA returns amount of unconsumed data in ring buffer; - BPF_RB_RING_SIZE returns the size of ring buffer; - BPF_RB_CONS_POS/BPF_RB_PROD_POS returns current logical possition of consumer/producer, respectively. Returned values are momentarily snapshots of ring buffer state and could be off by the time helper returns, so this should be used only for debugging/reporting reasons or for implementing various heuristics, that take into account highly-changeable nature of some of those characteristics. One such heuristic might involve more fine-grained control over poll/epoll notifications about new data availability in ring buffer. Together with BPF_RB_NO_WAKEUP/BPF_RB_FORCE_WAKEUP flags for output/commit/discard helpers, it allows BPF program a high degree of control and, e.g., more efficient batched notifications. Default self-balancing strategy, though, should be adequate for most applications and will work reliable and efficiently already. Design and implementation ------------------------- This reserve/commit schema allows a natural way for multiple producers, either on different CPUs or even on the same CPU/in the same BPF program, to reserve independent records and work with them without blocking other producers. This means that if BPF program was interruped by another BPF program sharing the same ring buffer, they will both get a record reserved (provided there is enough space left) and can work with it and submit it independently. This applies to NMI context as well, except that due to using a spinlock during reservation, in NMI context, bpf_ringbuf_reserve() might fail to get a lock, in which case reservation will fail even if ring buffer is not full. The ring buffer itself internally is implemented as a power-of-2 sized circular buffer, with two logical and ever-increasing counters (which might wrap around on 32-bit architectures, that's not a problem): - consumer counter shows up to which logical position consumer consumed the data; - producer counter denotes amount of data reserved by all producers. Each time a record is reserved, producer that "owns" the record will successfully advance producer counter. At that point, data is still not yet ready to be consumed, though. Each record has 8 byte header, which contains the length of reserved record, as well as two extra bits: busy bit to denote that record is still being worked on, and discard bit, which might be set at commit time if record is discarded. In the latter case, consumer is supposed to skip the record and move on to the next one. Record header also encodes record's relative offset from the beginning of ring buffer data area (in pages). This allows bpf_ringbuf_commit()/bpf_ringbuf_discard() to accept only the pointer to the record itself, without requiring also the pointer to ring buffer itself. Ring buffer memory location will be restored from record metadata header. This significantly simplifies verifier, as well as improving API usability. Producer counter increments are serialized under spinlock, so there is a strict ordering between reservations. Commits, on the other hand, are completely lockless and independent. All records become available to consumer in the order of reservations, but only after all previous records where already committed. It is thus possible for slow producers to temporarily hold off submitted records, that were reserved later. Reservation/commit/consumer protocol is verified by litmus tests in Documentation/litmus-test/bpf-rb. One interesting implementation bit, that significantly simplifies (and thus speeds up as well) implementation of both producers and consumers is how data area is mapped twice contiguously back-to-back in the virtual memory. This allows to not take any special measures for samples that have to wrap around at the end of the circular buffer data area, because the next page after the last data page would be first data page again, and thus the sample will still appear completely contiguous in virtual memory. See comment and a simple ASCII diagram showing this visually in bpf_ringbuf_area_alloc(). Another feature that distinguishes BPF ringbuf from perf ring buffer is a self-pacing notifications of new data being availability. bpf_ringbuf_commit() implementation will send a notification of new record being available after commit only if consumer has already caught up right up to the record being committed. If not, consumer still has to catch up and thus will see new data anyways without needing an extra poll notification. Benchmarks (see tools/testing/selftests/bpf/benchs/bench_ringbuf.c) show that this allows to achieve a very high throughput without having to resort to tricks like "notify only every Nth sample", which are necessary