# # Project Home: # ============ # https://www.gnu.org/software/make # # Git: # === # http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/make.git/ # # Clone: # ===== # git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/make.git # url = https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git repo_name = make pkg_name = make # # List of upstream versions to be extracted: # ========================================= # hash | tag | gnulib revision # ----------------------------------------+-----+---------------------------------------- revisions = c5319e75f5b64c972a38967a6eb5747838e914fd:4.3.1:363497c93a59235478cd80d536a17023e595cc79 git_repo = .git_clone suffix = tar.xz versions = $(foreach tag, $(revisions), $(shell echo $(tag) | cut -f 2 -d ':')) tarballs = $(addsuffix .$(suffix), $(addprefix $(pkg_name)-, $(versions))) sha1s = $(addsuffix .sha1sum, $(tarballs)) TARGETS = repository_clean all: $(TARGETS) .PHONY: downloads_clean repository_clean $(git_repo): @echo -e "\n======= Clone $(repo_name).git repository =======\n" @rm -rf $(repo_name) @git clone $(url)/$(repo_name).git $(repo_name) @touch $@ $(tarballs): $(git_repo) @for revision in $(revisions) ; do \ hash=`echo $$revision | cut -f 1 -d ':'` ; \ version=`echo $$revision | cut -f 2 -d ':'` ; \ gnulib=`echo $$revision | cut -f 3 -d ':'` ; \ if [ ! -f $(pkg_name)-$$version.$(suffix) ]; then \ echo -e "\n======= Creating '$(pkg_name)-$$version.$(suffix)' snapshot =======" ; \ ( cd $(repo_name) && \ git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(pkg_name)-$$version/ $$hash | \ xz >../$(pkg_name)-$$version.$(suffix) ) ; \ fi ; \ tar xJf $(pkg_name)-$$version.$(suffix) ; \ ( cd $(pkg_name)-$$version ; \ sed -i "s,\[[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]*\],\[$$version\]," configure.ac ; \ GNULIB_REVISION=$$gnulib ./bootstrap --force --copy ; \ rm -rf autom4te.cache gl gnulib scripts .ccls .dir-locals.el ; \ find . -type f -name *~ -exec rm -f {} \; ; \ find . -type f -name '.gitignore' -exec rm -f {} \; ; \ ) ; \ tar cJf $(pkg_name)-$$version.$(suffix) $(pkg_name)-$$version ; \ rm -rf $(pkg_name)-$$version ; \ done $(sha1s): %.$(suffix).sha1sum : %.$(suffix) @for tarball in $< ; do \ echo -e "\n======= Calculation the '$$tarball' sha1sum =======" ; \ sha1sum --binary $$tarball > $$tarball.sha1sum ; \ done repository_clean: $(sha1s) @echo -e "\n======= Remove cloned $(repo_name).git repository =======\n" @rm -rf $(git_repo) $(repo_name) downloads_clean: @rm -rf $(tarballs) $(sha1s) @rm -rf $(git_repo) $(repo_name)