/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Nir Tzachar 0) win_rows = msg_lines+4; else win_rows = msg_lines+2; win = newwin(win_rows, total_width+4, y, x); keypad(win, TRUE); menu_win = derwin(win, 1, btns_width, win_rows-2, 1+(total_width+2-btns_width)/2); menu = new_menu(btns); msg_win = derwin(win, win_rows-2, msg_width, 1, 1+(total_width+2-msg_width)/2); set_menu_fore(menu, attributes[DIALOG_MENU_FORE]); set_menu_back(menu, attributes[DIALOG_MENU_BACK]); (void) wattrset(win, attributes[DIALOG_BOX]); box(win, 0, 0); /* print message */ (void) wattrset(msg_win, attributes[DIALOG_TEXT]); fill_window(msg_win, msg); set_menu_win(menu, win); set_menu_sub(menu, menu_win); set_menu_format(menu, 1, btn_num); menu_opts_off(menu, O_SHOWDESC); menu_opts_off(menu, O_SHOWMATCH); menu_opts_on(menu, O_ONEVALUE); menu_opts_on(menu, O_NONCYCLIC); set_menu_mark(menu, ""); post_menu(menu); touchwin(win); refresh_all_windows(main_window); while ((res = wgetch(win))) { switch (res) { case KEY_LEFT: menu_driver(menu, REQ_LEFT_ITEM); break; case KEY_RIGHT: menu_driver(menu, REQ_RIGHT_ITEM); break; case 10: /* ENTER */ case 27: /* ESCAPE */ case ' ': case KEY_F(F_BACK): case KEY_F(F_EXIT): break; } touchwin(win); refresh_all_windows(main_window); if (res == 10 || res == ' ') { res = item_index(current_item(menu)); break; } else if (res == 27 || res == KEY_F(F_BACK) || res == KEY_F(F_EXIT)) { res = KEY_EXIT; break; } } unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); for (i = 0; i < btn_num; i++) free_item(btns[i]); delwin(win); return res; } int dialog_inputbox(WINDOW *main_window, const char *title, const char *prompt, const char *init, char *result, int result_len) { int prompt_lines = 0; int prompt_width = 0; WINDOW *win; WINDOW *prompt_win; WINDOW *form_win; PANEL *panel; int i, x, y; int res = -1; int cursor_position = strlen(init); /* find the widest line of msg: */ prompt_lines = get_line_no(prompt); for (i = 0; i < prompt_lines; i++) { const char *line = get_line(prompt, i); int len = get_line_length(line); prompt_width = max(prompt_width, len); } if (title) prompt_width = max(prompt_width, strlen(title)); /* place dialog in middle of screen */ y = (LINES-(prompt_lines+4))/2; x = (COLS-(prompt_width+4))/2; strncpy(result, init, result_len); /* create the windows */ win = newwin(prompt_lines+6, prompt_width+7, y, x); prompt_win = derwin(win, prompt_lines+1, prompt_width, 2, 2); form_win = derwin(win, 1, prompt_width, prompt_lines+3, 2); keypad(form_win, TRUE); (void) wattrset(form_win, attributes[INPUT_FIELD]); (void) wattrset(win, attributes[INPUT_BOX]); box(win, 0, 0); (void) wattrset(win, attributes[INPUT_HEADING]); if (title) mvwprintw(win, 0, 3, "%s", title); /* print message */ (void) wattrset(prompt_win, attributes[INPUT_TEXT]); fill_window(prompt_win, prompt); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%*s", prompt_width, " "); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%s", result); /* create panels */ panel = new_panel(win); /* show the cursor */ curs_set(1); touchwin(win); refresh_all_windows(main_window); while ((res = wgetch(form_win))) { int len = strlen(result); switch (res) { case 10: /* ENTER */ case 27: /* ESCAPE */ case KEY_F(F_HELP): case KEY_F(F_EXIT): case KEY_F(F_BACK): break; case 127: case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (cursor_position > 0) { memmove(&result[cursor_position-1], &result[cursor_position], len-cursor_position+1); cursor_position--; } break; case KEY_DC: if (cursor_position >= 0 && cursor_position < len) { memmove(&result[cursor_position], &result[cursor_position+1], len-cursor_position+1); } break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_RIGHT: if (cursor_position < len && cursor_position < min(result_len, prompt_width)) cursor_position++; break; case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: if (cursor_position > 0) cursor_position--; break; default: if ((isgraph(res) || isspace(res)) && len-2 < result_len) { /* insert the char at the proper position */ memmove(&result[cursor_position+1], &result[cursor_position], len+1); result[cursor_position] = res; cursor_position++; } else { mvprintw(0, 0, "unknown key: %d\n", res); } break; } wmove(form_win, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(form_win); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%*s", prompt_width, " "); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%s", result); wmove(form_win, 0, cursor_position); touchwin(win); refresh_all_windows(main_window); if (res == 10) { res = 0; break; } else if (res == 27 || res == KEY_F(F_BACK) || res == KEY_F(F_EXIT)) { res = KEY_EXIT; break; } else if (res == KEY_F(F_HELP)) { res = 1; break; } } /* hide the cursor */ curs_set(0); del_panel(panel); delwin(prompt_win); delwin(form_win); delwin(win); return res; } /* refresh all windows in the correct order */ void refresh_all_windows(WINDOW *main_window) { update_panels(); touchwin(main_window); refresh(); } /* layman's scrollable window... */ void show_scroll_win(WINDOW *main_window, const char *title, const char *text) { int res; int total_lines = get_line_no(text); int x, y; int start_x = 0, start_y = 0; int text_lines = 0, text_cols = 0; int total_cols = 0; int win_cols = 0; int win_lines = 0; int i = 0; WINDOW *win; WINDOW *pad; PANEL *panel; /* find the widest line of msg: */ total_lines = get_line_no(text); for (i = 0; i < total_lines; i++) { const char *line = get_line(text, i); int len = get_line_length(line); total_cols = max(total_cols, len+2); } /* create the pad */ pad = newpad(total_lines+10, total_cols+10); (void) wattrset(pad, attributes[SCROLLWIN_TEXT]); fill_window(pad, text); win_lines = min(total_lines+4, LINES-2); win_cols = min(total_cols+2, COLS-2); text_lines = max(win_lines-4, 0); text_cols = max(win_cols-2, 0); /* place window in middle of screen */ y = (LINES-win_lines)/2; x = (COLS-win_cols)/2; win = newwin(win_lines, win_cols, y, x); keypad(win, TRUE); /* show the help in the help window, and show the help panel */ (void) wattrset(win, attributes[SCROLLWIN_BOX]); box(win, 0, 0); (void) wattrset(win, attributes[SCROLLWIN_HEADING]); mvwprintw(win, 0, 3, " %s ", title); panel = new_panel(win); /* handle scrolling */ do { copywin(pad, win, start_y, start_x, 2, 2, text_lines, text_cols, 0); print_in_middle(win, text_lines+2, 0, text_cols, "", attributes[DIALOG_MENU_FORE]); wrefresh(win); res = wgetch(win); switch (res) { case KEY_NPAGE: case ' ': start_y += text_lines-2; break; case KEY_PPAGE: start_y -= text_lines+2; break; case KEY_HOME: start_y = 0; break; case KEY_END: start_y = total_lines-text_lines; break; case KEY_DOWN: case 'j': start_y++; break; case KEY_UP: case 'k': start_y--; break; case KEY_LEFT: case 'h': start_x--; break; case KEY_RIGHT: case 'l': start_x++; break; } if (res == 10 || res == 27 || res == 'q' || res == KEY_F(F_BACK) || res == KEY_F(F_EXIT)) { break; } if (start_y < 0) start_y = 0; if (start_y >= total_lines-text_lines) start_y = total_lines-text_lines; if (start_x < 0) start_x = 0; if (start_x >= total_cols-text_cols) start_x = total_cols-text_cols; } while (res); del_panel(panel); delwin(win); refresh_all_windows(main_window); }