with perf buffer. For extreme cases, when BPF program wants more manual control of notifications, commit/discard/output helpers accept BPF_RB_NO_WAKEUP and BPF_RB_FORCE_WAKEUP flags, which give full control over notifications of data availability, but require extra caution and diligence in using this API. Comparison to alternatives -------------------------- Before considering implementing BPF ring buffer from scratch existing alternatives in kernel were evaluated, but didn't seem to meet the needs. They largely fell into few categores: - per-CPU buffers (perf, ftrace, etc), which don't satisfy two motivations outlined above (ordering and memory consumption); - linked list-based implementations; while some were multi-producer designs, consuming these from user-space would be very complicated and most probably not performant; memory-mapping contiguous piece of memory is simpler and more performant for user-space consumers; - io_uring is SPSC, but also requires fixed-sized elements. Naively turning SPSC queue into MPSC w/ lock would have subpar performance compared to locked reserve + lockless commit, as with BPF ring buffer. Fixed sized elements would be too limiting for BPF programs, given existing BPF programs heavily rely on variable-sized perf buffer already; - specialized implementations (like a new printk ring buffer, [0]) with lots of printk-specific limitations and implications, that didn't seem to fit well for intended use with BPF programs. [0] Signed-off-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02selftests/bpf: Add tests for write-only stacks/queuesAnton Protopopov1-1/+39
For write-only stacks and queues bpf_map_update_elem should be allowed, but bpf_map_lookup_elem and bpf_map_lookup_and_delete_elem should fail with EPERM. Signed-off-by: Anton Protopopov <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02selftests/bpf: Cleanup comments in test_mapsAnton Protopopov1-3/+3
Make comments inside the test_map_rdonly and test_map_wronly tests consistent with logic. Signed-off-by: Anton Protopopov <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02selftests/bpf: Cleanup some file descriptors in test_mapsAnton Protopopov1-0/+4
The test_map_rdonly and test_map_wronly tests should close file descriptors which they open. Signed-off-by: Anton Protopopov <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02selftests/bpf: Fix a typo in test_mapsAnton Protopopov1-1/+1
Trivial fix to a typo in the test_map_wronly test: "read" -> "write" Signed-off-by: Anton Protopopov <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02libbpf: Fix perf_buffer__free() API for sparse allocsEelco Chaudron1-1/+4
In case the cpu_bufs are sparsely allocated they are not all free'ed. These changes will fix this. Fixes: fb84b8224655 ("libbpf: add perf buffer API") Signed-off-by: Eelco Chaudron <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02bpf, selftests: Test probe_* helpers from SCHED_CLSJohn Fastabend2-0/+58
Lets test using probe* in SCHED_CLS network programs as well just to be sure these keep working. Its cheap to add the extra test and provides a second context to test outside of sk_msg after we generalized probe* helpers to all networking types. Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Yonghong Song <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02bpf, selftests: Add sk_msg helpers load and attach testJohn Fastabend2-0/+82
The test itself is not particularly useful but it encodes a common pattern we have. Namely do a sk storage lookup then depending on data here decide if we need to do more work or alternatively allow packet to PASS. Then if we need to do more work consult task_struct for more information about the running task. Finally based on this additional information drop or pass the data. In this case the suspicious check is not so realisitic but it encodes the general pattern and uses the helpers so we test the workflow. This is a load test to ensure verifier correctly handles this case. Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02bpf, sk_msg: Add get socket storage helpersJohn Fastabend1-0/+2
Add helpers to use local socket storage. Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Yonghong Song <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02libbpf: Use .so dynamic symbols for abi checkYauheni Kaliuta1-2/+2
Since dynamic symbols are used for dynamic linking it makes sense to use them (readelf --dyn-syms) for abi check. Found with some configuration on powerpc where linker puts local *.plt_call.* symbols into .so. Signed-off-by: Yauheni Kaliuta <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02libbpf: Install headers as part of make installNikolay Borisov1-1/+1
