// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat Inc, Daniel Bristot de Oliveira */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "osnoise.h" #include "utils.h" enum osnoise_mode { MODE_OSNOISE = 0, MODE_HWNOISE }; /* * osnoise top parameters */ struct osnoise_top_params { char *cpus; cpu_set_t monitored_cpus; char *trace_output; char *cgroup_name; unsigned long long runtime; unsigned long long period; long long threshold; long long stop_us; long long stop_total_us; int sleep_time; int duration; int quiet; int set_sched; int cgroup; int hk_cpus; int warmup; int buffer_size; cpu_set_t hk_cpu_set; struct sched_attr sched_param; struct trace_events *events; enum osnoise_mode mode; }; struct osnoise_top_cpu { unsigned long long sum_runtime; unsigned long long sum_noise; unsigned long long max_noise; unsigned long long max_sample; unsigned long long hw_count; unsigned long long nmi_count; unsigned long long irq_count; unsigned long long softirq_count; unsigned long long thread_count; int sum_cycles; }; struct osnoise_top_data { struct osnoise_top_cpu *cpu_data; int nr_cpus; }; /* * osnoise_free_top - free runtime data */ static void osnoise_free_top(struct osnoise_top_data *data) { free(data->cpu_data); free(data); } /* * osnoise_alloc_histogram - alloc runtime data */ static struct osnoise_top_data *osnoise_alloc_top(int nr_cpus) { struct osnoise_top_data *data; data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data)); if (!data) return NULL; data->nr_cpus = nr_cpus; /* one set of histograms per CPU */ data->cpu_data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data->cpu_data) * nr_cpus); if (!data->cpu_data) goto cleanup; return data; cleanup: osnoise_free_top(data); return NULL; } /* * osnoise_top_handler - this is the handler for osnoise tracer events */ static int osnoise_top_handler(struct trace_seq *s, struct tep_record *record, struct tep_event *event, void *context) { struct trace_instance *trace = context; struct osnoise_tool *tool; unsigned long long val; struct osnoise_top_cpu *cpu_data; struct osnoise_top_data *data; int cpu = record->cpu; tool = container_of(trace, struct osnoise_tool, trace); data = tool->data; cpu_data = &data->cpu_data[cpu]; cpu_data->sum_cycles++; tep_get_field_val(s, event, "runtime", record, &val, 1); update_sum(&cpu_data->sum_runtime, &val); tep_get_field_val(s, event, "noise", record, &val, 1); update_max(&cpu_data->max_noise, &val); update_sum(&cpu_data->sum_noise, &val); tep_get_field_val(s, event, "max_sample", record, &val, 1); update_max(&cpu_data->max_sample, &val); tep_get_field_val(s, event, "hw_count", record, &val, 1); update_sum(&cpu_data->hw_count, &val); tep_get_field_val(s, event, "nmi_count", record, &val, 1); update_sum(&cpu_data->nmi_count, &val); tep_get_field_val(s, event, "irq_count", record, &val, 1); update_sum(&cpu_data->irq_count, &val); tep_get_field_val(s, event, "softirq_count", record, &val, 1); update_sum(&cpu_data->softirq_count, &val); tep_get_field_val(s, event, "thread_count", record, &val, 1); update_sum(&cpu_data->thread_count, &val); return 0; } /* * osnoise_top_header - print the header of the tool output */ static void osnoise_top_header(struct osnoise_tool *top) { struct osnoise_top_params *params = top->params; struct trace_seq *s = top->trace.seq; char duration[26]; get_duration(top->start_time, duration, sizeof(duration)); trace_seq_printf(s, "\033[2;37;40m"); trace_seq_printf(s, " "); if (params->mode == MODE_OSNOISE) { trace_seq_printf(s, "Operating System Noise"); trace_seq_printf(s, " "); } else if (params->mode == MODE_HWNOISE) { trace_seq_printf(s, "Hardware-related Noise"); } trace_seq_printf(s, " "); trace_seq_printf(s, "\033[0;0;0m"); trace_seq_printf(s, "\n"); trace_seq_printf(s, "duration: %9s | time is in us\n", duration); trace_seq_printf(s, "\033[2;30;47m"); trace_seq_printf(s, "CPU Period Runtime "); trace_seq_printf(s, " Noise "); trace_seq_printf(s, " %% CPU Aval "); trace_seq_printf(s, " Max Noise Max Single "); trace_seq_printf(s, " HW NMI"); if (params->mode == MODE_HWNOISE) goto eol; trace_seq_printf(s, " IRQ Softirq Thread"); eol: trace_seq_printf(s, "\033[0;0;0m"); trace_seq_printf(s, "\n"); } /* * clear_terminal - clears the output terminal */ static void clear_terminal(struct trace_seq *seq) { if (!config_debug) trace_seq_printf(seq, "\033c"); } /* * osnoise_top_print - prints the output of a given CPU */ static void osnoise_top_print(struct osnoise_tool *tool, int cpu) { struct osnoise_top_params *params = tool->params; struct trace_seq *s = tool->trace.seq; struct osnoise_top_cpu *cpu_data; struct osnoise_top_data *data; int percentage; int decimal; data = tool->data; cpu_data = &data->cpu_data[cpu]; if (!cpu_data->sum_runtime) return; percentage = ((cpu_data->sum_runtime - cpu_data->sum_noise) * 10000000) / cpu_data->sum_runtime; decimal = percentage % 100000; percentage = percentage / 100000; trace_seq_printf(s, "%3d #%-6d %12llu ", cpu, cpu_data->sum_cycles, cpu_data->sum_runtime); trace_seq_printf(s, "%12llu ", cpu_data->sum_noise); trace_seq_printf(s, " %3d.%05d", percentage, decimal); trace_seq_printf(s, "%12llu %12llu", cpu_data->max_noise, cpu_data->max_sample); trace_seq_printf(s, "%12llu ", cpu_data->hw_count); trace_seq_printf(s, "%12llu ", cpu_data->nmi_count); if (params->mode == MODE_HWNOISE) { trace_seq_printf(s, "\n"); return; } trace_seq_printf(s, "%12llu ", cpu_data->irq_count); trace_seq_printf(s, "%12llu ", cpu_data->softirq_count); trace_seq_printf(s, "%12llu\n", cpu_data->thread_count); } /* * osnoise_print_stats - print data for all cpus */ static void osnoise_print_stats(struct osnoise_top_params *params, struct osnoise_tool *top) { struct trace_instance *trace = &top->trace; static int nr_cpus = -1; int i; if (nr_cpus == -1) nr_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); if (!params->quiet) clear_terminal(trace->seq); osnoise_top_header(top); for (i = 0; i < nr_cpus; i++) { if (params->cpus && !CPU_ISSET(i, ¶ms->monitored_cpus)) continue; osnoise_top_print(top, i); } trace_seq_do_printf(trace->seq); trace_seq_reset(trace->seq); } /* * osnoise_top_usage - prints osnoise top usage message */ static void osnoise_top_usage(struct osnoise_top_params *params, char *usage) { int i; static const char * const msg[] = { " [-h] [-q] [-D] [-d s] [-a us] [-p us] [-r us] [-s us] [-S us] \\", " [-T us] [-t[file]] [-e sys[:event]] [--filter ] [--trigger ] \\", " [-c cpu-list] [-H cpu-list] [-P priority] [-C[=cgroup_name]] [--warm-up s]", "", " -h/--help: print this menu", " -a/--auto: set automatic trace mode, stopping the session if argument in us sample is hit", " -p/--period us: osnoise period in us", " -r/--runtime us: osnoise runtime in us", " -s/--stop us: stop trace if a single sample is higher than the argument in us", " -S/--stop-total us: stop trace if the total sample is higher than the argument in us", " -T/--threshold us: the minimum delta to be considered a noise", " -c/--cpus cpu-list: list of cpus to run osnoise threads", " -H/--house-keeping cpus: run rtla control threads only on the given cpus", " -C/--cgroup[=cgroup_name]: set cgroup, if no cgroup_name is passed, the rtla's cgroup will be inherited", " -d/--duration time[s|m|h|d]: duration of the session", " -D/--debug: print debug info", " -t/--trace[file]: save the stopped trace to [file|osnoise_trace.txt]", " -e/--event : enable the in the trace instance, multiple -e are allowed", " --filter : enable a trace event filter to the previous -e event", " --trigger : enable a trace event trigger to the previous -e event", " -q/--quiet print only a summary at the end", " -P/--priority o:prio|r:prio|f:prio|d:runtime:period : set scheduling parameters", " o:prio - use SCHED_OTHER with prio", " r:prio - use