.. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause) ================ bpftool-cgroup ================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tool for inspection and simple manipulation of eBPF progs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Manual section: 8 .. include:: substitutions.rst SYNOPSIS ======== **bpftool** [*OPTIONS*] **cgroup** *COMMAND* *OPTIONS* := { |COMMON_OPTIONS| | { **-f** | **--bpffs** } } *COMMANDS* := { **show** | **list** | **tree** | **attach** | **detach** | **help** } CGROUP COMMANDS =============== | **bpftool** **cgroup** { **show** | **list** } *CGROUP* [**effective**] | **bpftool** **cgroup tree** [*CGROUP_ROOT*] [**effective**] | **bpftool** **cgroup attach** *CGROUP* *ATTACH_TYPE* *PROG* [*ATTACH_FLAGS*] | **bpftool** **cgroup detach** *CGROUP* *ATTACH_TYPE* *PROG* | **bpftool** **cgroup help** | | *PROG* := { **id** *PROG_ID* | **pinned** *FILE* | **tag** *PROG_TAG* | **name** *PROG_NAME* } | *ATTACH_TYPE* := { **cgroup_inet_ingress** | **cgroup_inet_egress** | | **cgroup_inet_sock_create** | **cgroup_sock_ops** | | **cgroup_device** | **cgroup_inet4_bind** | **cgroup_inet6_bind** | | **cgroup_inet4_post_bind** | **cgroup_inet6_post_bind** | | **cgroup_inet4_connect** | **cgroup_inet6_connect** | | **cgroup_unix_connect** | **cgroup_inet4_getpeername** | | **cgroup_inet6_getpeername** | **cgroup_unix_getpeername** | | **cgroup_inet4_getsockname** | **cgroup_inet6_getsockname** | | **cgroup_unix_getsockname** | **cgroup_udp4_sendmsg** | | **cgroup_udp6_sendmsg** | **cgroup_unix_sendmsg** | | **cgroup_udp4_recvmsg** | **cgroup_udp6_recvmsg** | | **cgroup_unix_recvmsg** | **cgroup_sysctl** | | **cgroup_getsockopt** | **cgroup_setsockopt** | | **cgroup_inet_sock_release** } | *ATTACH_FLAGS* := { **multi** | **override** } DESCRIPTION =========== bpftool cgroup { show | list } *CGROUP* [effective] List all programs attached to the cgroup *CGROUP*. Output will start with program ID followed by attach type, attach flags and program name. If **effective** is specified retrieve effective programs that will execute for events within a cgroup. This includes inherited along with attached ones. bpftool cgroup tree [*CGROUP_ROOT*] [effective] Iterate over all cgroups in *CGROUP_ROOT* and list all attached programs. If *CGROUP_ROOT* is not specified, bpftool uses cgroup v2 mountpoint. The output is similar to the output of cgroup show/list commands: it starts with absolute cgroup path, followed by program ID, attach type, attach flags and program name. If **effective** is specified retrieve effective programs that will execute for events within a cgroup. This includes inherited along with attached ones. bpftool cgroup attach *CGROUP* *ATTACH_TYPE* *PROG* [*ATTACH_FLAGS*] Attach program *PROG* to the cgroup *CGROUP* with attach type *ATTACH_TYPE* and optional *ATTACH_FLAGS*. *ATTACH_FLAGS* can be one of: **override** if a sub-cgroup installs some bpf program, the program in this cgroup yields to sub-cgroup program; **multi** if a sub-cgroup installs some bpf program, that cgroup program gets run in addition to the program in this cgroup. Only one program is allowed to be attached to a cgroup with no attach flags or the **override** flag. Attaching another program will release old program and attach the new one. Multiple programs are allowed to be attached to a cgroup with **multi**. They are executed in FIFO order (those that were attached first, run first). Non-default *ATTACH_FLAGS* are supported by kernel version 4.14 and later. *ATTACH_TYPE* can be one of: - **ingress** ingress path of the inet socket (since 4.10) - **egress** egress path of the inet socket (since 4.10) - **sock_create** opening of an inet socket (since 4.10) - **sock_ops** various socket operations (since 4.12) - **device** device access (since 4.15) - **bind4** call to bind(2) for an inet4 socket (since 4.17) - **bind6** call to bind(2) for an inet6 socket (since 4.17) - **post_bind4** return from bind(2) for an inet4 socket (since 4.17) - **post_bind6** return from bind(2) for an inet6 socket (since 4.17) - **connect4** call to connect(2) for an inet4 socket (since 4.17) - **connect6** call to connect(2) for an inet6 socket (since 4.17) - **connect_unix** call to connect(2) for a unix socket (since 6.7) - **sendmsg4** call to sendto(2), sendmsg(2), sendmmsg(2) for an unconnected udp4 socket (since 4.18) - **sendmsg6** call to sendto(2), sendmsg(2), sendmmsg(2) for an unconnected udp6 socket (since 4.18) - **sendmsg_unix** call to sendto(2), sendmsg(2), sendmmsg(2) for an unconnected unix socket (since 6.7) - **recvmsg4** call to recvfrom(2), recvmsg(2), recvmmsg(2) for an unconnected udp4 socket (since 5.2) - **recvmsg6** call to recvfrom(2), recvmsg(2), recvmmsg(2) for an unconnected udp6 socket (since 5.2) - **recvmsg_unix** call to recvfrom(2), recvmsg(2), recvmmsg(2) for an unconnected unix socket (since 6.7) - **sysctl** sysctl access (since 5.2) - **getsockopt** call to getsockopt (since 5.3) - **setsockopt** call to setsockopt (since 5.3) - **getpeername4** call to getpeername(2) for an inet4 socket (since 5.8) - **getpeername6** call to getpeername(2) for an inet6 socket (since 5.8) - **getpeername_unix** call to getpeername(2) for a unix socket (since 6.7) - **getsockname4** call to getsockname(2) for an inet4 socket (since 5.8) - **getsockname6** call to getsockname(2) for an inet6 socket (since 5.8) - **getsockname_unix** call to getsockname(2) for a unix socket (since 6.7) - **sock_release** closing a userspace inet socket (since 5.9) bpftool cgroup detach *CGROUP* *ATTACH_TYPE* *PROG* Detach *PROG* from the cgroup *CGROUP* and attach type *ATTACH_TYPE*. bpftool prog help Print short help message. OPTIONS ======= .. include:: common_options.rst -f, --bpffs Show file names of pinned programs. EXAMPLES ======== | | **# mount -t bpf none /sys/fs/bpf/** | **# mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/test.slice** | **# bpftool prog load ./device_cgroup.o /sys/fs/bpf/prog** | **# bpftool cgroup attach /sys/fs/cgroup/test.slice/ device id 1 allow_multi** **# bpftool cgroup list /sys/fs/cgroup/test.slice/** :: ID AttachType AttachFlags Name 1 device allow_multi bpf_prog1 | | **# bpftool cgroup detach /sys/fs/cgroup/test.slice/ device id 1** | **# bpftool cgroup list /sys/fs/cgroup/test.slice/** :: ID AttachType AttachFlags Name