Current 'make install' results in only pkg-config and library binaries being installed. For consistency also install headers as part of "make install" Signed-off-by: Nikolay Borisov <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02libbpf: Add API to consume the perf ring buffer contentEelco Chaudron3-0/+21
This new API, perf_buffer__consume, can be used as follows: - When you have a perf ring where wakeup_events is higher than 1, and you have remaining data in the rings you would like to pull out on exit (or maybe based on a timeout). - For low latency cases where you burn a CPU that constantly polls the queues. Signed-off-by: Eelco Chaudron <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02tools, bpftool: Print correct error message when failing to load BTFTobias Klauser1-1/+1
btf__parse_raw and btf__parse_elf return negative error numbers wrapped in an ERR_PTR, so the extracted value needs to be negated before passing them to strerror which expects a positive error number. Before: Error: failed to load BTF from .../vmlinux: Unknown error -2 After: Error: failed to load BTF from .../vmlinux: No such file or directory Signed-off-by: Tobias Klauser <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02tools, bpftool: Make capability check account for new BPF capsQuentin Monnet1-19/+66
Following the introduction of CAP_BPF, and the switch from CAP_SYS_ADMIN to other capabilities for various BPF features, update the capability checks (and potentially, drops) in bpftool for feature probes. Because bpftool and/or the system might not know of CAP_BPF yet, some caution is necessary: - If compiled and run on a system with CAP_BPF, check CAP_BPF, CAP_SYS_ADMIN, CAP_PERFMON, CAP_NET_ADMIN. - Guard against CAP_BPF being undefined, to allow compiling bpftool from latest sources on older systems. If the system where feature probes are run does not know of CAP_BPF, stop checking after CAP_SYS_ADMIN, as this should be the only capability required for all the BPF probing. - If compiled from latest sources on a system without CAP_BPF, but later executed on a newer system with CAP_BPF knowledge, then we only test CAP_SYS_ADMIN. Some probes may fail if the bpftool process has CAP_SYS_ADMIN but misses the other capabilities. The alternative would be to redefine the value for CAP_BPF in bpftool, but this does not look clean, and the case sounds relatively rare anyway. Note that libcap offers a cap_to_name() function to retrieve the name of a given capability (e.g. "cap_sys_admin"). We do not use it because deriving the names from the macros looks simpler than using cap_to_name() (doing a strdup() on the string) + cap_free() + handling the case of failed allocations, when we just want to use the name of the capability in an error message. The checks when compiling without libcap (i.e. root versus non-root) are unchanged. v2: - Do not allocate cap_list dynamically. - Drop BPF-related capabilities when running with "unprivileged", even if we didn't have the full set in the first place (in v1, we would skip dropping them in that case). - Keep track of what capabilities we have, print the names of the missing ones for privileged probing. - Attempt to drop only the capabilities we actually have. - Rename a couple variables. Signed-off-by: Quentin Monnet <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-02tools, bpftool: Clean subcommand help messagesQuentin Monnet11-76/+64
This is a clean-up for the formatting of the do_help functions for bpftool's subcommands. The following fixes are included: - Do not use argv[-2] for "iter" help message, as the help is shown by default if no "iter" action is selected, resulting in messages looking like "./bpftool bpftool pin...". - Do not print unused HELP_SPEC_PROGRAM in help message for "bpftool link". - Andrii used argument indexing to avoid having multiple occurrences of bin_name and argv[-2] in the fprintf() for the help message, for "bpftool gen" and "bpftool link". Let's reuse this for all other help functions. We can remove up to thirty arguments for the "bpftool map" help message. - Harmonise all functions, e.g. use ending quotes-comma on a separate line. Signed-off-by: Quentin Monnet <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link: Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <>
2020-06-01selftests: mlxsw: Add test for control packetsIdo Schimmel2-0/+711
Generate packets matching the various control traps and check that the traps' stats increase accordingly. Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-06-01Merge git:// S. Miller3-15/+54