SCHED_RR with prio", " f:prio - use SCHED_FIFO with prio", " d:runtime[us|ms|s]:period[us|ms|s] - use SCHED_DEADLINE with runtime and period", " in nanoseconds", " --warm-up s: let the workload run for s seconds before collecting data", " --trace-buffer-size kB: set the per-cpu trace buffer size in kB", NULL, }; if (usage) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", usage); if (params->mode == MODE_OSNOISE) { fprintf(stderr, "rtla osnoise top: a per-cpu summary of the OS noise (version %s)\n", VERSION); fprintf(stderr, " usage: rtla osnoise [top]"); } if (params->mode == MODE_HWNOISE) { fprintf(stderr, "rtla hwnoise: a summary of hardware-related noise (version %s)\n", VERSION); fprintf(stderr, " usage: rtla hwnoise"); } for (i = 0; msg[i]; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg[i]); if (usage) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* * osnoise_top_parse_args - allocs, parse and fill the cmd line parameters */ struct osnoise_top_params *osnoise_top_parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { struct osnoise_top_params *params; struct trace_events *tevent; int retval; int c; params = calloc(1, sizeof(*params)); if (!params) exit(1); if (strcmp(argv[0], "hwnoise") == 0) { params->mode = MODE_HWNOISE; /* * Reduce CPU usage for 75% to avoid killing the system. */ params->runtime = 750000; params->period = 1000000; } while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"auto", required_argument, 0, 'a'}, {"cpus", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"cgroup", optional_argument, 0, 'C'}, {"debug", no_argument, 0, 'D'}, {"duration", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"event", required_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"house-keeping", required_argument, 0, 'H'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"period", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"priority", required_argument, 0, 'P'}, {"quiet", no_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"runtime", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"stop", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"stop-total", required_argument, 0, 'S'}, {"threshold", required_argument, 0, 'T'}, {"trace", optional_argument, 0, 't'}, {"trigger", required_argument, 0, '0'}, {"filter", required_argument, 0, '1'}, {"warm-up", required_argument, 0, '2'}, {"trace-buffer-size", required_argument, 0, '3'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */ int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "a:c:C::d:De:hH:p:P:qr:s:S:t::T:0:1:2:3:", long_options, &option_index); /* Detect the end of the options. */ if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'a': /* set sample stop to auto_thresh */ params->stop_us = get_llong_from_str(optarg); /* set sample threshold to 1 */ params->threshold = 1; /* set trace */ params->trace_output = "osnoise_trace.txt"; break; case 'c': retval = parse_cpu_set(optarg, ¶ms->monitored_cpus); if (retval) osnoise_top_usage(params, "\nInvalid -c cpu list\n"); params->cpus = optarg; break; case 'C': params->cgroup = 1; if (!optarg) { /* will inherit this cgroup */ params->cgroup_name = NULL; } else if (*optarg == '=') { /* skip the = */ params->cgroup_name = ++optarg; } break; case 'D': config_debug = 1; break; case 'd': params->duration = parse_seconds_duration(optarg); if (!params->duration) osnoise_top_usage(params, "Invalid -D duration\n"); break; case 'e': tevent = trace_event_alloc(optarg); if (!tevent) { err_msg("Error alloc trace event"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (params->events) tevent->next = params->events; params->events = tevent; break; case 'h': case '?': osnoise_top_usage(params, NULL); break; case 'H': params->hk_cpus = 1; retval = parse_cpu_set(optarg, ¶ms->hk_cpu_set); if (retval) { err_msg("Error parsing house keeping