path: root/tools/testing/kunit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testing/kunit/')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testing/kunit/ b/tools/testing/kunit/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4ffbae0f6732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/kunit/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Parses test results from a kernel dmesg log.
+# Copyright (C) 2019, Google LLC.
+# Author: Felix Guo <>
+# Author: Brendan Higgins <>
+import re
+from collections import namedtuple
+from datetime import datetime
+from enum import Enum, auto
+from functools import reduce
+from typing import List
+TestResult = namedtuple('TestResult', ['status','suites','log'])
+class TestSuite(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.status = None
+ = None
+ self.cases = []
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'TestSuite(' + self.status + ',' + + ',' + str(self.cases) + ')'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self)
+class TestCase(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.status = None
+ = ''
+ self.log = []
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'TestCase(' + self.status + ',' + + ',' + str(self.log) + ')'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self)
+class TestStatus(Enum):
+ SUCCESS = auto()
+ FAILURE = auto()
+ TEST_CRASHED = auto()
+ NO_TESTS = auto()
+kunit_start_re = re.compile(r'^TAP version [0-9]+$')
+kunit_end_re = re.compile('List of all partitions:')
+def isolate_kunit_output(kernel_output):
+ started = False
+ for line in kernel_output:
+ if kunit_start_re.match(line):
+ started = True
+ yield line
+ elif kunit_end_re.match(line):
+ break
+ elif started:
+ yield line
+def raw_output(kernel_output):
+ for line in kernel_output:
+ print(line)
+DIVIDER = '=' * 60
+RESET = '\033[0;0m'
+def red(text):
+ return '\033[1;31m' + text + RESET
+def yellow(text):
+ return '\033[1;33m' + text + RESET
+def green(text):
+ return '\033[1;32m' + text + RESET
+def print_with_timestamp(message):
+ print('[%s] %s' % ('%H:%M:%S'), message))
+def format_suite_divider(message):
+ return '======== ' + message + ' ========'
+def print_suite_divider(message):
+ print_with_timestamp(DIVIDER)
+ print_with_timestamp(format_suite_divider(message))
+def print_log(log):
+ for m in log:
+ print_with_timestamp(m)
+TAP_ENTRIES = re.compile(r'^(TAP|\t?ok|\t?not ok|\t?[0-9]+\.\.[0-9]+|\t?#).*$')
+def consume_non_diagnositic(lines: List[str]) -> None:
+ while lines and not TAP_ENTRIES.match(lines[0]):
+ lines.pop(0)
+def save_non_diagnositic(lines: List[str], test_case: TestCase) -> None:
+ while lines and not TAP_ENTRIES.match(lines[0]):
+ test_case.log.append(lines[0])
+ lines.pop(0)
+OkNotOkResult = namedtuple('OkNotOkResult', ['is_ok','description', 'text'])
+OK_NOT_OK_SUBTEST = re.compile(r'^\t(ok|not ok) [0-9]+ - (.*)$')
+OK_NOT_OK_MODULE = re.compile(r'^(ok|not ok) [0-9]+ - (.*)$')
+def parse_ok_not_ok_test_case(lines: List[str],
+ test_case: TestCase,
+ expecting_test_case: bool) -> bool:
+ save_non_diagnositic(lines, test_case)
+ if not lines:
+ if expecting_test_case:
+ test_case.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ line = lines[0]
+ match = OK_NOT_OK_SUBTEST.match(line)
+ if match:
+ test_case.log.append(lines.pop(0))
+ =
+ if test_case.status == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
+ return True
+ if == 'ok':
+ test_case.status = TestStatus.SUCCESS
+ else:
+ test_case.status = TestStatus.FAILURE
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+SUBTEST_DIAGNOSTIC = re.compile(r'^\t# .*?: (.*)$')
+DIAGNOSTIC_CRASH_MESSAGE = 'kunit test case crashed!'