xdp_umem.c had overlapping changes between the 64-bit math fix for the calculation of npgs and the removal of the zerocopy memory type which got rid of the chunk_size_nohdr member. The mlx5 Kconfig conflict is a case where we just take the net-next copy of the Kconfig entry dependency as it takes on the ESWITCH dependency by one level of indirection which is what the 'net' conflicting change is trying to ensure. Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-31Merge tag 'x86-urgent-2020-05-31' of ↵Linus Torvalds1-1/+1
git:// Pull x86 fixes from Thomas Gleixner: "A pile of x86 fixes: - Prevent a memory leak in ioperm which was caused by the stupid assumption that the exit cleanup is always called for current, which is not the case when fork fails after taking a reference on the ioperm bitmap. - Fix an arithmething overflow in the DMA code on 32bit systems - Fill gaps in the xstate copy with defaults instead of leaving them uninitialized - Revert: "Make __X32_SYSCALL_BIT be unsigned long" as it turned out that existing user space fails to build" * tag 'x86-urgent-2020-05-31' of git:// x86/ioperm: Prevent a memory leak when fork fails x86/dma: Fix max PFN arithmetic overflow on 32 bit systems copy_xstate_to_kernel(): don't leave parts of destination uninitialized x86/syscalls: Revert "x86/syscalls: Make __X32_SYSCALL_BIT be unsigned long"
2020-05-31selftests: forwarding: pedit_dsfield: Check counter valuePetr Machata1-1/+6
A missing stats_update callback was recently added to act_pedit. Now that iproute2 supports JSON dumping for pedit, extend the pedit_dsfield selftest with a check that would have caught the fact that the callback was missing. Signed-off-by: Petr Machata <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-31selftests: forwarding: mirror_lib: Use mausezahnPetr Machata1-4/+2
Using ping in tests is error-prone, because ping is too smart. On a flaky system (notably in a simulator), when packets don't come quickly enough, more pings are sent, and that throws off counters. Instead use mausezahn to generate ICMP echo request packets. That allows us to send them in quicker succession as well, because the reason the ping was made slow in the first place was to make the tests work on simulated systems. Signed-off-by: Petr Machata <> Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-30Merge git:// S. Miller1-14/+32
Alexei Starovoitov says: ==================== pull-request: bpf 2020-05-29 The following pull-request contains BPF updates for your *net* tree. We've added 6 non-merge commits during the last 7 day(s) which contain a total of 4 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-). The main changes are: 1) minor verifier fix for fmod_ret progs, from Alexei. 2) af_xdp overflow check, from Bjorn. 3) minor verifier fix for 32bit assignment, from John. 4) powerpc has non-overlapping addr space, from Petr. ==================== Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-29bpf, selftests: Add a verifier test for assigning 32bit reg states to 64bit onesJohn Fastabend1-0/+22
Added a verifier test for assigning 32bit reg states to 64bit where 32bit reg holds a constant value of 0. Without previous kernel verifier.c fix, the test in this patch will fail. Signed-off-by: Yonghong Song <> Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Link:
2020-05-29bpf, selftests: Verifier bounds tests need to be updatedJohn Fastabend1-14/+10
After previous fix for zero extension test_verifier tests #65 and #66 now fail. Before the fix we can see the alu32 mov op at insn 10 10: R0_w=map_value(id=0,off=0,ks=8,vs=8,imm=0) R1_w=invP(id=0, smin_value=4294967168,smax_value=4294967423, umin_value=4294967168,umax_value=4294967423, var_off=(0x0; 0x1ffffffff), s32_min_value=-2147483648,s32_max_value=2147483647, u32_min_value=0,u32_max_value=-1) R10=fp0 fp-8_w=mmmmmmmm 10: (bc) w1 = w1 11: R0_w=map_value(id=0,off=0,ks=8,vs=8,imm=0) R1_w=invP(id=0, smin_value=0,smax_value=2147483647, umin_value=0,umax_value=4294967295, var_off=(0x0; 0xffffffff), s32_min_value=-2147483648,s32_max_value=2147483647, u32_min_value=0,u32_max_value=-1) R10=fp0 fp-8_w=mmmmmmmm After the fix at insn 10 because we have 's32_min_value < 0' the following step 11 now has 'smax_value=U32_MAX' where before we pulled the s32_max_value bound into the smax_value as seen above in 11 with smax_value=2147483647. 