CPUs\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'p': params->period = get_llong_from_str(optarg); if (params->period > 10000000) osnoise_top_usage(params, "Period longer than 10 s\n"); break; case 'P': retval = parse_prio(optarg, ¶ms->sched_param); if (retval == -1) osnoise_top_usage(params, "Invalid -P priority"); params->set_sched = 1; break; case 'q': params->quiet = 1; break; case 'r': params->runtime = get_llong_from_str(optarg); if (params->runtime < 100) osnoise_top_usage(params, "Runtime shorter than 100 us\n"); break; case 's': params->stop_us = get_llong_from_str(optarg); break; case 'S': params->stop_total_us = get_llong_from_str(optarg); break; case 't': if (optarg) { if (optarg[0] == '=') params->trace_output = &optarg[1]; else params->trace_output = &optarg[0]; } else if (optind < argc && argv[optind][0] != '-') params->trace_output = argv[optind]; else params->trace_output = "osnoise_trace.txt"; break; case 'T': params->threshold = get_llong_from_str(optarg); break; case '0': /* trigger */ if (params->events) { retval = trace_event_add_trigger(params->events, optarg); if (retval) { err_msg("Error adding trigger %s\n", optarg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { osnoise_top_usage(params, "--trigger requires a previous -e\n"); } break; case '1': /* filter */ if (params->events) { retval = trace_event_add_filter(params->events, optarg); if (retval) { err_msg("Error adding filter %s\n", optarg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { osnoise_top_usage(params, "--filter requires a previous -e\n"); } break; case '2': params->warmup = get_llong_from_str(optarg); break; case '3': params->buffer_size = get_llong_from_str(optarg); break; default: osnoise_top_usage(params, "Invalid option"); } } if (geteuid()) { err_msg("osnoise needs root permission\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return params; } /* * osnoise_top_apply_config - apply the top configs to the initialized tool */ static int osnoise_top_apply_config(struct osnoise_tool *tool, struct osnoise_top_params *params) { int retval; if (!params->sleep_time) params->sleep_time = 1; if (params->cpus) { retval = osnoise_set_cpus(tool->context, params->cpus); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to apply CPUs config\n"); goto out_err; } } if (params->runtime || params->period) { retval = osnoise_set_runtime_period(tool->context, params->runtime, params->period); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to set runtime and/or period\n"); goto out_err; } } if (params->stop_us) { retval = osnoise_set_stop_us(tool->context, params->stop_us); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to set stop us\n"); goto out_err; } } if (params->stop_total_us) { retval = osnoise_set_stop_total_us(tool->context, params->stop_total_us); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to set stop total us\n"); goto out_err; } } if (params->threshold) { retval = osnoise_set_tracing_thresh(tool->context, params->threshold); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to set tracing_thresh\n"); goto out_err; } } if (params->mode == MODE_HWNOISE) { retval = osnoise_set_irq_disable(tool->context, 1); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to set OSNOISE_IRQ_DISABLE option\n"); goto out_err; } } if (params->hk_cpus) { retval = sched_setaffinity(getpid(), sizeof(params->hk_cpu_set), ¶ms->hk_cpu_set); if (retval == -1) { err_msg("Failed to set rtla to the house keeping CPUs\n"); goto out_err; } } else if (params->cpus) { /* * Even if the user do not set a house-keeping CPU, try to * move rtla to a CPU set different to the one where the user * set the workload to run. * * No need to check results as this is an automatic attempt. */ auto_house_keeping(¶ms->monitored_cpus); } return 0; out_err: return -1; } /* * osnoise_init_top - initialize a osnoise top tool with parameters */ struct osnoise_tool *osnoise_init_top(struct osnoise_top_params *params) { struct osnoise_tool *tool; int nr_cpus; nr_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF); tool = osnoise_init_tool("osnoise_top"); if (!tool) return NULL; tool->data = osnoise_alloc_top(nr_cpus); if (!tool->data) goto out_err; tool->params = params; tep_register_event_handler(tool->trace.tep, -1, "ftrace", "osnoise", osnoise_top_handler, NULL); return tool; out_err: osnoise_free_top(tool->data); osnoise_destroy_tool(tool); return NULL; } static int stop_tracing; static void stop_top(int sig) { stop_tracing = 1; } /* * osnoise_top_set_signals - handles the signal to stop the tool */ static void osnoise_top_set_signals(struct osnoise_top_params *params) { signal(SIGINT, stop_top); if (params->duration) { signal(SIGALRM, stop_top); alarm(params->duration); } } int osnoise_top_main(int argc, char **argv) { struct osnoise_top_params *params; struct osnoise_tool *record = NULL; struct osnoise_tool *tool = NULL; struct trace_instance *trace; int return_value = 1; int retval; params = osnoise_top_parse_args(argc, argv); if (!params) exit(1); tool = osnoise_init_top(params); if (!tool) { err_msg("Could not init osnoise top\n"); goto out_exit; } retval = osnoise_top_apply_config(tool, params); if (retval) { err_msg("Could not apply config\n"); goto out_free; } trace = &tool->trace; retval = enable_osnoise(trace); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to enable osnoise tracer\n"); goto out_free; } if (params->set_sched) { retval = set_comm_sched_attr("osnoise/", ¶ms->sched_param); if (retval) { err_msg("Failed to set sched parameters\n"); goto out_free; } } if (params->cgroup) { retval = set_comm_cgroup("osnoise/", params->cgroup_name); if (!retval) { err_msg("Failed to move threads to cgroup\n"); goto out_free; } } if (params->trace_output) { record = osnoise_init_trace_tool("osnoise"); if (!record) { err_msg("Failed to enable the trace instance\n"); goto out_free; } if (params->events) { retval = trace_events_enable(&record->trace, params->events); if (retval) goto out_top; } if (params->buffer_size > 0) { retval = trace_set_buffer_size(&record->trace, params->buffer_size); if (retval) goto out_top; } } /* * Start the tracer here, after having set all instances. * * Let the trace instance start first for the case of hitting a stop * tracing while enabling other instances. The trace instance is the * one with most valuable information. */ if (params->trace_output) trace_instance_start(&record->trace); trace_instance_start(trace); if (params->warmup > 0) { debug_msg("Warming up for %d seconds\n", params->warmup); sleep(params->warmup); if (stop_tracing) goto out_top; /* * Clean up the buffer. The osnoise workload do not run * with tracing off to avoid creating a performance penalty * when not needed. */ retval = tracefs_instance_file_write(trace->inst, "trace", ""); if (retval < 0) { debug_msg("Error cleaning up the buffer"); goto out_top; } } tool->start_time = time(NULL); osnoise_top_set_signals(params); while (!stop_tracing) { sleep(params->sleep_time); retval = tracefs_iterate_raw_events(trace->tep, trace->inst, NULL, 0, collect_registered_events, trace); if (retval < 0) { err_msg("Error iterating on events\n"); goto out_top; } if (!params->quiet) osnoise_print_stats(params, tool); if (trace_is_off(&tool->trace, &record->trace)) break; } osnoise_print_stats(params, tool); return_value = 0; if (trace_is_off(&tool->trace, &record->trace)) { printf("osnoise hit stop tracing\n"); if (params->trace_output) { printf(" Saving trace to %s\n", params->trace_output); save_trace_to_file(record->trace.inst, params->trace_output); } } out_top: trace_events_destroy(&record->trace, params->events); params->events = NULL; out_free: osnoise_free_top(tool->data); osnoise_destroy_tool(record); osnoise_destroy_tool(tool); free(params); out_exit: exit(return_value); }