+def parse_diagnostic(lines: List[str], test_case: TestCase) -> bool:
+ save_non_diagnositic(lines, test_case)
+ if not lines:
+ return False
+ line = lines[0]
+ match = SUBTEST_DIAGNOSTIC.match(line)
+ if match:
+ test_case.log.append(lines.pop(0))
+ test_case.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def parse_test_case(lines: List[str], expecting_test_case: bool) -> TestCase:
+ test_case = TestCase()
+ save_non_diagnositic(lines, test_case)
+ while parse_diagnostic(lines, test_case):
+ pass
+ if parse_ok_not_ok_test_case(lines, test_case, expecting_test_case):
+ return test_case
+ else:
+ return None
+SUBTEST_HEADER = re.compile(r'^\t# Subtest: (.*)$')
+def parse_subtest_header(lines: List[str]) -> str:
+ consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
+ if not lines:
+ return None
+ match = SUBTEST_HEADER.match(lines[0])
+ if match:
+ lines.pop(0)
+ return
+ else:
+ return None
+SUBTEST_PLAN = re.compile(r'\t[0-9]+\.\.([0-9]+)')
+def parse_subtest_plan(lines: List[str]) -> int:
+ consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
+ match = SUBTEST_PLAN.match(lines[0])
+ if match:
+ lines.pop(0)
+ return int(
+ else:
+ return None
+def max_status(left: TestStatus, right: TestStatus) -> TestStatus:
+ if left == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED or right == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
+ return TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
+ elif left == TestStatus.FAILURE or right == TestStatus.FAILURE:
+ return TestStatus.FAILURE
+ elif left != TestStatus.SUCCESS:
+ return left
+ elif right != TestStatus.SUCCESS:
+ return right
+ else:
+ return TestStatus.SUCCESS
+def parse_ok_not_ok_test_suite(lines: List[str], test_suite: TestSuite) -> bool:
+ consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
+ if not lines:
+ test_suite.status = TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED
+ return False
+ line = lines[0]
+ match = OK_NOT_OK_MODULE.match(line)
+ if match:
+ lines.pop(0)
+ if == 'ok':
+ test_suite.status = TestStatus.SUCCESS
+ else:
+ test_suite.status = TestStatus.FAILURE
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def bubble_up_errors(to_status, status_container_list) -> TestStatus:
+ status_list = map(to_status, status_container_list)
+ return reduce(max_status, status_list, TestStatus.SUCCESS)
+def bubble_up_test_case_errors(test_suite: TestSuite) -> TestStatus:
+ max_test_case_status = bubble_up_errors(lambda x: x.status, test_suite.cases)
+ return max_status(max_test_case_status, test_suite.status)
+def parse_test_suite(lines: List[str]) -> TestSuite:
+ if not lines:
+ return None
+ consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
+ test_suite = TestSuite()
+ test_suite.status = TestStatus.SUCCESS
+ name = parse_subtest_header(lines)
+ if not name:
+ return None
+ = name
+ expected_test_case_num = parse_subtest_plan(lines)
+ if not expected_test_case_num:
+ return None
+ test_case = parse_test_case(lines, expected_test_case_num > 0)
+ expected_test_case_num -= 1
+ while test_case:
+ test_suite.cases.append(test_case)
+ test_case = parse_test_case(lines, expected_test_case_num > 0)
+ expected_test_case_num -= 1
+ if parse_ok_not_ok_test_suite(lines, test_suite):
+ test_suite.status = bubble_up_test_case_errors(test_suite)
+ return test_suite
+ elif not lines:
+ print_with_timestamp(red('[ERROR] ') + 'ran out of lines before end token')
+ return test_suite
+ else:
+ print('failed to parse end of suite' + lines[0])
+ return None
+TAP_HEADER = re.compile(r'^TAP version 14$')
+def parse_tap_header(lines: List[str]) -> bool:
+ consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
+ if TAP_HEADER.match(lines[0]):
+ lines.pop(0)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def bubble_up_suite_errors(test_suite_list: List[TestSuite]) -> TestStatus:
+ return bubble_up_errors(lambda x: x.status, test_suite_list)
+def parse_test_result(lines: List[str]) -> TestResult:
+ if not lines:
+ return TestResult(TestStatus.NO_TESTS, [], lines)
+ consume_non_diagnositic(lines)
+ if not parse_tap_header(lines):
+ return None
+ test_suites = []
+ test_suite = parse_test_suite(lines)
+ while test_suite:
+ test_suites.append(test_suite)
+ test_suite = parse_test_suite(lines)
+ return TestResult(bubble_up_suite_errors(test_suites), test_suites, lines)
+def parse_run_tests(kernel_output) -> TestResult:
+ total_tests = 0
+ failed_tests = 0
+ crashed_tests = 0
+ test_result = parse_test_result(list(isolate_kunit_output(kernel_output)))
+ for test_suite in test_result.suites:
+ if test_suite.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS:
+ print_suite_divider(green('[PASSED] ') +
+ elif test_suite.status == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
+ print_suite_divider(red('[CRASHED] ' +
+ else:
+ print_suite_divider(red('[FAILED] ') +
+ for test_case in test_suite.cases:
+ total_tests += 1
+ if test_case.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS:
+ print_with_timestamp(green('[PASSED] ') +
+ elif test_case.status == TestStatus.TEST_CRASHED:
+ crashed_tests += 1
+ print_with_timestamp(red('[CRASHED] ' +
+ print_log(map(yellow, test_case.log))
+ print_with_timestamp('')
+ else:
+ failed_tests += 1
+ print_with_timestamp(red('[FAILED] ') +
+ print_log(map(yellow, test_case.log))
+ print_with_timestamp('')
+ print_with_timestamp(DIVIDER)
+ fmt = green if test_result.status == TestStatus.SUCCESS else red
+ print_with_timestamp(
+ fmt('Testing complete. %d tests run. %d failed. %d crashed.' %
+ (total_tests, failed_tests, crashed_tests)))
+ return test_result