10: R0_w=map_value(id=0,off=0,ks=8,vs=8,imm=0) R1_w=inv(id=0, smin_value=4294967168,smax_value=4294967423, umin_value=4294967168,umax_value=4294967423, var_off=(0x0; 0x1ffffffff), s32_min_value=-2147483648, s32_max_value=2147483647, u32_min_value=0,u32_max_value=-1) R10=fp0 fp-8_w=mmmmmmmm 10: (bc) w1 = w1 11: R0_w=map_value(id=0,off=0,ks=8,vs=8,imm=0) R1_w=inv(id=0, smin_value=0,smax_value=4294967295, umin_value=0,umax_value=4294967295, var_off=(0x0; 0xffffffff), s32_min_value=-2147483648, s32_max_value=2147483647, u32_min_value=0, u32_max_value=-1) R10=fp0 fp-8_w=mmmmmmmm The fall out of this is by the time we get to the failing instruction at step 14 where previously we had the following: 14: R0_w=map_value(id=0,off=0,ks=8,vs=8,imm=0) R1_w=inv(id=0, smin_value=72057594021150720,smax_value=72057594029539328, umin_value=72057594021150720,umax_value=72057594029539328, var_off=(0xffffffff000000; 0xffffff), s32_min_value=-16777216,s32_max_value=-1, u32_min_value=-16777216,u32_max_value=-1) R10=fp0 fp-8_w=mmmmmmmm 14: (0f) r0 += r1 We now have, 14: R0_w=map_value(id=0,off=0,ks=8,vs=8,imm=0) R1_w=inv(id=0, smin_value=0,smax_value=72057594037927935, umin_value=0,umax_value=72057594037927935, var_off=(0x0; 0xffffffffffffff), s32_min_value=-2147483648,s32_max_value=2147483647, u32_min_value=0,u32_max_value=-1) R10=fp0 fp-8_w=mmmmmmmm 14: (0f) r0 += r1 In the original step 14 'smin_value=72057594021150720' this trips the logic in the verifier function check_reg_sane_offset(), if (smin >= BPF_MAX_VAR_OFF || smin <= -BPF_MAX_VAR_OFF) { verbose(env, "value %lld makes %s pointer be out of bounds\n", smin, reg_type_str[type]); return false; } Specifically, the 'smin <= -BPF_MAX_VAR_OFF' check. But with the fix at step 14 we have bounds 'smin_value=0' so the above check is not tripped because BPF_MAX_VAR_OFF=1<<29. We have a smin_value=0 here because at step 10 the smaller smin_value=0 means the subtractions at steps 11 and 12 bring the smin_value negative. 11: (17) r1 -= 2147483584 12: (17) r1 -= 2147483584 13: (77) r1 >>= 8 Then the shift clears the top bit and smin_value is set to 0. Note we still have the smax_value in the fixed code so any reads will fail. An alternative would be to have reg_sane_check() do both smin and smax value tests. To fix the test we can omit the 'r1 >>=8' at line 13. This will change the err string, but keeps the intention of the test as suggseted by the title, "check after truncation of boundary-crossing range". If the verifier logic changes a different value is likely to be thrown in the error or the error will no longer be thrown forcing this test to be examined. With this change we see the new state at step 13. 13: R0_w=map_value(id=0,off=0,ks=8,vs=8,imm=0) R1_w=invP(id=0, smin_value=-4294967168,smax_value=127, umin_value=0,umax_value=18446744073709551615, s32_min_value=-2147483648,s32_max_value=2147483647, u32_min_value=0,u32_max_value=-1) R10=fp0 fp-8_w=mmmmmmmm Giving the expected out of bounds error, "value -4294967168 makes map_value pointer be out of bounds" However, for unpriv case we see a different error now because of the mixed signed bounds pointer arithmatic. This seems OK so I've only added the unpriv_errstr for this. Another optino may have been to do addition on r1 instead of subtraction but I favor the approach above slightly. Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Acked-by: Yonghong Song <> Link:
2020-05-28selftests: Add torture tests to nexthop testsDavid Ahern1-2/+113
Add Nik's torture tests as a new set to stress the replace and cleanup paths. Torture test created by Nikolay Aleksandrov and then I adapted to selftest and added IPv6 version. Signed-off-by: David Ahern <> Signed-off-by: Nikolay Aleksandrov <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-27net: add large ecmp group nexthop testsStephen Worley1-2/+82
Add a couple large ecmp group nexthop selftests to cover the remnant fixed by d69100b8eee27c2d60ee52df76e0b80a8d492d34. The tests create 100 x32 ecmp groups of ipv4 and ipv6 and then dump them. On kernels without the fix, they will fail due to data remnant during the dump. Signed-off-by: Stephen Worley <> Reviewed-by: David Ahern <> Reviewed-by: David Ahern <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-27net/sched: fix infinite loop in sch_fq_pieDavide Caratti1-0/+21
this command hangs forever: # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root fq_pie flows 65536 watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 23s! [tc:1028] [...] CPU: 1 PID: 1028 Comm: tc Not tainted 5.7.0-rc6+ #167 RIP: 0010:fq_pie_init+0x60e/0x8b7 [sch_fq_pie] Code: 4c 89 65 50 48 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 42 80 3c 30 00 0f 85 2a 02 00 00 48 8d 7d 10 4c 89 65 58 48 89 f8 48 c1 e8 03 42 80 3c 30 00 <0f> 85 a7 01 00 00 48 8d 7d 18 48 c7 45 10 46 c3 23 00 48 89 f8 48 RSP: 0018:ffff888138d67468 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffff13 RAX: 1ffff9200018d2b2 RBX: ffff888139c1c400 RCX: ffffffffffffffff RDX: 000000000000c5e8 RSI: ffffc900000e5000 RDI: ffffc90000c69590 RBP: ffffc90000c69580 R08: fffffbfff79a9699 R09: fffffbfff79a9699 R10: 0000000000000700 R11: fffffbfff79a9698 R12: ffffc90000c695d0 R13: 0000000000000000 R14: dffffc0000000000 R15: 000000002347c5e8 