// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define OUTER_MAP_ENTRIES 10 static __u32 get_map_id_from_fd(int map_fd) { struct bpf_map_info map_info = {}; uint32_t info_len = sizeof(map_info); int ret; ret = bpf_map_get_info_by_fd(map_fd, &map_info, &info_len); CHECK(ret < 0, "Finding map info failed", "error:%s\n", strerror(errno)); return map_info.id; } /* This creates number of OUTER_MAP_ENTRIES maps that will be stored * in outer map and return the created map_fds */ static void create_inner_maps(enum bpf_map_type map_type, __u32 *inner_map_fds) { int map_fd, map_index, ret; __u32 map_key = 0, map_id; char map_name[15]; for (map_index = 0; map_index < OUTER_MAP_ENTRIES; map_index++) { memset(map_name, 0, sizeof(map_name)); sprintf(map_name, "inner_map_fd_%d", map_index); map_fd = bpf_map_create(map_type, map_name, sizeof(__u32), sizeof(__u32), 1, NULL); CHECK(map_fd < 0, "inner bpf_map_create() failed", "map_type=(%d) map_name(%s), error:%s\n", map_type, map_name, strerror(errno)); /* keep track of the inner map fd as it is required * to add records in outer map */ inner_map_fds[map_index] = map_fd; /* Add entry into this created map * eg: map1 key = 0, value = map1's map id * map2 key = 0, value = map2's map id */ map_id = get_map_id_from_fd(map_fd); ret = bpf_map_update_elem(map_fd, &map_key, &map_id, 0); CHECK(ret != 0, "bpf_map_update_elem failed", "map_type=(%d) map_name(%s), error:%s\n", map_type, map_name, strerror(errno)); } } static int create_outer_map(enum bpf_map_type map_type, __u32 inner_map_fd) { int outer_map_fd; LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_map_create_opts, attr); attr.inner_map_fd = inner_map_fd; outer_map_fd = bpf_map_create(map_type, "outer_map", sizeof(__u32), sizeof(__u32), OUTER_MAP_ENTRIES, &attr); CHECK(outer_map_fd < 0, "outer bpf_map_create()", "map_type=(%d), error:%s\n", map_type, strerror(errno)); return outer_map_fd; } static void validate_fetch_results(int outer_map_fd, __u32 *fetched_keys, __u32 *fetched_values, __u32 max_entries_fetched) { __u32 inner_map_key, inner_map_value; int inner_map_fd, entry, err; __u32 outer_map_value; for (entry = 0; entry < max_entries_fetched; ++entry) { outer_map_value = fetched_values[entry]; inner_map_fd = bpf_map_get_fd_by_id(outer_map_value); CHECK(inner_map_fd < 0, "Failed to get inner map fd", "from id(%d), error=%s\n", outer_map_value, strerror(errno)); err = bpf_map_get_next_key(inner_map_fd, NULL, &inner_map_key); CHECK(err != 0, "Failed to get inner map key", "error=%s\n", strerror(errno)); err = bpf_map_lookup_elem(inner_map_fd, &inner_map_key, &inner_map_value); close(inner_map_fd); CHECK(err != 0, "Failed to get inner map value", "for key(%d), error=%s\n", inner_map_key, strerror(errno)); /* Actual value validation */ CHECK(outer_map_value != inner_map_value, "Failed to validate inner map value", "fetched(%d) and lookedup(%d)!\n", outer_map_value, inner_map_value); } } static void fetch_and_validate(int outer_map_fd, struct bpf_map_batch_opts *opts, __u32 batch_size, bool delete_entries) { __u32 *fetched_keys, *fetched_values, total_fetched = 0; __u32 batch_key = 0, fetch_count, step_size; int err, max_entries = OUTER_MAP_ENTRIES; __u32 value_size = sizeof(__u32); /* Total entries needs to be fetched */ fetched_keys = calloc(max_entries, value_size); fetched_values = calloc(max_entries, value_size); CHECK((!fetched_keys || !fetched_values), "Memory allocation failed for fetched_keys or fetched_values", "error=%s\n", strerror(errno)); for (step_size = batch_size; step_size <= max_entries; step_size += batch_size) { fetch_count = step_size; err = delete_entries ? bpf_map_lookup_and_delete_batch(outer_map_fd, total_fetched ? &batch_key : NULL, &batch_key, fetched_keys + total_fetched, fetched_values + total_fetched, &fetch_count, opts) : bpf_map_lookup_batch(outer_map_fd, total_fetched ? &batch_key : NULL, &batch_key, fetched_keys + total_fetched, fetched_values + total_fetched, &fetch_count, opts); if (err && errno == ENOSPC) { /* Fetch again with higher batch size */ total_fetched = 0; continue; } CHECK((err < 0 && (errno != ENOENT)), "lookup with steps failed", "error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Update the total fetched number */ total_fetched += fetch_count; if (err) break; } CHECK((total_fetched != max_entries), "Unable to fetch expected entries !", "total_fetched(%d) and max_entries(%d) error: (%d):%s\n", total_fetched, max_entries, errno, strerror(errno)); /* validate the fetched entries */ validate_fetch_results(outer_map_fd, fetched_keys, fetched_values, total_fetched); printf("batch_op(%s) is successful with batch_size(%d)\n", delete_entries ? "LOOKUP_AND_DELETE" : "LOOKUP", batch_size); free(fetched_keys); free(fetched_values); } static void _map_in_map_batch_ops(enum bpf_map_type outer_map_type, enum bpf_map_type inner_map_type) { __u32 *outer_map_keys, *inner_map_fds; __u32 max_entries = OUTER_MAP_ENTRIES; LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_map_batch_opts, opts); __u32 value_size = sizeof(__u32); int batch_size[2] = {5, 10}; __u32 map_index, op_index; int outer_map_fd, ret; outer_map_keys = calloc(max_entries, value_size); inner_map_fds = calloc(max_entries, value_size); CHECK((!outer_map_keys || !inner_map_fds), "Memory allocation failed for outer_map_keys or inner_map_fds", "error=%s\n", strerror(errno)); create_inner_maps(inner_map_type, inner_map_fds); outer_map_fd = create_outer_map(outer_map_type, *inner_map_fds); /* create outer map keys */ for (map_index = 0; map_index < max_entries; map_index++) outer_map_keys[map_index] = ((outer_map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_MAPS) ? 9 : 1000) - map_index; /* batch operation - map_update */ ret = bpf_map_update_batch(outer_map_fd, outer_map_keys, inner_map_fds, &max_entries, &opts); CHECK(ret != 0, "Failed to update the outer map batch ops", "error=%s\n", strerror(errno)); /* batch operation - map_lookup */ for (op_index = 0; op_index < 2; ++op_index) fetch_and_validate(outer_map_fd, &opts, batch_size[op_index], false); /* batch operation - map_lookup_delete */ if (outer_map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH_OF_MAPS) fetch_and_validate(outer_map_fd, &opts, max_entries, true /*delete*/); /* close all map fds */ for (map_index = 0; map_index < max_entries; map_index++) close(inner_map_fds[map_index]); close(outer_map_fd); free(inner_map_fds); free(outer_map_keys); } void test_map_in_map_batch_ops_array(void) { _map_in_map_batch_ops(BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_MAPS, BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY); printf("%s:PASS with inner ARRAY map\n", __func__); _map_in_map_batch_ops(BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_MAPS, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH); printf("%s:PASS with inner HASH map\n", __func__); } void test_map_in_map_batch_ops_hash(void) { _map_in_map_batch_ops(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH_OF_MAPS, BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY); printf("%s:PASS with inner ARRAY map\n", __func__); _map_in_map_batch_ops(BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH_OF_MAPS, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH); printf("%s:PASS with inner HASH map\n", __func__); }