FS: 00007f01e1850e40(0000) GS:ffff88814c880000(0000) knlGS:0000000000000000 CS: 0010 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 CR0: 0000000080050033 CR2: 000000000067c340 CR3: 000000013864c000 CR4: 0000000000340ee0 Call Trace: qdisc_create+0x3fd/0xeb0 tc_modify_qdisc+0x3be/0x14a0 rtnetlink_rcv_msg+0x5f3/0x920 netlink_rcv_skb+0x121/0x350 netlink_unicast+0x439/0x630 netlink_sendmsg+0x714/0xbf0 sock_sendmsg+0xe2/0x110 ____sys_sendmsg+0x5b4/0x890 ___sys_sendmsg+0xe9/0x160 __sys_sendmsg+0xd3/0x170 do_syscall_64+0x9a/0x370 entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x44/0xa9 we can't accept 65536 as a valid number for 'nflows', because the loop on 'idx' in fq_pie_init() will never end. The extack message is correct, but it doesn't say that 0 is not a valid number for 'flows': while at it, fix this also. Add a tdc selftest to check correct validation of 'flows'. CC: Ivan Vecera <> Fixes: ec97ecf1ebe4 ("net: sched: add Flow Queue PIE packet scheduler") Signed-off-by: Davide Caratti <> Reviewed-by: Ivan Vecera <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-27mlxsw: spectrum: Reduce priority of locally delivered packetsIdo Schimmel1-1/+1
To align with recent recommended values. Will be configurable by future patches. Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <> Reviewed-by: Jiri Pirko <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-26x86/syscalls: Revert "x86/syscalls: Make __X32_SYSCALL_BIT be unsigned long"Andy Lutomirski1-1/+1
Revert 45e29d119e99 ("x86/syscalls: Make __X32_SYSCALL_BIT be unsigned long") and add a comment to discourage someone else from making the same mistake again. It turns out that some user code fails to compile if __X32_SYSCALL_BIT is unsigned long. See, for example [1] below. [ bp: Massage and do the same thing in the respective tools/ header. ] Fixes: 45e29d119e99 ("x86/syscalls: Make __X32_SYSCALL_BIT be unsigned long") Reported-by: Thorsten Glaser <> Signed-off-by: Andy Lutomirski <> Signed-off-by: Borislav Petkov <> Cc: Link: [1] Link:
2020-05-24Merge git:// S. Miller11-5/+241
The MSCC bug fix in 'net' had to be slightly adjusted because the register accesses are done slightly differently in net-next. Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-24Merge git:// Torvalds5-3/+26
Pull networking fixes from David Miller: 1) Fix RCU warnings in ipv6 multicast router code, from Madhuparna Bhowmik. 2) Nexthop attributes aren't being checked properly because of mis-initialized iterator, from David Ahern. 3) Revert iop_idents_reserve() change as it caused performance regressions and was just working around what is really a UBSAN bug in the compiler. From Yuqi Jin. 4) Read MAC address properly from ROM in bmac driver (double iteration proceeds past end of address array), from Jeremy Kerr. 5) Add Microsoft Surface device IDs to r8152, from Marc Payne. 6) Prevent reference to freed SKB in __netif_receive_skb_core(), from Boris Sukholitko. 7) Fix ACK discard behavior in rxrpc, from David Howells. 8) Preserve flow hash across packet scrubbing in wireguard, from Jason A. Donenfeld. 9) Cap option length properly for SO_BINDTODEVICE in AX25, from Eric Dumazet. 10) Fix encryption error checking in kTLS code, from Vadim Fedorenko. 11) Missing BPF prog ref release in flow dissector, from Jakub Sitnicki. 12) dst_cache must be used with BH disabled in tipc, from Eric Dumazet. 13) Fix use after free in mlxsw driver, from Jiri Pirko. 14) Order kTLS key destruction properly in mlx5 driver, from Tariq Toukan. 15) Check devm_platform_ioremap_resource() return value properly in several drivers, from Tiezhu Yang. * git:// (71 commits) net: smsc911x: Fix runtime PM imbalance on error net/mlx4_core: fix a memory leak bug. net: ethernet: ti: cpsw: fix ASSERT_RTNL() warning during suspend net: phy: mscc: fix initialization of the MACsec protocol mode net: stmmac: don't attach interface until resume finishes net: Fix return value about devm_platform_ioremap_resource() net/mlx5: Fix error flow in case of function_setup failure net/mlx5e: CT: Correctly get flow rule net/mlx5e: Update netdev txq on completions during closure net/mlx5: Annotate mutex destroy for root ns net/mlx5: Don't maintain a case of del_sw_func being null net/mlx5: Fix cleaning unmanaged flow tables net/mlx5: Fix memory leak in mlx5_events_init net/mlx5e: Fix inner tirs handling net/mlx5e: kTLS, Destroy key object after destroying the TIS net/mlx5e: Fix allowed tc redirect merged eswitch offload cases net/mlx5: Avoid processing commands before cmdif is ready net/mlx5: Fix a race when moving command interface to events mode net/mlx5: Add command entry handling completion rxrpc: Fix a memory leak in rxkad_verify_response() ...
2020-05-23selftests/vm/write_to_hugetlbfs.c: fix unused variable warningJohn Hubbard1-2/+0
Remove unused variable "i", which was triggering a compiler warning. Fixes: 29750f71a9b4 ("hugetlb_cgroup: add hugetlb_cgroup reservation tests") Signed-off-by: John Hubbard <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <> Reviewed-By: Mina Almasry <> Cc: Brian Geffon <> Cc: "Kirill A . Shutemov" <> Cc: Shuah Khan <> Cc: Ralph Campbell <> Link: Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2020-05-23selftests/vm/.gitignore: add mremap_dontunmapJohn Hubbard1-0/+1
Add mremap_dontunmap to .gitignore. Fixes: 0c28759ee3c9 ("selftests: add MREMAP_DONTUNMAP selftest") Signed-off-by: John Hubbard <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <> Cc: Kirill A. Shutemov <> Cc: Brian Geffon <> Link: Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
2020-05-23Merge git:// S. Miller31-733/+949
Daniel Borkmann says: ==================== pull-request: bpf-next 2020-05-23 The following pull-request contains BPF updates for your *net-next* tree. We've added 50 non-merge commits during the last 8 day(s) which contain a total of 109 files changed, 2776 insertions(+), 2887 deletions(-). The main changes are: 1) Add a new AF_XDP buffer allocation API to the core in order to help lowering the bar for drivers adopting AF_XDP support. i40e, ice, ixgbe as well as mlx5 have been moved over to the new API and also gained a small improvement in performance, from Björn Töpel and Magnus Karlsson. 2) Add getpeername()/getsockname() attach types for BPF sock_addr programs in order to allow for e.g. reverse translation of load-balancer backend to service address/port tuple from a connected peer, from Daniel Borkmann. 3) Improve the BPF verifier is_branch_taken() logic to evaluate pointers being non-NULL, e.g. if after an initial test another non-NULL test on that pointer follows in a given path, then it can be pruned right away, from John Fastabend. 4) Larger rework of BPF sockmap selftests to make output easier to understand and to reduce overall runtime as well as adding new BPF kTLS selftests that run in combination with sockmap, also from John Fastabend. 5) Batch of misc updates to BPF selftests including fixing up test_align to match verifier output again and moving it under test_progs, allowing bpf_iter selftest to compile on machines with older vmlinux.h, and updating config options for lirc and v6 segment routing helpers, from Stanislav Fomichev, Andrii Nakryiko and Alan Maguire. 6) Conversion of BPF tracing samples outdated internal BPF loader to use libbpf API instead, from Daniel T. Lee. 7) Follow-up to BPF kernel test infrastructure in order to fix a flake in the XDP selftests, from Jesper Dangaard Brouer. 8) Minor improvements to libbpf's internal hashmap implementation, from Ian Rogers. ==================== Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-23selftests/bpf: CONFIG_LIRC required for test_lirc_mode2.shAlan Maguire1-0/+1 assumes presence of /sys/class/rc/rc0/lirc*/uevent which will not be present unless CONFIG_LIRC=y Fixes: 6bdd533cee9a ("bpf: add selftest for lirc_mode2 type program") Signed-off-by: Alan Maguire <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link:
2020-05-23selftests/bpf: CONFIG_IPV6_SEG6_BPF required for test_seg6_loop.oAlan Maguire1-0/+1
test_seg6_loop.o uses the helper bpf_lwt_seg6_adjust_srh(); it will not be present if CONFIG_IPV6_SEG6_BPF is not specified. Fixes: b061017f8b4d ("selftests/bpf: add realistic loop tests") Signed-off-by: Alan Maguire <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Link:
2020-05-23selftests/bpf: Add general instructions for test executionAlan Maguire1-0/+2
Getting a clean BPF selftests run involves ensuring latest trunk LLVM/clang are used, pahole is recent (>=1.16) and config matches the specified config file as closely as possible. Add to bpf_devel_QA.rst and point tools/testing/selftests/bpf/README.rst to it. Signed-off-by: Alan Maguire <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Borkmann <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link:
2020-05-23selftests: mlxsw: qos_mc_aware: Specify arping timeout as an integerAmit Cohen1-1/+1
Starting from iputils s20190709 (used in Fedora 31), arping does not support timeout being specified as a decimal: $ arping -c 1 -I swp1 -b -q -w 0.1 arping: invalid argument: '0.1' Previously, such timeouts were rounded to an integer. Fix this by specifying the timeout as an integer. Fixes: a5ee171d087e ("selftests: mlxsw: qos_mc_aware: Add a test for UC awareness") Signed-off-by: Amit Cohen <> Reviewed-by: Petr Machata <> Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-23selftests: netdevsim: Always initialize 'RET' variableIdo Schimmel1-0/+4
The variable is used by log_test() to check if the test case completely successfully or not. In case it is not initialized at the start of a test case, it is possible for the test case to fail despite not encountering any errors. Example: ``` ... TEST: Trap group statistics [ OK ] TEST: Trap policer [FAIL] Policer drop counter was not incremented TEST: Trap policer binding [FAIL] Policer drop counter was not incremented ``` Failure of trap_policer_test() caused trap_policer_bind_test() to fail as well. Fix by adding missing initialization of the variable. Fixes: 5fbff58e27a1 ("selftests: netdevsim: Add test cases for devlink-trap policers") Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <> Reviewed-by: Jiri Pirko <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-23Merge git:// S. Miller2-1/+20
Daniel Borkmann says: ==================== pull-request: bpf 2020-05-22 The following pull-request contains BPF updates for your *net* tree. We've added 3 non-merge commits during the last 3 day(s) which contain a total of 5 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-). The main changes are: 1) Fix to reject mmap()'ing read-only array maps as writable since BPF verifier relies on such map content to be frozen, from Andrii Nakryiko. 2) Fix breaking audit from secid_to_secctx() LSM hook by avoiding to use call_int_hook() since this hook is not stackable, from KP Singh. 3) Fix BPF flow dissector program ref leak on netns cleanup, from Jakub Sitnicki. ==================== Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-23selftests: net: add fdb nexthop testsRoopa Prabhu1-2/+158
This commit adds ipv4 and ipv6 fdb nexthop api tests to Signed-off-by: Roopa Prabhu <> Reviewed-by: David Ahern <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-22bpf: Selftests, add printk to test_sk_lookup_kern to encode null ptr checkJohn Fastabend1-0/+1
Adding a printk to test_sk_lookup_kern created the reported failure where a pointer type is checked twice for NULL. Lets add it to the progs test test_sk_lookup_kern.c so we test the case from C all the way into the verifier. We already have printk's in selftests so seems OK to add another one. Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link:
2020-05-22bpf: Selftests, verifier case for non null pointer map value branchJohn Fastabend1-0/+19
When we have pointer type that is known to be non-null we only follow the non-null branch. This adds tests to cover the map_value pointer returned from a map lookup. To force an error if both branches are followed we do an ALU op on R10. Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Acked-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Link:
2020-05-22bpf: Selftests, verifier case for non null pointer check branch takenJohn Fastabend1-0/+33
When we have pointer type that is known to be non-null and comparing against zero we only follow the non-null branch. This adds tests to cover this case for reference tracking. Also add the other case when comparison against a non-zero value and ensure we still fail with unreleased reference. Signed-off-by: John Fastabend <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Link:
2020-05-21wireguard: selftests: use newer iproute2 for gcc-10Jason A. Donenfeld1-1/+1
gcc-10 switched to defaulting to -fno-common, which broke iproute2-5.4. This was fixed in iproute-5.6, so switch to that. Because we're after a stable testing surface, we generally don't like to bump these unnecessarily, but in this case, being able to actually build is a basic necessity. Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-05-21bpf: Prevent mmap()'ing read-only maps as writableAndrii Nakryiko2-1/+20
As discussed in [0], it's dangerous to allow mapping BPF map, that's meant to be frozen and is read-only on BPF program side, because that allows user-space to actually store a writable view to the page even after it is frozen. This is exacerbated by BPF verifier making a strong assumption that contents of such frozen map will remain unchanged. To prevent this, disallow mapping BPF_F_RDONLY_PROG mmap()'able BPF maps as writable, ever. [0] Fixes: fc9702273e2e ("bpf: Add mmap() support for BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY") Suggested-by: Jann Horn <> Signed-off-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Reviewed-by: Jann Horn <> Link:
2020-05-20selftests/bpf: Convert bpf_iter_test_kern{3, 4}.c to define own bpf_iter_metaAndrii Nakryiko2-0/+30
b9f4c01f3e0b ("selftest/bpf: Make bpf_iter selftest compilable against old vmlinux.h") missed the fact that bpf_iter_test_kern{3,4}.c are not just including bpf_iter_test_kern_common.h and need similar bpf_iter_meta re-definition explicitly. Fixes: b9f4c01f3e0b ("selftest/bpf: Make bpf_iter selftest compilable against old vmlinux.h") Signed-off-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Link:
2020-05-19selftest/bpf: Make bpf_iter selftest compilable against old vmlinux.hAndrii Nakryiko6-0/+98
It's good to be able to compile bpf_iter selftest even on systems that don't have the very latest vmlinux.h, e.g., for libbpf tests against older kernels in Travis CI. To that extent, re-define bpf_iter_meta and corresponding bpf_iter context structs in each selftest. To avoid type clashes with vmlinux.h, rename vmlinux.h's definitions to get them out of the way. Signed-off-by: Andrii Nakryiko <> Signed-off-by: Alexei Starovoitov <> Acked-by: Yonghong Song <> Acked-by: Jesper Dangaard Brouer <> Link: